Friday, December 10, 2010

Bad Vibe & Signs of Voodoo/Breaking Fast

I had a bad vibe today, around 12 or 12:30 p.m. I maybe should have gone to church for the communion. I don't know.

It was fine later. I went to a cafe to check on some things.

I had someone using military technology against me again,on the bus. It was a different effect though and I moved to the back of the bus and as soon as I got up, it quit instantly and then the bus driver looked nervous.

Which is always great. To wonder who knows about what.

Then there was this guy whose cheek kept twitching and I recognized it as having been exposed or targeted by someone involved in voodoo or witchcraft.

Sometimes this kind of thing is from technology actually, or medication, or stress or other things, but I have also seen it's effects through being exposed to someone who has some weird stuff going on. It doesn't mean that this person has something wrong with THEM, but that they are being attacked by others who do.

I had it happening too, until I fasted and prayed and it quit. I could tell it was spiritual because when I prayed it would quit or subside but the only way to completely erradicate it was through fasting as well. I don't think it's necessary to fast as long as I have though.

I decided to break my fast today--in most ways, or to incorporate more food if not completely breaking it. I don't want anyone to imitate me if it's not good for their health. And I can moderate what I want, when I want. I can go back to it whenever but I felt I was supposed to break the fast after prayer today, in chapel.

In chapel today, there was also the burning thing, like from technology, but this has only happened at this church when 1 person in particular is there. Otherwise, it has never happened. For some reason, it only happens on the days some pastor named Josh is there. He was very cheerful today and welcoming but it makes me wonder. There is this other woman who comes in with a colorful shawl all the time and she gave me a weird look today, who knows, but she's been around before and I don't notice this because of her or only when she's there.

I don't know why it has never happened on other days.

I feel the government offices are making a big mistake to allow persons "in" who may demonstrate interesting abilities but who are connecting this to a bad power source. It's either that, or a simple attack, and it could be either or both.

I guess in breaking my fast I mean I am eating more, at least for a time. But I am still not eating meat. I was going to fully break it but then I wonder if I should before I have full time work or have my son back in my care.

Going Ghandi.

Sort of.

I forgot and had tuna fish this morning but that's sort of okay for me. I had a whole bag of honey roasted cashews and then a small sourdough roll with butter later, for lunch. And I've had tea and hot water with milk and honey. I guess I'll just play it by ear.

I had a moment of losing my patience after I ate the cashews, but it was because I called 411 to get normal numbers and the operators were horrible. Claiming there was no such number for a temp agency and on and on.

My phone service suddenly became normal when I went into a federal building. I had thought there was a post office at that site but there wasn't. I talked to some people anyway and then left.

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