Thursday, November 11, 2010

Some Random photos (previously taken)

beeeg forehead, beeeg brains. (this one and the other one at the bottom are the ones where i sort of thought i looked eastern european but they're bad photos with the angle. anyway)

(silver fillings? hmmph! I don't think so. esq. holmes on task)

this is the worst photo but for some reason, i thought russian. i did some other weird ones, with a belt & goofing off. might put up a few. it's nothing new though. in some of them i almost think i look more latin american or shakira-like than european, but none of these others are very unique. i guess i could put up more teary ones. i think the one i put up already was best. i was thinking of taking more photos of just random scenery with this laptop but having a live person helps bc it's hard to do actual art photo with a cheap laptop. with even myself i can add emotion to something, even if the photos are bad, i think.

At any rate, I know that I am not, personally, of any Russian heritage or background, even if some may have thought so on the East Coast (and otherwise). I do take photos now and then where I sort of think so, and a 3 yr old once called out my name when she thought it was me and not Oksana Baul ice skating, but no, I'm not Russian in background at all--not to my knowledge, unless I'm adopted or someone in my family is. I know we have European background, but I have never heard of any Russian. I suppose it's not impossible but never have I heard of anything.

I should post this one photo or two that I took last with the others and one made me think I look typically (?) or possibly Russian, but I didn't put it anywhere bc my head is tucked into my chest at an odd angle. But something made me think Eastern European for some reason.

I'll see if I can find them. It's like one or two. I could put up a couple of the others I guess. But only one made me stop and think, for some reason, "why do I think I look russian here?" but it's a bad photo with my head in, and a weird angle.

These were taken awhile ago, when I did the others and just took a whole bunch. I didn't think these others were really as good but I guess some are different. I will put up the one where I thought I looked "russian" first. Maybe I just saw someone who looked similar so subconsciously think of this. I don't know.

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