Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Michelle Obama: Hot Cat


This is a GREAT look for Michelle and I am partial to tasteful animal print (now and then) and there is a wrong way to do it and a right way, and she pulls off an entire dress with this print and looks amazing. I love it. And she looks gorgeous. There is a cup raised but her profile in this photo is very striking, I think.

I didn't know they were in Indonesia. My black coffee that I am having today, is from Indonesia. I just found out before I read this article. It's a blend of Indonesian and Central American beans. Called Double Diamond and roasted in Leavenworth.

I almost always have cream but today just want it black. The hummus was sort of rich and sweet in a way so it is a better complement this way. I think I should have bought more chocolate though. I had those wafers and want more.

Anyway, her dress has a little X on it and the same designs I'm facing right now.

So anyway, did I ever mention how I just want my kid back and to not be tortured? I have to make a call later today.

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