Thursday, November 11, 2010

Curly with Hat & Special Queenly Shake

Nice looking man with good eyes. That's all I'll say.
And then I only say that much, and at least 3-4 people come into the store I'm in, wearing the same logo and/or hat and stand where I can see.
This is an aside, but I did my duty and looked up all the headlines today and then went to look at the front page for British Monarchy and saw only the photo of the Queen shaking hands with the woman in the hat...I was looking at the handshake and it is definitely different from a business American shake. It looks like a special Masonic rite shake. I think it's a special "wiggle your index finger into my palm you old turkey" shake. (sorry. Out of control. getting out of control...)

I just now met a man in a wheelchair who lost his leg due to a circulatory problem and then he wasn't recovering until they found out part of the bone was infected so they had to cut some of it off and ever since he's been healing up. Sort of a good story, since they found out what was holding him back. He gets his prosthesis pretty soon. Also, good story about PTSD bc his son was in the military and committed suicide a year after he got back. So hopefully this is going to help improve benefits for military people.

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