Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Dream Last Night (persons part of harming my son)

I had a dream last night where I woke up and saw a face (today in public) similiar or almost exact to the one I saw in my dream.

This person was not necessarily harming my son in the dream, but what the dream showed me was that if I'm dreaming of people before I ever meet them, this is either someone else's intended projection through malicious psychic work (most likely govt. or higher rank connected) or it is a warning of some kind that is natural.

I saw my son's back and in the dream, he had been tortured. There were cuts and scars and scabs and scars all over him and then I saw his face and he had been punched in the face because when I looked more closely, I noticed his eyes were not the same and it was not even his eyes.

It was some kind of intimidating dream where the intent was to scare me off but I didn't do anything or say anything about it until I saw the same face today.

Except this other face was that of a man, in reality and in the dream, it was the same face, but a little boy.

It went from my son and being about my son to noticing my son's face had changed and being told it was punched in.

The man I saw today was Jewish. I am almost 100% positive but I may be off a little bit. I felt intuitively that he was as well.

What this said to me, is that if I am seeing specific faces, just as they are, it is because they themselves play a significant role in my life and the life of my son. It wasn't blurry. It was precise.

To me, this begins to point at people who are very involved in psychic work or intelligence.

In the dream it was my son until I saw the face and I looked and saw this blond boy with his eyes extremely close-set together. Very much so, more than even normal for close set. Sort of a medium to larger nose. Not pointy or super broad but sort of roman without the bump in nature. I saw his exact shade of hair, his eyes exactly, and when I saw his eyes like that I thought in my dream, "They punched him in the face" because they were no longer normal.

I do know my son has been punched in the face before, because he told me.

The entire dream was about my son being tortured.

Which is why the State of Washington doesn't want me to have visits with my own son. They would murder my son and take everything from him, because they would do what a normal State should do.

The people in charge, in Washington, do not have a backbone.

When I came to this hotel to type a minute, I saw a similiar face before I got in but it was different. It was this other man who I saw mid-day who was driving a yellow open 4 wheeler type of a work jeep, with another man. I asked him for directions at the corner of the street, on how to get to 6th. He was driving a work Tennessee little jeep type thing.

All these people staring and it was very staged.

The sad part is that I positively identified him then and there as being the same man who had been in the dream about my son being tortured.

Like I said, what this points out to me, is that it is high ranking people who have constructed what is going on with me and my son--the negative things and the torture. I'm not saying that man was high ranking--but I don't believe I would see this unless it is true that very serious forces decided to destroy me and my son's life too, and they used every possible tool they had, which included their best and top paid psychics and others, military and intel.

If you are ON my side, then why haven't you come forward?

You have allowed physical torture of me and my son and so far, no one is coming forward.

To me, that says you are not on my side.
aside from this, nothing else happened today of any significance, other than that I went to the Mason place because everything around me was closed and I needed to use a restroom. I looked all around and thought, okay I'll just go there. I got to the door and she said, "What is the word?" or something like that, asking for some password. I didn't know and she said to come back on Monday. Then the word "Mayflower" came to my mind, but unfortunately, I don't believe that's the password. It just came to my mind because probably either someone very good or very bad, made me think of it.


  1. what do you have against Jews? i read your blog a lot, and I don't understand why you seem to dislike or distrust people just because you think they are Jewish. I also think it is kind of racist that you assume someone is or isn't Jewish based on their looks...

  2. Hello Anonymous,

    If I dislike or mistrust certain persons, it's the cart before the horse. If the cart belongs to me, and is all over the place and being destroyed and has been pulled around by a certain team of horses, I want to know what kind of horses they are. It is not judging the horse first, with preconceived prejudice or any kind of ingrained or learned bigotry.

    It is in assessing what groups are responsible for some of the things that have happened to me and my son, and then finding the common links between those persons.

    For me, I harbor no bad feelings toward any nationality or religion. But when I find myself being attacked on all sides, and my son suffers, I have to figure out why this is and who may be involved and what would their motives be. Because if I have no motive for hatred, it is even more important for me to discover what the politics are, because I do not naturally know.

    I also find there is a secondary group--those who stand by while we are harmed and who do nothing to intercept, intercede, or give me information I need to prove things.

    Certain groups prize themselves and are renowned for having better intelligence than other groups. I then look at this group and assess exactly why then, this groups have had so much interest in ME personally but has been unwilling to share important information which would save us and spare us from greater harm.

    "You are either for me or against me" to quote a verse. I have too long been very complacent about allowing the idea to prevail that those close to me couldn't be against me. However, there are some who are much more experienced than I am in worldly matters, and I guess they knew collectively to keep close to me if they viewed me to be a threat or enemy for some reason. Others, are just users who want to continue using my son and I.

    I will explain more tomorrow. It's not a simple answer--it's much more complex than that and I will try to explain better later.

    The U.S. tops know. They get some of THEIR intel from Israel, so there is no way some of these people don't know.

    What is holding up the proper application of the LAW with regard to me and my son? Why the delays and stalling and blocking evidence?

    We are being used by one group, torn down for other reasons by another group, and this has gone on too long. Half the time, I've been drugged or medicated and then off of shit, and not even known about it and I'm supposed to act normally in this time? or be able to be myself and think about everything rationally?

    Which is why I have completely quit taking food or drink from anyone.

  3. Dear Anonymous,

    I submitted a very good response to your question but somehow my computer connection was disconnected for the first time today and it was lost so I will write my better response tomorrow.

