Thursday, December 9, 2010

Test & Computer Problems (but no physical harm)

I was taking an online test and the sample one didn't show and it went straight to the test. I didn't understand or have a chance to read samples ahead of time so I raced through it and got 25% which is NOT my usual average for spelling and grammar.

I am going to have to ask the administrator to give me a new test and let me see the samples first. I should have gone into their office instead of doing this online from my computer.

I just did it wrong. Oh, and then there was a 10 key test and I don't have 10 key on my computer!

I think I'm just quitting until I am able to do this at the office on a regular computer with the regular network.

It skipped right over some sections, on my own computer. For 10 key I was going across the top of the keyboard instead of on a 10 key.

It's a basic skills test and I've done it before without many errors. Usually very few.
I've been having odd computer problems since I clicked on the Hillsong & Michael W. Smith songs.

Ever since then, everything has been breaking up (music stalling and then doing this weird spotting like stop-start really fast as if a lot of activity is happening and slowing down the processes) and stalling or skipping over pages.

It was sometime around lunch or afterwards (around 1 p.m. maybe). Before that, I had zero problems.

Now all of a sudden it's returning to normal. At about 4 p.m. For over 3 hours I've had problems though and just now it quit, about 10 minutes after I wrote about these computer issues.

I even had problems with the search engines. I was using Google and I would try to type in a search for a temporary agency and it wasn't coming up and then stuff about Richmond, VA was being pulled up instead. I switched to Yahoo. Love ya Google, but if you can't do your job, I'm using another search engine. It wasn't like someone didn't categorize it correctly--it was like all this other totally unrelated stuff was coming up instead. I went to Yahoo and immediately got what I was looking for, and a lot of different options for the same thing. Which is usually what Google does, but something weird was going on there, for a little bit.

There haven't been any of the technology or other weird problems which I described in the past. It was just computer issues.

There was something happening yesterday when I was at Starbucks early. I think it has more to do with someone bringing something into proximity possibly. If that's true, it happened all the time in Wenatchee. Almost every day. It has not been a problem here at all. Isolated incidents and that is all. There has been an enormous improvement.

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