Friday, December 10, 2010

Dream (about Harry)

I didn't think I was dreaming but I had small dream and the only part I remember was that in the dream someone told me that Harry was betting.

It was a totally not true or relevant dream but it was that he chose what to wear and then there was betting on it, about whether others followed suit or something to that effect.

It wasn't bad or good in the dream, it was just a weird blip and I haven't looked up any headlines on any of them except the queen, for almost a month.
Read a little news. Read more entertainment stuff this morning with intent to study taliban again at some point. I read the link on bbc to fee investigation and the car ambush with Charles and Camilla. I also read the Putin news about the dog and the little boy reminded me of my son. It also reminded me of the soles of my boots, because I was just thinking about how the incisions (made on the heels of my boots) look like vampire fangs and the name "Buffy" makes me think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I guess, the other day too, I thought about vampires as I sat on a bus bench trying to ward off my cold by eating garlic raw. It was almost as hot as chili peppers. I bit into, and chewed 2 whole cloves raw.

I am also going to read about Peace Prize people but haven't done this yet.

Listening to worship music again, to just start out "right". Trying, at least.

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