Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weird Day

I had a weird day.

After a dream about receiving some amount of money in church, I ended up randomly at the DMV today, being given a number that was close to the dollar amount in my dream.

In my dream, I was getting $280 or $220 or around that amount, to share with Vladimir for some reason and then I was in front of the DMV booth and happened to be #285.

I didn't plan to go to the DMV at all today. I was told I had to, in order to fly on a plane, so I did, and I looked horrible. It was not a day I had set aside for "picture day".

I was really tired by the time I had the photo taken and my skin looked terrible, and no normal make up and my hair was kind of slicked back, but not sleek chic, just haphazard boring.

But I walked in and picked up my number and I felt eyes on my back. I prayed to God, "Help me to turn to exactly who it is." So I turned and faced two dark haired young women, who looked FREAKED out, one of them especially, that I "found" them. I just asked God in a split second moment and then turned very directly, not scanning the crowd first, but fixing my eyes on the target I felt I was to "find".

So I walked over after taking off my jacket and said, "So which one of you is the psychic one?" and sat next to them.

I think after they left, I looked at my number and thought, "Huh. That's kind of weird. It's sort of close to the number I was getting in money, in my dream."

Which then made me think someone is screwing with my dreams or something.

Christmas lights on the floor. Almost tripped.

Wondering how many of my dreams are really dreams or subconcious or somehow planted.

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