Friday, December 10, 2010

Violence Last Night (internal bleeding)

There was violence against me last night, and I am not surprised. I almost wrote that I knew that when there is an "upset" in favor of goodness, there are elements of evil that will rise up to make desperate attempts to attack this.

I had just written about how things were so much better, and no technology or military or gang use of anything against me here except for isolated incidents. Which is very true. But someone and some group took this opportunity to again steal from me, with a large number of people knowing, and then to intentionally disrupt my transportation so I was delayed from returning to my residence on time when it was necessary for me to do so.

I witnessed a lot of ugly behavior, but in my opinion, it is like the last cry of demons when they're being exorcised. They realize they are going down and there is nothing, not even great numbers, that will stop the inevitable.

I believe in long-suffering and endurance in trials but I also put my foot down on some things. I have a legally protected right to protect myself, and in self-defense, should I ever get clear confirmation on who is doing this, I don't care who you are, you will suddenly be on the receiving end, by me, if someone else doesn't get to you first.

Anyone protecting my son from torture has my full blessing to take any and all measures necessary to get rid of anyone, any group, or any resources, that have gone into harming my son.

I was again prevented from normal travel and traveling freely last night. It wasn't as bad as when someone told me I couldn't even get on the only bus that left town, but the bus driver literally got off the bus and said there was going to be an hour delay because of "traffic" and stopped the bus and started smoking on the side. Then we found out, there was no traffic jam and he had just gotten on his shift. He had just arrived, and decided to quit the bus to smoke and delay, which prevented me from getting the connections I needed and being on time even though I left myself well over an hour in case of delays. Not only that, he was smirking to some of the passengers when he got off. He wasn't just lazy and taking a smoking break--he was deliberately doing a favor for some who didn't want me to meet a specific time I had.

It was on his bus that someone used an extremely strong ultrasound kind of technology on me again. It was so bad and so strong I was very nauseous. I had no reason to be nauseous and my lower back began to hurt and everything was heated up in my body.

Afterwards, I had a bloody nose. It was an hour after this happened and I had blood coming out of one nostril, the one to my left. I haven't been blowing my nose or anything and I don't usually get nosebleeds. I am not taking any medications and protected myself fairly well against it recently--watching every single thing that I take. I am already over my cold and my cold has nothing to do with it. The nosebleed was the result of the violence leveraged against me. My heart was also affected and sort of irregular for a short time later. I am not predisposed to nose bleeds. I wasn't having a migraine. My nose began bleeding about 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours after the violence.

These assholes on that bus, several of them knew eachother.

One man who was involved was professional and of eastern or northern European descent, but could have been any nationality or allegiance. He was shorter and blond and sat behind me in a nicer, long black wool coat, slacks, and nice shoes.

This was between 5 p.m.-7:45 p.m. that I was on the bus when it should have taken only a half hour to get back.

I saw him, out of the corner of my eye, nodding off at some gangster dressed men who were also on the bus and then in front of me were a few men who I had a bad vibe from as well.

When he got off the bus, cooling from the heating on my body began immediately, but wasn't gone completely until I was off the bus and inside a shelter area. He got off at Union (I will find cross street in case there are street cameras) and had two earpiece things in his ears. Right after he got off, the men sitting across from him also got off, on the next block.

Another person stole my key to my locker and I still have to report this. Someone who I then later met that night acted like she already knew it had been done and that I didn't have it anymore, which I thought was odd.
I missed a chapel, which turned out to be with some from an Assemblies of God church, which is the same denomination as the Hillsong churches, whose worship I'd been listening to earlier in the day.

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