Monday, November 1, 2010

Military Experiments and Mind Control Sites

I am so not suprised that this whole post I just wrote got deleted.

Here is a link to mind control that I found tonight, after looking up military things while viewing wikileaks. I found this link on a site where an Army recruit discovered he was being drugged and used for chemical experimentation.

I will rewrite my post, which was deleted tonight by someone, tomorrow.

Mind control research is not over nor is it just a part of history. It continues today and any wikileaks about it would probably be more dangerous than even war crime leaks because it would cause mistrust of government use of non-consenting civilians.

It also would force some who joke about this kind of thing and treat it as a game, to be confronted with documentation in print and then be faced with the realization that their enjoyment of such sport is not unlike Nazi sadism.

Read, for example, about sexually abusing women in hypnosis, for research, in the mind control link. This still happens today. It is also being done with children--intentional trauma is still being used to "fracture" the personality and carry out research.

One of the main components of mind control has been to take a child that is secure and feels safe, and traumatically and drastically disrupt that healthy formation.

I will add more later.

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