Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Americans Who Seek Political Asylum (& Judge Shea)


Here is an article I found, which shows it is not strange for U.S. citizens to seek political asylum. What is unfortunate is the way this article was written, to depict U.S. political asylum seekers as scrubs who are interested in the "posh benefits" of the UK political asylum seeker.

The photograph that is submitted with the article is totally misleading. Believe me, asylum seekers are not staying in accomodations like that.

That's just what I want. I want to go to be refused any work opportunity (as asylum seekers are refused work and not allowed to work like those who get Visas) and just sit on my ass in a little room on 35 pounds a week (which is what? $30 in American money, a week, which might pay for a bar of soap and some razors?)

It is good that there is housing and medical because true asylum seekers need this (and it's good and kind to provide this and no insult about the soap and razors, but the point is that no normal asylum seeker is going to leave U.S. welfare for more welfare), but no one in their right mind, who is able to work and is only being discriminated against and persecuted, wants to sit around and be a bum. I would guess part of the reason they left the U.S. is because others want to take their kids, kill them or harm them, or relugate them to being, in fact, no more than a bum.

If you notice, some of the people who were successful at getting asylum were women with their children, fleeing abuse, and why would they have to go to another country unless the U.S. was unwilling to protect them and their rights and the rights of their children? I believe that in the case of Holly Collins, she was going to be forced, by the U.S. to hand her kids over but she was able to argue the Justice System was whacked and that she could not get protection.

Which is not unsimiliar to what I did with my child.

I would like to know why my Immediate and Emergent Request for Preliminary Injunction is not being honored or even ruled on.

This is something that could have and should have been decided months ago. Instead, the Spokane courts have said it's under "consideration". What is there to consider? My son has a right to visit his mother and I had a right to public defense and to not be blocked from obtaining evidence for my defense.

This is CORRUPT.

I don't care if I was assigned an appellate attorney. That is not what comes next. What should be happening is that my Emergency Request for Preliminary Injunction should have been honored by a court, knowing that I made my request for a PUBLIC DFENDER and the right to defend, pro se.

It's simple.

We do not proceed to "appeal" when I protected my right to have an injunction to block my son from being adopted, when I filed an injunction to protect my right to a public defender for New Trial and for all proceedings in "Termination". I was denied and refused a lawyer when I have the right to one.

Instead, the courts and the U.S. federal government, instead of investigating corruption and crime, have allowed my son to go for 4 months without seeing his mother at all, in an attempt to further use and abuse him for their own interests and use me, and attempt to permanently break and disrupt his BOND with his mother.

Judge Shea should not be a U.S. federal Judge. I had lawyers in OREGON telling me to steer clear of him and now I'm wondering if this is why. This was before I moved to Oregon and I was talking about plans and commuting and I kept hearing that for my own interests, to avoid him. I didn't recuse him, hoping he would be an impartial judge and maybe whatever the issue could have been then wouldn't be one now.

I am sure that Judge Shea would be making everything flow according to justice if I were with my Ex from Colombia still. He is interested in swearing in brand new citizens into the country, but not in protecting the rights of a mother and child who are already here and who deserve, by law and as a right of that U.S. citizenship, to have the laws respected and upheld.

There is no excuse for what has happened.

I got 2 of the signed receipts for my mailed reports, which I sent to the U.S. AG and to the OPR. I have not received my return confirmation of my letter to The President. I don't know if they're still swabbing it for Anthrax or there's a backlog, but I expect to see responsibility from the U.S. in this matter.

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