Monday, November 8, 2010

Suspects: Figured Out Something With Technology

The overheating thing is done remotely. I don't know what is used, but it's done from a distance.

I believe it's local too.

However, I think I may have figured out something else, which is not satellite and probably not from very far away either. I think it requires being inbetween 2 fixed points.

After the christian cafe place I went to a Quiznos and didn't have the overheating with the computer, that I noticed. But something else happened, that hurt my back and stomach and also my heart. Also, my pen was exploding more and leaking more, like it had been affected too. It was the same effect that I noticed from Total Travel today and when I had been there, without very good evidence, I had been wondering about if I was inbetween 2 kinds of equipment and being in that crosswire, was part of it.

I didn't know though.

Then, tonight, I was at Quiznos and it was happening. I have to say that when certain people left, the effect quit.

My pen first started leaking at the Total Travel when this happened to me. Then, it was really leaking, even more, when I was at Quiznos and feeling the same effect.

It had to be that I was inbetween these people at the Quiznos who had acknowleged one another in a familiar way, or if not, I suppose someone from the parking lot, and then if not that, satellite. Oh, and computer I guess, but the thing is, I have to rule that out bc this morning at Total Travel, I didn't have my laptop on at all.

There were people already at the Quiznos when I arrived. They expected me to be there.

I was leaving a cafe and had asked what time they closed and had wanted to continue with the computer and was in the middle of research. It is my habit to stay out of the house until late at night, and with nothing else to do in this town, I am on the computer. So anyone would have known I would go to the next place for internet.

I went to Quiznos where a woman was already there. There was another group at the other end. And someone earlier had noted where I set my things down when I am at Quiznos. Always the same place, and it was inbetween this woman and the family.

The woman told me she was from Yakima and Italian and studying to be a nurse. I thought she looked partly Hungarian but she said no, Italian. I noticed that she knew the family on the other side of me. I talked to them and their kid told me, with prompting from his grandma, that his bracelets were "Star Wars" bracelets.

And here I am, or was, in the middle of something. When the blond Italian nurse woman left, a different guy who was white took her place and stood over by the same table. His latina girlfriend was out in the car. I don't know if it's true, but if partly this is use of some kind of medical technology that someone who works in a medical field might need access to, this woman told me she was studying to be a nurse and that her family was in the medical field.

When they all had left, the effect was gone. So I thought, it WAS something they had coordinated, by the looks they all exchanged with one another, or it was a smokescreen for something else. But the blond Italian woman did not just know the one family on the other side of me--she knew the guy coming in to swap places with her at her formerly occupied table.

She drove a silver car with WA plates 179 ZMY.
The family on the other side of me comprised: a 5 yr. old boy with the "star wars" bracelets; a younger man who looked like his Dad; an older woman who looked like his grandma and an older man who looked like grandpa.
The Dad and boy got into a vehicle with plates: WA, A88141V,
Grandma got into an SUV with WA plates: E874,

The younger man with latina gf who swapped spots with the blond woman had WA plates:
888 ZUE

And then there was another guy who was present at the time, so I just documented which vehicle he got into but he was more in front of me, not really to either side. WA plates: 220 XRD.

The family with the boy stayed to the one side as the blond woman and then the next guy stood at the other side by the other table.

When they all left, the effect quit.

My lower back hurt and stomach and my heart was affected while I had talked to the blond woman and then when I was sitting inbetween these people. When she left, it still continued, with the next guy who nodded off and took her place.

When they all left, it quit.

So there is some indication they were involved. If they were not immediately involved with using something, they, I believe, were acting as part of a smokescreen and distractor from someone else or something else.

Then my internet quit and the blond woman had said something about how her great-grandpa went to ellis island on only 50 cents. I had this very clear indicator that she was saying this to me, and then the internet (which was from next door) cut out so that it would (hopefully, if their predictions were correct and they are The Gods) drive me next door, where I would presumably access internet and pay 50 cents for a shot of espresso as I did last time before buying a basket of bread.

So I went next door and did not get an espresso. I had coffee, with my own instant, and tipped the waitress.

I also said, when they said their internet was "down", I retorted, "No, it's not. It was just on next door and someone turned it off so I would come over here and use the internet here or buy a 50 cent shot of something, which I'm not doing and I know exactly what is going on."

They fixed it.

So, again, I cannot say that it was this group of people, but there are some indicators that they knew something was up, whether they were responsible or not. The "Star Wars" comment was a nice touch, I thought.
Then, this woman came in with her boyfriend and no problems. She said she worked at the Washington Trust Bank and I said, "I probably saw you there I guess, I went in one or 2 times." She said she didn't know and she worked there from such and such a time and I said, "Oh, I probably saw you then or you were working at that time because that's when I went in bc I remember the decorations there when I went in and I remember there was coffee out and I only had a cup of water." She said yes, she'd worked in that time period and I said, "My memory is sometimes very good." I remembered exactly what I did, what I had to drink and I was there only that one time and then for a brief second the second time and this was it. Never went in after that, and this was last year. Out of all the places I go to, every single day, I remembered, from a year ago, exactly what the decor was then for holidays and what I had done and had to drink.

I suppose now and then my memory is not good on some things, like any normal person. But, I think it can be noted, that I have an ability to retain information and there is no telling what kind of information that may be. Don't underestimate me "Alzheimers" Mockers.
I also saw this one woman at the coffee place today and knew or sensed she knew my cousins but I thought maybe it was because I'd talked to her about it before. But she told me, no, I never had and she had been there only 1 year. But I asked her, out of the blue, "Do you know my cousins?" when I don't usually ask the waitresses this. She said yes, she'd been very close to all of my cousins and went to their house all the time. She had been in Alita's grade.

I swear though, I thought I'd talked to her about this before because how would I know she knew them? but she said no, and if she's only been there a year, I think she's right, that I don't remember ever talking to her before, about this.

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