Friday, November 12, 2010

Heart Iran+++/Psych Visit (undesired) and Sick Cat at House

Really great.

This woman sat down with someone else and it turns out she's a psychologist/psychiatrist for Columbia Valley Community Health, a clinic I've had problems and conflicts with. She has ties to California and before that it was Seattle.

She started telling me that I had to go there to have psych evals and that THEN I could get on "long term disability".

Like that's what I want.

She was the one to strike up conversation. I was polite, and just thought, no big deal. I talk to people of all kinds of backgrounds and I feel equal or superior to someone who is into psychology. I only say superior bc most of those who actually go into those fields have serious issues with themselves they are or were trying to figure out. So having a nutcase trying to tell me what they think about my mental state, is sort of counter-productive. I get better advice from the auto mechanics.

I guess, instead of telling her that she seemed to have "good energy" and trying to be polite and nice, I should have just ignored her and her friend from the moment they walked in talking about the "monarchy" and taking a walk on "King Street" in town. I should have known, just by the whole ongoing theme of king and monarchy this and that, that they were not normal people.

The fuckers in this town stop fucking with me when I'm being illicitly medicated and think it's great. I cannot stand this country. I am making one more attempt at a different state to at least visit, and then it's overseas for me. I am definitely going to Iran for recommendations.

Their people are the only ones who validate how my son and I have been tortured. Oh, actually, it's not just Iran. I had people from other countries also validate this. They know some of these U.S. people are liars and have made my life impossible.

She told me she was a counselor and no big deal. I sat and chatted with her like a normal person, I thought. And then it just turned into something else.

I really do not appreciate this shit.

I was just thinking, just last night, that I need to call the Democratic Republic of Iran and find out who THEIR recommended doctors are.

I no longer want to go to any U.S. doctor of any kind, ever.

If I have to do certain things, at this point, for benefits, while traveling or whatever, that's fine.

I want an Iranian doctor or one that they recommend.

I do not want a U.S. doctor.

I shouldn't judge all U.S. doctors by Wenatchee and Washington state people. I really shouldn't. But the people who have no conflict of interest are those who are not connected to the politics here.

If the Iranian people can forgive or tolerate my ways, which are a little different from their traditions or Muslim religion, I would try to be respectful of their customs.

Even if I stay in the U.S. or live in another country (which is probable), I still want to find out where an Iranian-recommended doctor is. And not an Iranian-American doctor either. One who has "no democratic ties" to the U.S.

Wenatchee ruins another night for me.

And just yesterday night and the night before, something weird was going on and it wasn't just me. My stomach was hurting all night but only while I slept and then the cats were sick.

One of the cats actually fell over on me and couldn't move. And then this guy who lives there got up and it quit right away and then he called some friend named "Debbie" to tell her the cat was sick and not eating.

The cat was not sick like it ate something bad. That cat does not even go outside. It eats the same food all the time. So there is no way that the cat at the house, "Morris", ate or drank anything bad. It is never let outside. It stays IN the fucking house.

While my insides were cramping last night, and I was thinking there was something in the basement that was being triggered or upstairs or where this guy was, this same cat fell over me and couldn't keep balance anymore. The cat was affected by the same thing that I was affected by.

I then asked the cat to come over to me and it wouldn't even walk over as usual. It wasn't feeling well because probably for a cat it was 10x worse than it was for me.

Basically, the main thing that I have noticed for me, is my lower abdomen and cramping abnormally.

I hope all the power goes out again. It would be better to be living in the darkness at that house, then with any kind of normal power.

Which reminded me of the cat my son and I had at our house that ended up getting so fried and changing personality with the torture we all went through, and even ended up with stiff legs and a kinked tail when it was never that way before.

And that cat "disappeared" when I was going to take it with me for evidence of what had happened.
I am not going to Iran to be an inadvertent spy for the U.S. or someone else either. I am tired of being used. I have had all the "use" of a spy and NONE of the benefits.

That is what I call "Rip Off".

Not only that, last night I walked past this car that had a bumper sticker on it which made me think about the whole administration and what is or isn't going to happen with respect for my son's rights.

It said: "The Bill of Rights is Not Negotiable"
I don't think the Declaration of Human Rights is negotiable either.

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