Thursday, November 11, 2010

Coat & Legal (information about technology) & Romanov

This morning, I got out of bed and wore basically the same thing. Not in a Miz mood. I think if I were choosing any casual look, it would be the Karan one. I like the riding jacket, with the ivory and white and khaki colors.

It is slums here and with my wardrobe now.

I started looking at high fashion to get a better idea of what will be stylish for a couple of years, and to know what to pick out at the thrift store. There isn't much at this thrift store though--not very much vintage or better quality materials. It's a small town.

I had dreams but don't remember them.

I woke up thinking about my son and about my case and how it feels pointless to even try visiting another State. I really feel this matter is not going to be resolved within this country--that I will have to fight for things legally and not live here.

I have not heard from the Judiciary Committee yet, about a claim I filed re. one Judge. I also have not heard from anyone with OPR or AG yet, or about investigating the collusion for false arrest and lack of jurisdiction. And I have nothing from the Spokane courts, even though they've held onto my Emergency Injunction for months.

I guess they want me to file another one or something.

They should be honoring the one I made already, requesting a lawyer for termination proceedings and New Trial and protecting my right to visit my son.

I think it's very strange that the Judge did not honor this injunction as he should have.

All I would have to do is show another country the law, and then show how even the Judges have refused to respect American laws, and basically have gone along with obstructing evidence. It is close to be an accessory to a RICO problem.

I am wondering if it is possible to be an "accessory" to others who are guilty of RICO violations.

I was considering a European country for political asylum but if they are unwilling to help with proving my case, then I always think about Iran.

The only problem with Iran is that I would worry some of them would think I am "immoral" for swearing and some of the things I talk about or write about. Otherwise, I think it would work out fine. At least I would know they are one country that is not just going to agree with U.S. people to benefit themselves. If they believe we've been tortured, they might be more than willing to help me prove it, and they have very good doctors and scientists. They would also probably allow me to write a book, but I know they only do this if you're living in Iran or Iranian.
I know that it sounds crazy that anyone in the U.S. planned 9-11 and I disagree 99%, and am sure it's not true. However, I do know that this one article I was researching several years ago, before my son and I were getting the worst of the torture, disappeared and it was of a Canadian man.

The guy was Canadian or in Canadian jail and was claiming he was an intelligence operative. Someone else was writing his story I believe, but he was saying he was intel and the govt. was trying to say he was just crazy. But he said he had knowledge of some kind of odd plot and then when he talked about it the Canadians jailed him and everyone was denying he was ever in intel.

Which is what they do, if you're intel-gone-haywire (to their thinking), or if you get caught in another country or somewhere they will sometimes deny you.

I tried to find the article later but it had been removed. Even if I disagree about how 9-11 happened, I am sure that I have international company, some who are not going to kiss U.S. ass if U.S. persons who have authority do not use their authority in keeping with my and my son's civil and human rights.
2 times yesterday someone did something with my laptop. I was first at Shari's in E.Wenatchee and had no problem until this one car pulled in. And then it happened at the Hasting's bookstore again, at the same table, and I was talking to this man and then the same woman was in the backroomm again and didn't appear for an hour but I don't know she has anything to do with things, and then there were a few others.

Then it quit once I moved tables to a different area.
Since I've been staying with these people I've been forced to stay with, everything I own has been stolen and my health has gone downhill. I mean, not just right now but the other places.

Then, some have thought it was hilarious to try to evoke the kind of bad things I first described happening when my son and I were tortured to such degree in E.Wenatchee. I mentioned some man in a black skullcap or other kind of hat, and these people started coming out with these en force and then last night, there were about 5 red trucks parked outside in the lot and nothing else, and then at a different place too, and I had written about noticing 3 vehicles driving by all the time,, in 3s, when my son and I were being tortured, and one of them, often was some larger red truck.

I think it's really demented, personally.

Whoever is coming up with these ideas has some serious psychological issues. And it's obvious and deliberate when it's not just one truck, but 5 or 6 of the same and nothing else.

When I was traveling to Walla Walla and then Spokane and then Bonner's Ferry, people had orchestrated such mean things you could hardly imagine. All the way to Bonner's Ferry, but the stuff there had been planned for some time. It was clear that someone expected me to make a trip at some point, and there were people there whose kids had been pre-trained to do some really weird things.

And then I had 3 different police STOP me within 12 hours, and one Border Patrol man did something really weird and spread his legs torwards me and just sat like that, parked in the middle of the road, with the door open and his legs apart. I actually saw a car with some hispanic women going by right before this and they actually were almost crying and in distress. They looked afraid and I had this thought that maybe I shouldn't be talking to that guy and then sure enough, he's a psycho. Then HE called local police and asked them to stop me and I was stopped for no reason. I found out the other police with the different stickers on the car were supposedly Border Patrol too. I was told the regular police didn't have white SUVs. So I said, "Then who was it?" and I was told, "Maybe Border Patrol." I wrote down the plates regardless of who it was. When the other local police were stopping me all the time, they were doing some weird things on the side.

It was just one big Manchurian Candidate "Lets Freak the HELL out of her and prove to HER whose BOSS!" experiment and some very sick sickos were involved. And then, I get back home and see the golden horse ass on the table for the Royal family in England and seriously question who is behind all of this.

I know for a fact that after what happened in Russian Baptist church, someone there could tell me what is happening or what technology is used. I know this.

And if someone did, I would be getting my son back.

I'm not saying a few of them are the only ones who know, but I know that when I saw so many of their young men showing or sort of making fun of the idea of what they had to know was happening, I know that someone, at least one of them could tell me what is used so I at least had something to take to the police or govt. and even if the military is against me, I could at least say, "It's this: _________" and this is what harmed me and my son and maybe I don't know exactly who was responsible, but this is what it was, and you can check on what kind of symptoms are produced from this kind of torture."

I know it's not just a few of the people from this church. I know this. But I also felt, that when I saw how some of the guys appear to know what's going on (some of the women too, but at least one was involved), I am sure someone there has mechanical or technical training and would be able to tell me exactly what it is.

Even having a description of at least ONE of the things that's been used, or done, would be an enormous help. I know different things have been used, but having even ONE explanation or description, for ONE thing alone, would enable me to prove I am not crazy (which people know anyway), but it would give a name to things and help make it fit and it wouldn't be hard to get my son back.

I see no legal reason why anyone could keep my child if someone told me what was used and I could use this information as power.

My child should never have been taken from me to begin with, and should be with his mother, so even if there is no description, there should be an investigation into the illegal collusion for taking him and falsely arresting me. But I know that it would be 10x easier for me, to prove things, if I were given one small fact or description.

I am not sure why no one has done this, when so many know what is going on.

I don't know if they hate me, or are afraid for their own lives, or what. I don't know if someone would feel more comfortable or safer telling me if I were living in a different country and they could get the information to me in a more discreet manner. I don't know.

But I know a little boy has suffered and continues to suffer the deprivation of being with the mother he loves, because of this silence. I also know that I have suffered needlessly and continue to suffer because of this silence.

I don't know how much money someone is making off of this, but it must be a lot.

Maybe someone's kids, or a lot of kids, are assured private education and other perks and benefits if they go along with this. Or maybe some are blackmailed and threatened and just told their own family won't suffer if they keep their mouths shut.

I guess some have the satisfaction of feeling they are a part of history in the making and that I am the bad person to keep down and humiliate.

If a Russian christian is willing to be baptized in the ice cold waters of Siberia, why wouldn't one be willing to share information that will save a mother and her child?

I am really tired of the laughing and mocking about this situation too. I hope that for your amusement, some of you who drive by and mock (not russian specifically), are paid in full with your reward for being a coward and a bad person that doesn't have enough wit for making a clever joke but only laughs out of the misery of others. I hope your tires go flat and your axles fall off.

And as for the Russian Baptist church, you can either hope someone comes forward to share the information I need, for once, and thereby saves a lot of people from further exposure in the process, or you can all be silent and wait as other infiltrate your group and take half of you (and the others who are not really connected) to jail.

I am nothing if not endearing.
If there is not even one single person to come forward, I am suprised and shocked. If not even one person cares enough, there is something very wrong and especially with anyone who calls themself a "christian" in any form.

I might expect it of others, but a christian that is truly a christian, or any person who has a normal empathetic heart, would WANT to share this information.

Someone was telling me last night that if my son is kept from me, people here get a fat check from the East Coast. And that some people "owe" other people money.
I had a few impressions this morning: I thought about how there was russian church last night and I didn't go. I wondered what the sermon had been about and then the word "Malachi" came to mind. Not necessarily to do with the sermon but maybe a person or child.

The other name I got a few minutes ago, while getting a burger, was "Tatiana". I do not know anyone by that name nor have I met anyone with this name here. So I'm wondered who Tatiana is.

"Cara lina" knows what is happening to me and my son. But for some reason doesn't want to give me that information. Maybe she is too comfortable in her own soft boots to think about crime and corruption nad the suffering of a child anymore. Oh Carolina. You should have suede boots with little leather lace-ups and a fur trim.
I looked up "Tatiana" and it's of russian and latin origin. Here is a description from the baby name detail:

Then there is an Eastern Orthodox saint by the name of Tatiana, I'm finding, who was tortured by an "Alexander":

open sesame?

Looked up the story of the saint and a romanov cousin who left for Switzerland. The one whose story is heart-breaking is of this Tatiana. She is much prettier than I have ever been but in some ways I look at a few of the photos and think no wonder sometimes people asked if I was Russian:

I am wondering who the Tatiana is that came to mind though.

I wonder if one of them did survive. Just because they found high probability that remains could be of the family members, was no else ever killed or buried? Maybe it's likely all of them died, but I think it's possible still, that someone escaped. Most myths have some small basis in fact. I don't believe there would be so many myths of someone escaping unless possibly someone did escape. There are a lot of examples where whole families are murdered or killed, and there is never a myth or rumor that goes out that someone survived. I would like to know what rate of probability. Even DNA is not always exact and can sometimes only go so far. I had never heard of a Tatiana myth though. I always heard of Anastacia or her brother being the ones possibly rumored to have escaped.

Isn't it possible that someone else with similar DNA could be killed, buried and burned for the purposes of throwing someone off track? And out of how many burned charred bodies in a part of a country, could some of the DNA be similar? If there is any threat that some old lineage could be restored, and bring someone into a position again...I don't know, maybe their lives would still be endangered and others would be protecting them by putting out smokescreens. Elaborate ones maybe, but misleaders anyway.
Someone came into the place I'm at now, and they made a point of asking the name of a woman who came in who said her name is "Tanya" (which is a form of Tatiana). No, it was not you Tanya, that came to mind. You look like a lovely person though.
At any rate, with the romanovs, I would bet that in 50 more years, there will be another review of the evidence. Technology is always changing and improving, and the stories accordingly.

I then had the idea of a blond curly haired romanov coming to mind so I looked it up and there's only reference to the boy Alex and to this woman who I just read about when it's really pointless: a Vera Constantinova or something who was related. She was "short, stumpy, and ugly" it says but she didn't look that bad when she was younger, from the photos at least. She sounded like a character though. They "restrained" her but she probably just had too much spunk for her own time and someone wasn't used to it. Yep. I looked up her mom and dad, and she was just super smart and spirited and probably resented the ignoramus holding her back. I guess she had a medical condition too, but I think her temper was due to her probable high intelligence and spunk.
In this collection of comments, someone asks a very good question--why would the "last" 2 sets of remains have been more destroyed, with more violence, than the the remains of the Emperor and Empress.


Someone puts out a theory that maybe it's because someone doesn't want a memorial set up but no, they would have done this with the others then too.

I think the sets were charred that way and almost indescipherable, because it IS plausible, that this set is a smokescreen or misleader for, possibly, those who escaped.

I find it implausible that the bodies would be separated to begin with. Why remove 2 of the bodies from the rest of the family and then just wreck havoc on those bodies? that makes absolutely no sense.

I don't buy the idea that someone tried to burn the remains of 2 first, and then ran out of time. What would the point be? They had received formal papers and orders to perform this execution so it is not as though these "killers" who were soldiers following orders allegedly, would be afraid of getting into trouble themselves. Most lay soldiers, besides, are not so consumed with political ideas that they are going to burn and char bodies to obliteration out of the scanty idea that someone could bring up the bones and make a memorial. So what if they made a memorial. What is more plausible, is that soldiers helped someone escape and to avoid getting into trouble themselves, they burned other bodies to mask the escape.

That is more plausible, or, since this was only discovered in 1991, someone may have wanted to quell rumors, esp. for some odd reason, in 2007 or 2008, to dispell the idea that anyone survived.

I find it unlikely that one could get very good DNA out of bodies this badly burned,when it is even difficult to get a true DNA match out of living healthy bodies. DNA is an excellent tool, for identification, but it is not infallible, and it is also not always exact.

Even if someone is going to destroy 2 of the smaller bodies, why separate and drag them to a totally different area?

The most plausible theory is that bodies were put there to mislead others. I guess I would have to look more closely at the actual evidence, or the reports by the scientists, but I do not think the whole chapter is closed in the book.

High probability (whatever that means) is not the same thing as absolute proof. And I believe there are a lot of matches possible for high probability. One set of bodies could match with high probability as easily as a dozen others who are in the same town.

It used to be that DNA was thought to pinpoint exactly the persons identity but as time has passed, while it's a good indicator, it's not always very precise. And I wonder why the scientists would even say there is "high probability" rather than 100%? What makes it high probability that these are the bodies? the fact that they are in a certain location as many over time could have also read or heard about? Or is it the actual DNA that is marked with high probability? It may be that the high probability is that the combination of location with some similar traits in DNA. I wonder how close MY own DNA is to Prince Philips? or, some royal family member. I mean, if one wants a certain outcome, how difficult is it, really, to try to make something fit? There are possibly even a lot of American commoners whose DNA could match up to a royal DNA. I just think that if it is still so hard to match up living DNA exactly, and there is room for error, it has to be that much more difficult with burned and charred bodies. And is this a fact that DNA is impossible to alter, or cannot be changed by acid or heat?

I also wonder at the impetus behind suddenly wanting to do this intensive research at this time and then close the book again. How many times has the book been opened and shut on this whole thing? And it's still not conclusive.

Anyway, I'm sure some living person Tatiana was referred to and then I just ended up looking at this wiki page again. I guess at some point I will take someone's advice to read about the Russian Revolution.

Anyway, someone in England had big bug eyes when I started writing about this. Hellloooo toady! I got this impression of the expression about an hour ago. Eyebrows raised, bug eyes, stern look, disbelief. Middle aged man. Some other guy just left this cafe and made a wide eye look (but a little different) and it reminded me of my earlier distinct impression.


Hey. I just looked up Tatiana from "From Russia With Love". Does this sound like me? Have I been a pawn? Oh dear. Time to notify the man at the Bay-Bay-Say.

I thought I was so importante. I was just a little chicharrone. OOOooooeeeeeee. Oh quick--what's the word for chicharrone in hebrew? Is this the right phrase?: "Que la boca se ta haga chicharrĂ³n"

So anyway...Like I was saying. I want my son back.

And I want info.

I am sure that if the Russian Baptist church doesn't know what's going on, the Israeli intel that is so praised and admired by the U.S. will have something to share. Am I correct?

Does it ever say, in the movie "Little Mermaid" what nationality Ursala is? Maybe she's just a plain old American-born hater.
Supposedly tests were done in April 2008 which confirmed, allegedly, these bodies were Romanovs. But then, more articles were coming out, even up until March 2009, because I just found one through U.S. World News. Which sounds "definitive" and yet I don't know why, but I still have some doubts.

Despite testing, I still think more testing will be done in the future.

If the other 2 bodies were found only "70 meters" from the original bodies, why did it take over a decade to locate these other bodies if they were truly in "shallow graves"? I'm sorry, but that's not very plausible.

I looked back at all of the interest that was generated with the 1991 findings. There was SIGNIFICANT interest in location of the bodies at that time.

Are we to believe, that after these bodies were found, with all of this interest, that the remaining 2 bodies lay just 70 meters away and no one found them?

How far is 70 meters anyway? I need a meter-feet conversion thing. I looked it up. It's about 229 feet. A football field is 360 feet.

So, supposedly, these bodies were within a circumference of less than the length of a football field. A little more than half of a football field. Which is not that far.

And for over 15 years, these very interested groups didn't find the other bodies even though groups constantly scoured the area, until 2007?

The article by U.S. World News sounds very authoritative and it states the odds are better than over a trillion or something like that but I still think there is something slightly strange.

First of all, that any shallow grave could remain "undetected" lying that close to the original gravesite seems very odd. Secondly, the haste with which some group wanted to investigate these findings. It would seem, to me, that something possibly political was driving this. Within 1 year of finding the alleged remains, someone was drawing conclusions. Then firming them up another year later.

Given the amount of damage that would have been done to the remains, if they were subjected to both acid and burning, I wonder at the marvel of making forensic absolutes. At some point someone believed one of the bodies of the 2 buried to be of a maid.

Let's see. So now, we have a burial site where most of the bodies are. For over 15 years, no one "finds" the remaining two. And then, those other two are separated about a half of a football field away?

It sounds like some kind of cover up. If someone was just taking 2 bodies to try to burn or ruin, they wouldn't even drag them that far away. And, most likely they would have just poured acid over all of the remains. I doubt they would have said to themselves: "let's pick out one and see how it does and do this one at a time". No, if the intent was to destroy, they'd pour acid over all of them and try to set the whole thing on fire. They would not be doing select labratory work one at a time. And even if they were, they would just take one and do something a very short distance and rebury. They wouldn't move them the short but far distance of a half a football field.

I don't care what the scientists say, I don't think the story adds up. I think someone is covering something up and that in another 50 years there will be more work done. I would also be interested in seeing the list of the "independent" forensic groups that assisted in coming to their conclusions.

I also then reflect on what was going on with my own life during this time.
Oh believe me, if groups can do what they've done to me and my son, collusion is possible.

If groups can orchestrate and fabricate details of P. Diana's case, it is possible to get doctors and scientists lined up to collude.

I am personally not convinced.

I just read about the alteration and destruction of DNA by heat. Not to mention corrosives. But someone wants to be absolute about things. For some reason. And with haste, it seems. I would think that something so important and delicate would take no less than 5 years to do properly but they cranked out results pretty fast, in my opinion.

What would be most interesting, is the motive behind wanting to have all the Romanovs accounted for by death. What are the implications if they were NOT all murdered?
Here is an article which reads as absolute but which can be picked apart:

Upon reading this, anyone would believe there is no room for error, despite the bizarre idea that remains were separated, supposedly charred separately, but never found for 15 years even though they were just yards away.

I think it is possible that they are the Romanovs. Given the circumstances and suspcious turn of events, it is also possible they are not, and that some political groups felt it imperative to rule out any remaining survivors for some reason.

This article mentions DNA evidence and then tries to say silver fillings really make the case clear cut.

The Romanovs had no dental records. I haven't even looked into the case and already I had read from some of the best experts that the difficulties included the fact that while people recovered skulls, none of the Romanovs had dental records and nothing was kept.

I also read that there are bodies scattered throughout this region, from the Revolution. It was not just this family that was killed, but a lot of people and all were buried all over the place. It's not as if just one family was killed in that region. In that specific region there were many other families that were killed and buried.

So back to teeth. Unless someone had a record of one of the kids having 3 silver fillings, how is this significant? It is said silver fillings indicate aristocracy. From what I was reading, aristocracy used gold, not silver. Not that silver couldn't be used, but most of the aristocracy who had their teeth taken care of, used gold.

I just found something that states the Czarina had very sophisticated crowns made of porcelain. Not even gold. Porcelain. But she would want her single marriagable daughters to have silver crowns? No, this was a mother who would want her daughters to also have the best and most sophisticated dental crowns and if hers were porcelain, then she would have made sure her daughters had porcelain crowns as well. It wasn't as if they were crowns for baby teeth. They were permanent teeth which could be seen. I just got the information about porcelain crowns for the Czarina from Time magazine. But her eligible aristocratic daughters had silver crowns?,9171,976474,00.html

Nay. I say, already...I could probably pick the whole thing apart within 2 weeks of research.

I would say her daughters would have had porcelain, even her son, and second choice might be gold. Third choice would be silver. The article from US World News states silver is indicative of aristocracy, but not from what I've read.

But the silver crowns are supposed to really "conclude" the evidence. If anything, it argues against the evidence, not for it.

I only did prelim research on DNA and it's not as definitive as the US World & News Report makes it out to be. There is a lot of room for error.

Also, it is not as though there were rumors which began when only "5 bodies" were discovered. It was not as though people thought, "Where are the other 2?" and rumors began. The rumors began almost from the beginning, which lends a slight bit of credence to the idea that it is possible someone did escape.
I have now been reading about an Olga who was related but not a child of the Tsar. At any rate, I've never read about her before. She escaped to Denmark and then went to Ontario, Canada. This Grand Duchess Olga is photographed in a dress with a big fabric rose or flower, like the one on the Issak Miz coat I liked. But look, I am right about shirring.
I am just thinking now that the Queen Elizabeth of England must really love the Romanovs and this story. I think I've thought this before, but just now, again.
At any rate, I know that I am not, personally, of any Russian heritage or background, even if some may have thought so on the East Coast (and otherwise). I do take photos now and then where I sort of think so, and a 3 yr old once called out my name when she thought it was me and not Oksana Baul ice skating, but no, I'm not Russian in background at all--not to my knowledge, unless I'm adopted or someone in my family is. I know we have European background, but I have never heard of any Russian. I suppose it's not impossible but never have I heard of anything.

I should post this one photo or two that I took last with the others and one made me think I look typically (?) or possibly Russian, but I didn't put it anywhere bc my head is tucked into my chest at an odd angle. But something made me think Eastern European for some reason.

I'll see if I can find them. It's like one or two.

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