Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Better Than A Hallelujah & Hitchens


I thought about Christopher Hitchens for some reason with this song.

I don't think about him anymore. I don't read his articles either. But the other day he came to mind again and I was thinking, I still believe he could be healed.

Maybe that's as improbable as thinking it might have been possible my babies were not really dead.

But I had finished fasting and it acheived a purpose. Some things happened or I got rid of some things I couldn't get rid of without fasting. The fast took care of it so fast I almost forgot why I had first started fasting.

It ended up being for a variety of things. I broke my fast enough to eat some and then thought about Mr. Hitchens and thought, "I wonder how he is doing" and if he might recover.

I thought about fasting specifically for him but just pondered and thought he might get better anyway. I don't know. Then the other day, 2 or 3 days ago, I was thinking about C.S. Lewis and thought about "Surprised by Joy" and Hitchens and Mr. Lewis at about the same time.

And of the English, I prayed briefly for the English Parliament one or two days ago (maybe 2 ago). While a hymn or worship song came on in chapel, I saw them standing and singing. It was either last night or the night before. I have no clue what their politics are, but I prayed for the spirit of things.

Then I woke up with these gloves on underneath other black gloves, looked at the morning news, gaped, and kept my other gloves hidden. They looked like the sunset of the skyline. Then the woman's attire in the church this morning. What thuuuhhh.

Why now. Why not. Write about this I mean.

Then, I was sitting here and scrolling to see if I could find anything about his health and I had this come to mind, "strawman" so I typed in a search: "What is a strawman?". Guess I'll record the time. 1:22 a.m. CST

Then, I smiled. This smile crept up on my face and since I have no idea why I'm smiling, what I wrote must have amused someone out there in the world for some reason. The weird part is I don't know why.

Aha. Now I see where it came from. A comment by "forgottenlord". Why this one word stood out in my mind to look up, out of everything, I don't know. It was a fast scroll.

I guess, in reflection, after reading, I would say that my "double" is the straw man, which is an identity or argument created to substitute for the real one so it is easier to attack. I guess another meaning is the willingness (totally separate meaning) to be a straw man (a false witness). Then there is the straw man proposal.

Got some kind of impression about something with Hitchens' arm. Since I don't know what, I wondered if it was just from an IV or a shot or something slightly different.

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