Monday, November 1, 2010

Married Dept. of Defense & National Guard Army Assholes: Steven Rowe

The housemate, who is still with the Army, refused to turn in my cash card after he took it. It was the main owner of the house who took my card while I was in the kitchen. I thought about where my card was while I took a shower, but figured out it had been taken before my shower. Anthony Fisher.

Mr. Fisher claims to be a big Salvation Army member but he's not religious (I do not believe he's Protestant though, I think he may be Jewish or Catholic bc I sensed something he was telling me wasn't right or true about his religious beliefs). I have seen zero evidence of interest in prayer or reading scripture while I've been there. He goes to church and talks about how they are still discussing the Book of Esther and that's it. He has done things to degrade me discreetly, and try to tap into what I'm thinking, and knows some of the same assholes I ran into in Spokane, who followed me around and harassed me.

I was given military leftovers from the Army ROTC here because he, "Tony" is still affiliated with them and does work with them. You can see how much I'm being compensated. 2 scarves and a shirt.

I have been living on "psychic street" for Wenatchee, which is where, I guess, the U.S. military likes to house some of the people they use for psychic work, and they invite these people to even use and abuse the children.

There are a couple of other general streets where some of the psychicly-inclined live but I happen to live on one with military connections. The other person I was forced to live with was Theo, whose father is Army (still serving) and who also must do contract work for the Army while he's claiming to be disabled. That guy is a psycho and talked to the social worker (who I am unconstitutionally "banned" or ordered not to even exercise my right to free speech in mentioning her name at this time), passing on information about my life to her. Meanwhile, he told me I was never getting my son back.

Theo's point was to take photos of me and enlarge them and lay them out on his coffeetable and focus on trying to get into my mind. He also used degrading language and treatment. He told me he used to be into witchcraft and spells and things but wasn't anymore, however, he was into the same thing.

When I moved into the Fisher place, after staying with a woman whose boyfriends have all been used by the military for breeding psychic babies (I am not kidding...she was basically solicited for shagging with some Fort Lewis men, one whom I think is Russian in ethnicity, and her kids are basically being used for psychic stuff already). I knew her and she engaged me in conversation and outings before I ever had what happened to me and my son happen in E.Wenatchee happen.

Basically, some asshole in the military heard me say something about how I should be compensated for being used, and the military brats decided my "compensation" was keeping me forced out of normal housing still and forced to live with their psychics so they could use me further, try to convince me to hook up with other psychics or donate eggs to make psychic babies, and then claim that since I have a roof over my head and zero privacy, I am being taken care of.

All of these people that I have been forced to stay with in Wenatchee, are connected to some kind of psychic work and research. All of them. And some, not all, are connected to Michelle Erickson and the State of Washington and act as snitches. I've never done anything to snitch on, but they all steal from me, to keep me down as a favor to the State, and they have all tried to offer things to me that I have later discovered they would have happily reported to "Special Social Worker Whose Name Is Prohibited From Public Mention Like G--." or Judge Hotchkiss.

And, probably, God didn't want me to pray for Anthony Fisher because after I figured out he was part of why I had things set up against me in Walla Walla, Spokane, and Bonner's Ferry, God decided to send me a big "ON HOLD" message.

Upstairs from the downstairs part, the couple there practices Wicca very heavily. Actually, so do most of the military psychics I've met.

I went to The Armory National Guard today to ask who the supervising person to their unit was and they refused to tell me. I was met by 4 individuals, most of them under age 25 and one who was older, SFC Steven Rowe. I asked him who the Supervisor of this unit was and he couldn't answer a straight question, with all of his special training, to take and give clear orders and directions.

I told him they could have their fucking scarf back and tossed it his direction. It's a long brown scarf.

Finally, he gave me his business card with his name on it. But at first he wasn't even going to give me his name. I said, "What is your name?" when he wouldn't give me the Supervisor's name. The whole time, he held someone who was on a cell phone to his ear so that person could listen in. He had both a cell phone with him and an earpiece.

He said he wasn't giving me his name and that my dropping my scarf was "an assault". There was no fucking "assault". He was being a prick and that was it. And probably, he was saying things to make it sound really good to whoever was on the other end of the lines. Yeah, the cotton Army scarf that floated his direction to his feet, which ended up falling across the bottom of his pantleg, was really trying to take him down. When I used a curse word in the course of asking who the supervisor was (such as, "I need to know the fucking name of...") he added, "Now you're swearing." Yes, I was swearing but no I did not assault him, though he's a clever man to try to claim out loud (for his loyal listeners) that I assaulted him (which no one could see) and then follow up with what sounds like honesty by adding I was swearing (which I was, but honesty in the second matter does not mean honesty in the first and what it DOES imply is that this man is a Machavellian Asshole).

This fucker ended by sticking his tongue in his cheek dramatically, to roll it around and then said to me, "(You're)Crazy Ma'am".

No, I am not fucking "crazy" but you are and so are your "friends" and this guy told me he didn't even know what wikileaks was. What kind of idiots do they have recruiting people these days?

I am about to start talking about the other people I knew in D.C., who are doing nothing for my son now, when they knokw what is happening to him and what has happened to us. The Department of Defense knows exactly what has happened to my child and they have done nothing about it.

Instead, they have allowed Washington people to squeeze me out of any kind of work or housing so I have nothing and have been forced to live with assholes whose sole purpose has been to experiment with me, try to get into my mind by proximity and experimentation, and leak personal information to people in the U.S. and UK.

A few of the people have been connected to Russian things I guess, but a lot of them are just connected to people here. Some of them, though, take cues from the Russian-American psychics who are here. That includes hispanics.

Anthony Fisher knew I was getting my money, or cash, on the first, and took my card so I would have nothing. This has happened 3 times from this house. It also happened at the house down the street.

No one has ever obtained my permission to use me, and since my son is government property, they do whatever they want with him. No one has ever compensated me either, for what they are doing and how I am being used. If anything, I am held back further because while I've stayed at the various residences in Wenatchee, all of these people have stolen important documents from me, cash, photos, clothing, post office keys, and basically, my life.

I have also been hypnotized and drugged and medicated at various times (and sometimes non-lethal weapons used on me while I am staying there) since I've been in Washington and I have very good reason to believe I was at last being given birth control or some kind of mental health medication without my consent while I was in D.C., with military oversight.

If I wasn't having my periods at all, some of the people there wanted to act like everything was fine (if I was on my "meds" without my knowing, I guess they felt they could be normal to me and then the minute I was off, they acted like I had changed) and if they came back because I quit eating food given to me and bought my own prepackaged food, I was treated badly.

Which led me to believe it was possible that I was being medicated in some way and some groups wanted to say I was normal with meds but if I was off of them, THEY started acting crazy just to try to prove something. I guess, the point was to make it appear I had no problems while medicated but had a sudden shift in attitude if I wasn't. When really, they were the ones acting and treating me differently.

I routinely had blood taken and I had people trying to kill me over there, or who wanted me to die or bleed to death by "accident".

There is no excuse for what has happened.

There is no excuse for what has happened to my son, and no excuse for what has happened to me.

Now, this time I know they will not and were not planning to return my cash card. If I have cash I might try to leave or have a way to pay for my own food. They don't want this. They already know that when I tried to get a replacement card from DSHS, I was told that since I was "banned" and couldn't go there in person, that it would take a long time because someone from Spokane would have to approve it and mail it over and then mail it to me.

I was told, then, to go to Spokane "in person" if I wanted a new card. So I am being driven to now either go to Spokane or be stuck in Wenatchee without any cash or food. Which means I would either be forced to stay at the fucker's house, or go to a women's shelter where more shitty things await. There is a supposedly "new" one and I guess this is the plan. He knew I didn't want to stay there anymore, so he stole my cash card.

As for the Chief officer I mentioned awhile, that I met in D.C., I had people try to say there was no such thing or that I couldn't have met him.

Well I did.

And the reason people, and the Department of Defense didn't want me to talk about it publicly, was because the man was married. The man was of very high standing and seniority, and he was married. He wasn't just "sort of" high standing. He was at the top.

I guess the idea is that I lose my son and get screwed over right and left, and used, and I am supposed to keep all the cheaters' secrets who work for the U.S. Government and the Department Of Defense.

If you want to fucking wreck MY home, YOU SIR, can answer to Home Wrecker Extraordinaire. Fuck YOU, You shitty BASTARDS.

You FIX THIS or I will fucking continue to talk.

I want my son BACK. There was no jurisdiction for taking him and someone had better do some fucking quick work to resolve this situation NOW.

I want to see results coming from an injunction and immediate investigation in order to overturn the illegal kidnapping of my son. You have 20 days to show me something. Get your fucking affairs in order.

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