Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wenatchee Running Scared (?) & Vladdie Dream

Here is what Wenatchee (and other power plays who want to control Wenatchee) looks like when they are scared they might lose "control" of me and that I may go somewhere and get accountability for them elsewhere:

They get police to circle around me, they get their guys out in anticipation of my making just one small mistake or any excuse at all for having a problem. The Pharisees are "in town" today, including Kyle Flick. Kyle Flick was roaming around with the Washington State Patrol people and keeping tabs on me a long time ago when I first had a problem with getting pulled over and something to do with my uncle. He wasn't being friendly to me even then and I had wondered why he was there when I was there. He himself has said there is a "conflict of interest" in representing me.

I mention Kyle Flick because he drove by, getting off about his buddy at Food Pavilion and the police from E. Wenatchee following me everywhere.

I was just thinking about some of the Jews in town who have deliberately caused problems for me, just last night:

Here is one very small example. There is this short stout man who is, I guess, a professor at the Wenatchee Valley College. I just put 2 & 2 together last night and realized he was the same Jewish guy who was at the 1st Assembly of God Church on a day I went there and I was totally harassed.

There was this little old lady serving coffee, with a Star of David, and jabbing me about "How many languages do YOU know?!" and then this guy comes out of the main room, wearing a yamika on his head. I said, "What is this?" and I was told their guest speaker was Jewish and giving some kind of special talk.

Okay, well, I noticed him but I didn't realize that this was going to be the SAME guy who several times stalked me and was keeping an eye on me when I went to the Wenachee Valley Community College library. He was always showing up and watching what I was doing.

One day, the guy went out of his way to let me know he was psychic or trying to read my mind or wanted me to feel weirded out or something...He was in the library and watching me. I left that building and went to another remote building, to a vending machine to get a drink. I ended up getting a Strawberry-Kiwi drink which is different from what I would usually get. No one else was there at all. There was no one around and I put the drink in my bag so no one could even see what I got. At least I'm pretty sure of that.

The next thing I know, I am going back to the college library and this man, the same one, comes up to me and says loudly, "G'Day!" in an Australian accent. I mean, very noticeable Australian accent when he doesn't have one.

I knew it was in reference to my "Kiwi" drink. And I thought, "How bizarre."

And I was just thinking about that last night, how some of these Jewish people have gone out of their way to let me know they're always watching me and have a significant interest in me, but are they HELPING me at all?

Ummmm....I think not. If anything, they've wanted to keep tabs on me, and hinder me.

I wouldn't even make this comment at all, if I were not noticing how "interested" some of these people have been in me, and yet so content and happy to have me basically with nothing, going nowhere, and kept down. Just kept under thumb is how I feel.

At any rate, after this one incident, I just wondered what the deal is. I later saw that same man say he had a class and something about his being a professor.

It's not as if it's just him, because obviously, I've got the weird thing happening at the Baptist church and other things, but it's really disappointing to notice. Which is why I feel my best bet is to stay as far away as possible from these people. They're not befriending me, they're not supporting or helping me, and it seems they just want to cause trouble. Why I am SO interesting, is beyond me.

At any rate, I am only wanting my son and something halfway normal. A little excitement is fine, but I ask for, and expect to find, pretty normal things in life.
I had a dream about Vladdie last night. Hahhahahaa. I have to write about it, because it's funny he ended up in a dream.

I don't remember any part of it, even though it was a long dream, except that at one part we were both in a Russian church and the pastor called, "Vladimir and Cameo have won $280" It was either $220 or $280 and both of our names were jointly on some kind of ticket or thing that was drawn and I was wondering why our names were both on the paper and not individual. And then in the dream I didn't know if we were married or if we were getting married. I remembered thinking he was getting half and I was getting half or what was the deal? and in the dream I wondered how, out of all of the names in the hat or thing, our names got called and why they were on the same paper.

Then there was some other part of the dream that was kind of to the same effect or idea and I then I woke up. I can't remember the rest. I just remember that part. I didn't see the pastor and how he got the names but heard it from a different part of the Church. I didn't see him do any kind of draw or anything. But that's what it was.

And then I wasn't sure if maybe some of the people had put their money together to give it to us, which was partly why, in the dream, I was confused about if we were married or what.

I don't really remember seeing Vladdie in the dream either. He was in the dream somehow but in a different section I think.

So that was interesting. Hahaha.

I woke up wondering why I had that dream and if someone had recently won money and I just randomly picked up on that fact alone or if it was just a jumbled subconscious dream.

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