Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Lucky Day (finding a reeeel perrll) & My Cold Cure

I think this might be my lucky day.

First of all, I went to the health food store and found a gift certificate waiting for me there. Hooray!

Then I bought some things and as I was smearing jalapeno hummus onto these Ryvita crackers with slices of avocado, I noticed a lump in the hummus. I found one whole hummus bean intact. Which is not exactly like finding a pearl in the oysters or clams, but anyway.

I got clams too so we'll see...

With these crackers, I usually have my coffee with cream but I felt like something different and am drinking my coffee black with no sweetner or cream.

It's really good this way, with the hummus.

I made out okay with a $30 gift certificate. I got organic (everything was organic) eggs, milk, Ryvita crackers, avocado, clams, cheddar cheese, loose earl grey (now that I have my steel bag for steeping), Qbel peanut butter & belgium chocolate stacked wafer cookies, shredded beef burrito, and...mmm, that might be everything. Oh yeah, and the cilantro jalapeno hummus.
I also have to report that I was just about to get this horrific 2-month cold that everyone has been carrying around here, and it's terrible, and I was really feeling it about to start for one day and I tried the same thing I tried last time and it really worked!

I do not recommend this to everyone, so check with your doc if you have medical problems...

BUT, I was getting this kind of congestion and throat, cloudy head virus thing and I went to the store and purchased 3 habenero peppers.

I diced up one of them and swallowed all the pieces whole. The next day, I had habanero pepper #2.

The virus was KILLED in its tracks.

I also had a little salt water to go with the first one, which helped cool the heat, but I am going to run to the peppers instead of the cold medicine after this. At least to try to kill it in the beginning. I am literally not catching any colds this season, which is nice.

I had 2 close calls and dosed myself with habaneros or other peppers, garlic, and salt water.

It works for me at least. Those peppers kill everything. I learned not to rub my eyes after touching them though, because I almost gave myself an eye blister
I sort of wore the same thing I wore yesterday but I don't have a lot of wardrobe options. Wore a black turtleneck (fitted) with fitted dark jeans and my brown flat cowboy boots and then a red & black wool plaid over it. I didn't put my hair in curlers last night, as I'm planning to do more to do something with my hair that is too long to do anything else with except curl or tie up.

But I fell asleep, not being tortured last night while I tried to sleep, which was nice, again. All day I had things going on and my legs had swollen up with abnormal edema as a result.

So I slept well, showered, and just slicked my hair back, all of it, with a little pomade stuff and then hairspray and put it into a knot in the back, and instead of using a pen to hold it together, I decided to use a fork that was in my purse. It makes me think of the meaning "a royal fork", in all the various meanings and definitions, and I just thought I'd see if it worked to hold my hair up. It did!

So I stood there in front of the mirror, tight jeans, boots, tight black turtleneck and had my glasses on for a moment, with my hair like that and thought it looked very Sharon Stone. All I have to do is pull the fork out of my hair and attack.

I thought, "Does this say, 'FEED ME'"? and decided, nose in the air, no...if the Queen can wear bird feathers, feathers of a fowl, then I can DAMN NEER RIGHT WEAR a fucking FORK in mAH hair! Come on now, what's more country anyway? feathers or forks?

I made sure my fork wasn't poking out to the side where with a turn of my head I could poke an eye out.

If the Queen or Princess Anne shows up with a fork through their hair, then I'll really know I'm a trend-setter.

I thought about it for a minute...the royal fork? or a silver spoon? I went with the royal fork.

The knife was out.

The knife just says, "I am not discreet."

I wonder what it would look like to have a whole set of silverware in ones hair? I guess that might be French Catwalk.

I laughed with someone about where to find a miniature ice pick though. I said, "I think I would probably be arrested if I had an ice pick in my hair."

"Oh Vladdie! DOoo let's run away to Siberia and set up a confectionary! Plleeezzze."

(I have no idea why I wrote confectionary other than that I was eating my Qbels chocolate wafers at the moment)
I have to make some calls today (working up to it) and make further travel plans.

It is snowing wet snow here. I am not happy about it. I have to run to the South or something for the winter. I have to read the news today still, as well.
I am catching up. Read Obama news and Putin news (which is just my own personal curiosity bc I randomly connect sometimes, to him) and read Putin went to a hospital and inspecting health stuff...vladdie! do lets run to siberia and open a confectionary! um, anyway, that was for vladdie laddie, but just a random joke. I thought about the ice pick and then thought about this video I saw at russian church where someone was being baptised in Siberia after they cut out a huge piece of ice.

Let's make fudge and cotton candy in Siberia! We can ride it into Moscow on our snowmobile!

For some weird reason, when I joke re. Vladdie-laddie, it is like "all quiet on the western front." It's really strange. something serious sets in.

When I got "brushka" one time, it was still funny and I laughed and laughed about that one. But then when I gave him the honeybuns in a joke, something got serious. BUT! I am not sure why.
I just had another comment and compliment on my hair ornament (the fork). It's a real conversation starter. At least all the older ladies love it and have a big grin on their faces as they stand amazed that it works as something to hold hair up.

I got a chocolate bar that is belgian choco and also included a love poem. The love poem I got is:

From The Miller's Daugher
It is the miller's daughter,
And she is grown so dear, so dear,
That I would be the jewel
That trembles in her ear:
For hid in ringlets day and night,
I'd touch her neck so warm and white.

And I would be the girdle
About her dainty dainty waist,
And hr heart would beat against me,
In sorrow and in rest:
And I should know if it beat right,
I'd clasp it round so close and tight.

And I would be the necklace,
And all day long to fall and rise
Upon her balmy chest,
With her laughter or her sighs:
And I would lie so light, so light,
I scarce should be unclaspd at night.

--Alfred Lord Tennyson

I then tried looking up the story about the miller's daughter. I was deciding between milk chocolate and dark chocolate and went with milk. Milk is reputed to be best for moods, and increasing seratonin and dark is best for antioxidants and health in general. I went with the feel-good one for right now. So now I am looking up things Miller's daughter.

I'm finding it's correlated to rumplestitson. But something about a poor girl who spins straw into gold or makes a tapestry (which also makes me think of the Lady of Shalott). The wiki for Rumplestiltskin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumpelstiltskin.

I then found a movie clip, more of the poem, and canturbury tales as well as other titles. At any rate, I like this excerpt on its own. I didn't know that The Miller's Daughter is from or connected to Rumplestilstkin though. I guess that makes some sense.

I went to a random phrase generator but nothing was random. Not to be expected, random on computer, unless maybe going to a spot and then selecting something without looking, at ones own random discretion.

I did this and got Edgar Allan Poe. Was afraid to read it as he writes horror stories, but I didn't realize he writes poetry that is uplifting in general. It is called "A Dream":


I like the part about "truth's day-star" but there is so little truth with regard to my situation and what has been done to me and my son. I would like to have someone come forward and help me with description of the technology so I am able to get my son back. I feel some in the U.S. already know what's going on but they are not willing to share this. There should be no trouble at all, in having my son returned to me, if someone comes forward to help.


  1. Quick - more peppers and hummus.. that was your most coherent post in a long time, maybe your on to something?!

  2. Dear Anony,

    This post has nothing to do with coherence, today more than any other day unless you are among those trying to make a point that by illegally medicating me and dosing my food and drink with attended medical personnel watching after it is consumed, you are trying to claim there is something wrong with me.

    What I found interesting today, was how many medical persons came into the place where I had my lovely coffee this morning, and how certain medical persons have tried to monitor and observe what I eat and drink.

    My decision on what kind of content to write about has to do with choice, not with some kind of random unplanned course of thought that I have no control over.

    If I am writing about non-lethal weapons, it is coherent. The reason why it is not coherent to you is because you either wish to degrade the ability I have for articulation, or because you really are unable to comprehend the subject matter, which then becomes an issue of projection for your own inability to grasp certain ideas.

    I should add, one of the doctors, a Christopher, wasn't very happy when he saw me dumping out my drink when he was trying to monitor what I'd taken. The funny thing is that I couldn't see him. I knew there was a doctor watching me though, and having not had one sip of what was given to me, knowing there was something in it that I did not agree to, I dumped out the whole thing into the grass where this doctor could see that I had carried the contents, pretending to drink, for an hour and hadn't had hardly any of it.

    His reaction was to look disgruntled and pissed.

    I do not believe in people like this, and I am again realizing I am going to be forced to request political asylum because some people have gotten away with torturre, murder, and medication of me and my son and want to try to prove they are right, any means available. They are not right--they are criminals and they are corrupt.
