Monday, November 1, 2010

Political Asylum For Excellent Cause--

I tried to report some theft and the Officer acted like I wasn't serious.

Like, because I have no other place to go, I will just go back and only make a half-hearted complaint.

So they can continue to use me and abuse their positions.

I asked an Officer to take a report of the theft of my EBT/cash card and they act like I am just going back to the same place and I'm not serious. Because they have been a part of every single asshole I have been forced to live with in this town.

They all know who Steve May is.
They know Theo Keyes.
They know Anthony Fisher.
And they know all the others too.

They also know that the military and police have used and abused both me and my son, for their own interests.

There are all these nasty hispanics coming out of the woodwork now too, where they were in the shadows before, for some reason, some of them, the bad ones, are coming out with confidence, because I think they feel Gregoire and Gates and the Catholic commrades, must be doing their job.

I have hatred from Catholics who have run this entire legal case regarding my son. I believe I have been discriminated against because of hatred and religious persecution on account of the fact that I had once sued certain groups and they've hated me ever since. Sometimes, I try to express peace and that I don't have a problem with anyone, but someone is always stirring something up and when almost every single person involved with taking my son from me is Catholic, I have to wonder.

Then, no one believed I had some Jewish-American or Jewish people on my ass, when it's true. Some of them were maybe connected to CIA from the start, I don't know. I think probably. I met one or two right from the beginning. I think things were maybe okay, maybe not, until someone decided they didn't want me around Chris Dabney. They wanted him for themselves and their own. They also found out, or knew, most likely, about my attempt to get political asylum and how I was friendly with a few middle eastern diplomats or associates (not a lot, just here and there) so I believe this heightened Jewish interest in me.

I feel that my interest in Princess Diana and some groups' idea that I could be interesting to someone in the English royal family was a possible threat. Maybe they felt I could be an asset for a short time and then maybe it was more like, get me out of the way, in any way possible, and make sure there are no better alliances with other people from the middle east. If I had gone to the Iran embassy, and talked to people from Pakistan, I was a threat maybe.

For some reason, there were a lot of black people there, at least with the hospital in Maryland, that didn't like me but I am not sure if it was religious affiliation or the idea that some were angry I had had problems with CIA guards whose mother was some Nigerian big-wig.

I wasn't sure about Russians. I felt some were very friendly and amiable but then others maybe not. I didn't know what they thought about me. The only Russian person I knew was this woman named Maria and I thought she was fascinating and quirky, but rude, and then changed my opinion about her later and liked her. She was the one I referred to as "russian princess".

I have had a few sympathetic people, who were black, white, asian, jewish, catholic, and I guess it didn't matter, but I don't know on what grounds. What I mainly don't know is what grounds those who were enemies found, to hate me with. Maybe some were plutocrats and didn't like my mention of how the balance was off. Some were maybe U.S. officials who wanted to run my life and my son's life and didn't want accountability for what they'd done or in correcting it. Maybe some hated me because they were egged on to hate by some catholics who were more zealots than catholic and just wanted to hate based on articles written about me and rumors, and not knowing my heart at all. Maybe some were afraid I could literally be some kind of upset to plans of alliance or politics with the British monarchy (and I am not kidding) and maybe some were afraid that I knew all about how Princess Diana was plotted against.

I come back to a total hellhole where the plan from the start was to use me and my son.

Some wanted me to marry Alvaro. Some didn't. Someone was benefiting in some way and others were terrified at the idea that I might be with him. I had people working against me from every angle.

I had people trying to set me up to go to federal jail in D.C., and to die, and then I go back to the West Coast to be tortured and falsely arrested a number of times, and forced out of unemployment, work, and housing.

I am not going to claim middle east people "helped" me, because I don't know any of them that well. But I can say that a couple of them, and a few other international people on the East Coast, were the only ones to at least be honest enough to tell me "You will not get work in Washington. Don't even try."

I didn't believe it at first. I thought it was maybe to discourage me but I wasn't sure. Then I realized, no, those were the people who were honest with me and telling me the truth and while I wasn't getting any help from anyone, at least they weren't sugarcoating anything.

There were also Americans who tried to help, but usually, with no religious ties to certain churches. A lot of the military who have abused their positions of power have also been Catholic, though I've seen a lot of other terrible things from Protestants, from lawyers and medical people.

This woman came into the library imitating a throwing up expression while staring at me. So I approached her. She acted as nonchalant and innocent as ever. I don't like her. I wrote down an entire list of names and plate numbers that I noticed while being harassed today. One from Illinois, one from California, and mostly from Washington.

The Jewish-Americans backed off of me, a little bit, sometime around last Spring. It was like something happened that made them feel their war was won. Right after Christmas and the winter holidays, into Spring, the Virginia transplant who was always sucking up to me but then divulging how he really felt, came out with it. A lot of Jewish-Americans pooled into town during one hearing session time and it was crazy how many of them. It was like a huge event. And I was being mocked and something was happening or had been discovered, that made a lot of these ones, in particular, very happy. I didn't know why so many were so jubilant and smug, but I sensed they believed I was completely done for. I also sensed that someone had tried to give information that was correct or incorrect, about my life, my case, or something, which was to embarrass me or would keep me from ever accomplishing what it was this group was afraid I might accomplish. My MRI scans of my head and all my records from my case had also, I believe, gone out about this time, to unknown persons for perusal. I think people were really being paid off at this juncture, for job well done. This was also when I started blogging again and complaining about torture and was being degraded while living at Steve May's place, and it was the first time I realized the UK had some persons who were interested in me. I guess, I was sounding "crazy" again, because of what was going on, so that may have been some of it. But there was more. I know instinctively that there was more.

I had some Jewish-Americans also hoping that if enough Catholic stuff could be stirred against me, they could take less heat or have a better smokescreen for what they were up to. I am not saying all Jewish-Americans, anymore than all Catholics either. There were plenty of Protestants who had no moral backbone and were just greedy too. They didn't care about me (many of them--feeling my son was fine with my Aunt and Uncle, or not agreeing with my blog, or thinking I was "bad", or not supporting single mothers or being in positions where they didn't want to be accountable for mistakes they'd made). Not on account of religious reasons, or on account of my being with my son.

After being set back in Wenatchee, people did what they wanted with me. Mykal Holt got away with lying about me and defaming me, stealing, and doing an illegal lock-out. People got away with poisoning me and my son, and torturing us. They got away with ruining my voice. I was told by U.S. Marshalls and others "We can't help you." I was turned away at Seattle FBI doors. Police harassed me to get back together with my Ex and then some of them did the opposite. I was refused housing and kicked out of normal housing illegally, so military assholes and CIA could take over. Which worked out for everyone, because those I could try to sue, couldn't be sued by me. My son couldn't be compensated either. I was no threat to local people. I was being used by CIA and military and not compensated. The Jewish were pacified by something they believe sealed my fate for good, and relegated me to being "a bum". Catholics were sort of divided, some understanding I wasn't really the bad person I'd been made out to be, but then if I opposed all those working against me in this custody case, who were Catholic, then I must be worthy of persecution. Middle Easterners weren't really in the picture, or Asian, but I think a few maybe, and maybe not knowing what to think in general.

The point then, was to continue to use and abuse my son and keep him from seeing his mother. To keep hidden and concealed the truth about my character. To continue to provoke me and steal from me so there was nothing attractive about me at all...I was important enough to be stalked all over the place and used, and tortured, and refused police or law enforcement assistance, but even the psychics that moved into town were paid off. To try to alter what the truth might be and to suggest to me that I might have a future in the circus or fair. And basically, all that's been done since people tried to block my son from even seeing me, is stalling in the courts and abuse of military privilege.

Not one single thing that I have reported in this town, to police, has been properly investigated, and no charges have ever been made.
I have reported abuse,
property damages and vandalism,
obstruction of justice by state employees,
hit and run,

They have done nothing. Nothing but protect everyone else, including, I think Dave Helvie, if that was the guy whose kid harassed me, who had the East Wenatchee police car in Wenatchee one day. I am not sure. I still have to find out about who this was.

Then, the same Officer who was protecting that East Wenatchee Officer who harassed me and instructed his kid to harass me, comes to take my report of theft tonight and acts like I'm not serious and I'm going back to the same house.

Because they all know who he is and they already know they have jointly set it up so that I am forced, like a hostage, to stay with people who FUCK with me and who FUCK with my son.

This asshole Tony Fisher and the people who live there have done nothing but psychic experiments since I've been there and have a painting on the wall that came from fucking Theo Keyes' house. Theo Keyes is the fucker who claims the Queen Elizabeth wanted to facebook and he turned her down. All of these people are Army, Air Force, or Navy, except Steve May who seems to me to be more like a CIA asshole. Same thing with Assembly of God-Karie man. Who had no right to network my computer to his, or turn his webcam video on me so others could see what I was doing, or do other things. Same thing with Ryan, who stole my yellow t-shirt and a medical bracelet from WVC that had gang-like stuff all over it which I had saved for evidence. Every single person has stolen from me, spread personal information, and been in collusion with some of the state people.

With all this, I am used now for psychic shit, without my permission, and for the use and experimentation of others who are in military and get paid, and held hostage as my son is held hostage, under auspice of legality. My hostage situation is no different from the man's from Iran. The only difference is that I supposedly have U.S. citizenship. All of which works out nicely for those who have no interest in mind control or psychic research and who only care to be satisfied and sated by my circumstances. Who enjoy watching like Romans watching some christian martyr in the ring with lions. They get sport out of it. And as long as I am kept down, enough of the Jewish-Americans who thought I was a threat, are happy too.

For some reason, there are some who still think I am a threat to their agenda, even now, or they wouldn't still be putting this much time, money, and energy into harassing me and trying to track everything I do.

Some plate numbers from this afternoon:
918 UXN (shaded glass). Several cars with shaded glass today. Tinted glass. At least 25 or more, some nice vehicles, others not. I have never seen so many cars with tinted windows on the road in this town before.
826 8784 Illinois
02128 handicapped plate, WA (woman driver)
774 ZUG (brunette)
992 YOZ (hispanic woman)
ZEE 679 Oregon (ugly, on the inside, the car I mean)
364 THV (blond woman I see a lot)
B53773N WA
Gates Construction semi (on a weird road where semi's don't go and I've never seen one for Gates Construction either)
782 XYO WA (cherokee jeep I believe)
6NPV307 California (bad news man) white SUV
ABX3829 WA (hispanic woman going out of her way)

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