Saturday, November 13, 2010

This Morning

I went to the house last night and turned on radio and it was about the house arrest of the activist woman. Then, this morning she's freed!

Could I be next?

Last night I ended with a couple of photos where I sort of look like a Muppet and then I think too, something slightly reminded me of P. Diana, which I didn't really think until I then went to this other photo I took of myself and thought, "Why does this look familiar?" and though, "Ohmigosh...her pre-teen diving photo and the triumphant posture..." I don't know why. I can't remember what she's doing with her hands. But there is this photo insert to one of the books, where she has just finished diving and then looks very tomboy (but gorgeous...those legs are so long!) and I always stared at this photo, thinking about that spirit which had to be the same spirit which helped her to survive, under her more shy and pleasant demeanor. I really like that photo of her. So I guess I'll go out of order and post it next, back on the last photos post. I am not saying I look like her, but something about it made me think of that photo. You'd have to see the photo. She is in a two piece and by the pool.
I am just now reading the article about attachment theory and God and Hitchens is quoted as saying, "If you hear I came to God on my deathbed, don't believe it." I always say, "If something happens to me and it looks like a suicide, don't believe it." Seriously. I told my family "There are a lot of weird things going on and I am worried that someone will take my one suicide attempt as some excuse for offing me and making it look like a suicide. So, if it looks like a suicide ever, don't believe it. I want a full investigation!" I had that one moment too, when it was isolated incident and they found TLC (I was saying TLC but THC) in my blood and I never had any marijuana so either soemone drugged me and it affected my judgment so it wasn't really a normal suicide attempt, or it someone lied about the labs at the hospital to make it appear as though I used drugs when I didn't. But I was and am still super serious about that. I will not, ever, commit suicide ever. Never had the thought even, after this one time. Not once. I had people trying to drive me to it, but no one has been able to break me. I can't say I've always reacted the way I wanted to, but considering torture and given the circumstances, I am very proud of myself. I have been a rock. For this long, to go through what I've been forced to go through, I do not believe many other women, or men, could endure the same.

Probably, if I were on the trajectory I had for myself, I wouldn't even have a blog. I never would have even had a point or a reason to start a blog at all. The reason I did it, in the beginning, was because of what was happening to me and my son and the need to get word out to someone from out of the area, for our own protection, if possible.

I would have already finished college and be taking post-doc stuff and have a career. I would own my own house again, and have a car, and normal things that I've had before. Decent clothing too.

I wouldn't have time to blog. I would have written a book already, or two, having a secure place to store all my things.

And I would have traveled more. I might or I might not be married. I would be windsurfing all the time and waterskiing and snowskiing again. I would have my own windsurfing rig, and depending on where I lived, maybe my own ice skates.

I would be much different if I were not being constantly blocked, harassed, and tortured. And if my son were not being tortured and also separated from me.

And my best friends know this too.

There is nothing wrong with me.
I looked up bbc and cnn news and mainly read about the freed woman. i also glanced at some wenatchee world news. i subscribed to their news but someone unsubscribed me and i don't get links anymore, which is fine. i also looked up putin and saw the hungarian man and the flowers in this photo and noticed bc I ended up wearing yellow today with an orange and yellow scarf. I like all these cheery colors right now.
I sent another email to my parents, asking what kind of container or dish my Dad had his leftovers in. I don't think they want to tell me. I don't know why. Maybe the fact that I was telling them I "saw" my Dad's meal freaked them out. The next email they sent was that I was going to end up in jail or a mental ward.

I had just psychicly "seen" my Dad's crawfish linguine!!! They didn't want to tell me what container it was in when I next asked for more detail.
I just went to the Safeway not too long ago and someone used military technology on my fucking head. And I am not kidding. Guess who happened to notice? Yeah, the girlfriend of 2 different Army military men, whose kids she's had. I started having a sharp severe pain right in my head and she was there and watching and I went around the corner out of her way. It stopped. Then I looked around the corner and she is sitting there, poking at and scratching her head in the same place. She saw me going into the store and knew I was there for some time before this happened. It wasn't "psychic" attack either. It had nothing to do with a psychic attack at all. It was through use of technology. And she indicated she knew what was happening. To her, it was amusing. Which isn't suprising when she allows her own children to be molded into little government psychic guinea pigs. One of the women staying with her was doing some WEIRD shit with those poor kids. I am not saying take them away, because how can you prove it? you can't. In exactly the same way that the U.S. caught some of the spies from Russia but couldn't divulge how they were caught or, some of the methods used for spying. I am sorry, but the U.S. Prosecuting Attorneys are not going to be inditing people for "Mind reading", "Telepathic sending and receiving" and etc. They know about it, but they are not going to prosecute on that.

Why in the world some of these psychics are harbored in Wenatchee of all places, is beyond me. I have heard some of the very top Pentagon and military retired in Leavenworth so I don't know if that's it or what. People can definitely work at it, if they want to, I think, but I also think some of it, often, is just a gift or inherited a little bit.

I am not lying about the head thing. And that is the kind of thing my parents worry will cause problems for me but why is this going on to begin with? It was only one side of my head. It wasn't the side she was on but I still knew she was connected to what was going on. It was from above and on one side. The only way to get that angle would be through a satellite or technology that is literally overhead. I don't have any "electrodes" in my head, so it is not as if someone could activate a part of my brain. It would have to be from the direction of the sky and I doubt Safeway has a lot of technology hidden right above the imported cheese and cracker section. This was the same thing that was happening when I was in Safeway and saw the red laser dot on my laptop keyboard. It is coming from the sky. How would she know or how would this happen unless she saw me walk in, as she did, and then sent a text or gave a msg to someone to let them know my location, or something? Yeah, there was no laser light this time. It was helpful to have a laser light the one time at least, because at least it helped point out the direction. Oh, how lovely. A red laser dot on my laptop, coming from...the sky. Or the very top of the tin or steel roof of the Safeway. Why would anyone put something up there? to me, it indicates sky stuff. Not everything IS. Some things are NOT and are hand held or require close proximity. But I'm not nuts. Even pilots at Seattle Airport are reporting a lot of green laser dots. So there is no way someone can say I am crazy. If I am, so are all the pilots. Beware flying from Seattle Tac.

There are different things which are being used and have been used, which is why I am asking for help from Iran. All of the Pentagon people I reach end up being assholes, except for a few. The operators they have are rude.

If someone in the U.S. is helping me, then where are you? My son and I need your help. And I need this information.

I also have a little bit of reason to believe I've been drugged a few times, and hypnotized. I am not even kidding.

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