Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Failure of (a few) Police to Handle Reports

I have police still coming in who are bad ones.

The latest was Officer S. White, who should not be allowed to carry a gun, EVER. If he hasn't already assaulted someone, it won't be long. This officer had the worst behavior of someone I had just met, that I've seen in a long time.

I had to make a report of my glasses (prescription glasses) being stolen. This officer came out and was sitting there. I asked if he was the one who was taking my report and he said no, as if he was just randomly there. But the police knew I was going that direction.

He got out and I said if he was just going to take a report on my glasses being stolen, maybe I should go back to an investigative officer who would actually put all these things together.

He said he'd just write up the glasses. I said I didn't know and then he pushed up his glasses with his middle finger extended. He was basically flipping me off and it wasn't an accident--I knew he wanted me to notice. I was polite and said I would just make my report with someone else and said thanks and walked away.

He lunged my way and yelled, "GET BACK HERE!" I was so shocked that he would address me this way. Get back here?! as if HE was stopping ME for something? When I stopped and turned, thinking this guy is so outrageous and beligerant, he will actually try to handcuff me for walking off from making a report, even though it's my choice in keeping all the pieces together or not. I don't need reports with a dozen different guys. I need one person putting things together.

So I stopped and turned to look and this guy was FURIOUS and lunging my way and just not even right.

I thought it was crazy.

He lost his temper so fast and so suddenly that I thought, "This is the kind of officer who will shoot out of impulse and think about it later."

I thought, oh my gosh. I imagined he'd be a wife or girlfriend beater too, the way he had just treated me, a total stranger who was being polite.

He then said okay, if I wasn't going to make my report with him.
Not only that, when I first went to the police station at the Headquarters, someone was doing something there that was totally not normal.

I had the overheating thing happen in the station downtown. It caused the other side of my body to twitch. I would try turning and it would quit but then it would start again. I didn't "see" anyone except for the man behind the window but this was happening in the police headquarters. As I walked away, it completely stopped. It stopped even though the twitching kept happening. About a half hour later, everything was back to normal.

But I thought, this happened at the police station. Police are involved. I believe, police and military.

So then I was walking back the other way and met this crazy officer. After I left, later, 3 police cars in a row almost, passed me. All going the same direction.
I have made 2 reports. One about the people who were in the Nashville library. One of the women was Jewish I think, it may have been wrong but it was a psychic feeling. One man was black, and one woman black and then 2 white women. Then there was a second man who was doing "look out" with the other black man and then a homeless looking man they used to try to make it look like it was him (they gave him my computer ticket to make it appear as if since he had my ticket he had my money or was the person responsible when he wasn't.) Then one of the librarians also knew about it and was nodding off to a couple who were involved.

It was so bizarre. All of those people colluding together, over $3 and stealing my computer ticket. They all were in on it together because my coat was across a table, not even next to anyone where it would be easy to slip a hand in unnoticed. The only reason I reported it was because so many people were involved and they had gone to such effort and I thought it was dangerous and bizarre. If they're willing to do this over $3, they will do much worse and demonstrate that they work together. These were professional and well off people who had no need to do this. The black man wore a long wool trenchcoat and nice oxford shirt with good shoes and slacks. He was nice looking. The others were equally attired.

The officer wrote up the report as: "She says females stole $3" and that was basically it. He omitted how it was not quite like that.
Then I tried to make my report about my cell phone and things being stolen (which were returned) and my shoes being cut up and I had someone trying to dispute that they were cut when it's obvious.

I also had a man steal my key from a cafe in a nice part of town and then this woman who is around knew about it. She made it clear she knew and then she acted weirded out when I said I knew who did it (I did) and then all of a sudden, the key showed up. One day later. I believe it "showed" up because someone said give it back and maybe she won't report it.
Then, I find my prescription glasses have been stolen. I postponed reporting it because I thought it was possible they were in the back of the locker somehow, even though I knew they had been zipped up in a pocket in a fleece. But I waited until I searched the whole locker and took everything out, and they are gone. They were stolen.
Then, I had some house rules that have been flexible since I've been there, suddenly change.

Told one thing, the other thing was enforced tonight, I guess in retaliation for reporting some thing or women, and I was forced "out" for the night until tomorrow. This, by one of the same women who knew that my locker key had been stolen and then I later found it returned "to the office".

I figured something happened that was part of a bet.

I have some sad things still being done, just using me for different reasons. I figured the reason I was made to go out is because someone else was going to benefit in some way. I have gone by all of the rules but I have had, in the last couple of days, a few pinching and changing them where they were flexible before and with others as well.
Then, I talked to one of my parents and they literally believe my lawyers were helping me and that it was my fault I fired them. I said, "Are you kidding me?"

My own mother had strongly questioned one of them, until...what? Until he called her and talked to her and my Dad. Which he had no right to do without my being on the call, because he was my lawyer, not theirs. All he had to do was talk in a sweet voice and "say" he was helping and that convinced them. They are so incredibly naive. I cannot believe they are so easily swayed by assurances and flattery, as if lawyers are all good and none have their own political motives and agendas. It took one phone call with him for them to think he was in the right and that I must be in the wrong.

This is the same lawyer who intentionally kept records out of my case.
Who sent for copies of my medical records when I specifically told him NOT to and that he was no longer my attorney. The medical records were obtained without a release of information and then shared with others even though I told him I was not giving my consent. I had paid for them, not the State. It was my MRI.
This is also the same lawyer who acted worred whenever I told him something good was happening for me. He didn't WANT me to be in college or to have a job in childcare or with children. He would start to get nervous and I could see very clearly that he was trying to control things so that I did not have these advantages and then he prevented me from obtaining my records or putting them in the court record.

This guy was BAD news.

I told my mother, "Are you kidding me? this guy's WIFE had one of the CPS workers as her maid of honor. My lawyer's wife's best friend was one of the CPS workers who was lying about me." My mother's response was, "Well, it's a small town." It's unethical. If it's that small, I should have been granted the Change of Venue that I requested.

So this was incredibly disappointing, as I've tried to make conversation and work on my relationship with my family and it's like no big deal to them.

I cannot be more shocked.

My family has ZERO experience with the justice system and lawyers. There has been 1 divorce (now 2) in the entire family on either side of the family. Wait, I guess 4 now, including older and younger people. That's out of a ton of family members. Only 4 divorces. Aside from this, very little to do with legal department at all.

Meanwhile, I held up 2 MAJOR legal cases, on my OWN with zero help from anyone, for almost 3 years and I know some of these laws and how to read the law and what is expected and it's like trying to talk to sheep.

I could say, "These are BAD people" and "This lawyer has a self serving motive" and go on about all of the evidence, until I'm almost blue in the face, and it would do no good.

I feel almost completely trapped by my family's brainwashing. They have some weirdoes who got close to them to influence them about me, and I know this because I remembered hearing my mother talk about some women who were giving her advice who were in a prayer group (A gossip group more than anything). And then others who have just preyed on the naiveity of my family and their inexperience with deceit and what is expected in the justice system.

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