Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Getting New Coat

I have to find a coat. I looked a little bit today but didn't see anything I liked and paid for my ticket. But I still have to get a coat and will probably do that this week sometime.

Today I had a warm sweater and jacket on so I just wore that. I am picky about coats. It's something that is seen a lot, more than what is underneath. I have made do with a coat I didn't love in the past, and probably people just felt sorry for me as I set aside my money for other things, planning to get ahead to get a lawyer for my case with my son.

But right now, it's not that cold yet, and I have some time.

I still remember, now that I am able to "look back" with more clarity,, the night I described the kind of coat I wanted, having no clue whatever that Kate Whatshername either already had this coat or bought it after I had something similar in mind.

Someone kept asking, "Was it this..." and I said, "No, I want it..." and described what my ideal coat was.

Much later...MUCH later, I finally saw photos and realized it was almost the same fucking coat.

Which was really hilarious, after being followed for months and over a year and poisoned too.

I don't have the same idea now maybe, but at least back then, I had been saying I wanted a very pale ivory or cream colored wool coat that had classic tailoring and was fitted with double breasted buttons and went below the knee.

Someone said, "Above the KNEE? Like, WHITE? and WOOL?" and eyes bugging out.

I stupidly naively and innocently said "Huh? No, just below the knee, but a good classic cut and wool and..."

I didn't want a floor length because it would be unflattering and drown me and I didn't want one that was just to the thigh, I wanted one that was a little longer and warmer...I THINK, OR, it may have been that I wanted it thigh length and that was cause for the bugging out.

I can't remember. Just a basic pea coat or whatever it's called. I didn't envion black buttons with mine. I wanted something more subdued and instead of stark white, I wanted more of an ivory color.

It was basically the same coat.

Later, I thought, hmm, is this what the fuss was about? that I had imagined a coat that was basically the same thing?

And then, still having never seen her coat at that time, I ended up with a white fitted jacket that was double breasted and was stolen from me by Chris Rozollo. It wasn't wool, but it was almost the same thing. I put it on and my Ex liked it right away. I think I picked it out. Which is sort of hilarious. I later looked at myself in it and thought, "Chef. I need a tall Chef's hat."

At least I believe that's who stole it (Rozollo) because it was last in his car. I didn't put it anywhere else and he made off with it and that was the last I've seen of him.

I would like to know what is happening to all the clothing of mine that's been stolen actually.

Okay, if I were thinking of an ideal coat right now, I have no clue. I looked at some fashion runway stuff last night, but not that much because none of it would download.

I think classic is good for hard times. I would go with something a little bit different though, right now, if it worked with other things in my wardrobe.

I think I like the idea of some kind of plaid. Or plaid lining, but a nice plaid. Something scottish looking and a little bit earthy. In tone down or bright, depending

At first glance from Nordstroms markdown, the Burberry Brit Giant Check trench out of all the options on this page at least. But maybe something different.
Or the moleskin riding jacket by DK:

I don't like any of the other ones and I don't like the Burberry in the puffer jacket. Too puffy. She looks like a Christmas package.

I like bright for casual. Like the Louis Vuitton yellow jacket:

Gucci midnight blue for casual is okay:

Kind of like pattern and colors but with alterations: Issac Miz jacket (no big flower on shoulder for me unless there is more shirring in those sleeves. Too straight and short or something:

sorta sorta like Burberry again:

kind of cute for plain trench:

That's from last year, but some I like alright still for this year. Like the one with the hood.

I also like fur sometimes, or look of, maybe faux fur.

Not really a fan of the tiny mid-rif capelet.

Not unless it's paired with a tailored Marilyn Monroe secretary dress. I like capes with fitted skirts. Although I did recently pick out an A-line skirt in the thrift store a few months ago and then put it back. But it was a cute dress with the right shoes, and vintage. Couldn't get the skirt or dress without the shoes and other things though, which I cannot afford right now.

Any coat is fine for me right now. Since I'm planning a visit to the South, I may not need such a warm coat...

If I were wearing any of the above coats, just for cheering, I would wear the Issac Miz pattern coat, with my hair curly and fitted or short waist below. I would want my hair to be wild and curly though. strawberry blond, wild curly hair would be better with that coat (maybe minus the huge rose on the shoulder) than straight. I think. I would like it if it were not just geometric pattern but had a few flowers inserted into the pattern too. Maybe... done right. which, I understand, is the point of the rose on the shoulder.

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