Tuesday, December 21, 2010

computer NOW & people

Also, someone is doing something to overheat my computer now but no one is right in front of me or to the back of me.

My computer is humming more than usual on my lap though and I moved locations and it's still happening. so I think it's something soemone can use with proximity but maybe some distance.

There are 4 people here besides me and then the workers.

I don't know who is around outside.

I know the other day I was leaning against the wall that separates workers from tables and chairs and the whole wall was humming and my computer too when this was happening. I could feel it through the wall.

When it quit no workers were there but when it was happening, workers were there.
I am seriously tired of this. I want someone to quit the stuff with overheating now.
It's not psychic and it doesn't cause me to be more psychic either.

I talked to someone from the Pentagon who answered the phone and either you are helping or you are part of this.

I said i wanted someone to shadow me with this so I am able to prove what is happening. I am not going to allow it to continue.

Now it's quit, sort of. This one woman left I guess. There is only one person left and then the workers.

I'm getting an idea about someone who has Irish in the background make up involved at this time. I don't know what affiliation or nationality but this came up.

I have had a couple come in, about 6 p.m., declaring things about how hot it is and they want their drink hot and hot this and that and then smirking at me. I guess in response to my post about things overheating. Then some other guy came in and looked over at one who has been here all along and smirked and pulled his shirt out like he was really hot.

These people are making an inside joke about my post and no, I'm not imagining this.

There is no reason to doubt me.

I have fucking knife marks in my boots,
arsenic proof and evidence on my body now,
and people who don't want me to have work, have credibility with FBI or anyone at all, and who are still doing this kind of shit and working together to do it. When I went to a new place, the YMCA, none of this was happening. It's like the assholes decided to hang out at the Starbucks and do this. The one they know I'm close to, and I guess, focus their efforts here. If it's from a remote distance, there are still people coming in over here to check things out and catch my response when it happens.

The only thing that throws this off, with my thinking it's the laptop is when this kind of thing happened in church in Wenatchee and then in chapel, but that was different effect and made my lower back hurt badly and was a different kind of burning sensation.

My SON has been subjected to this shit and the people doing it, have THEIR kids fully protected.

I am still taking private notes and not publishing everything.

I don't know why anyone risks their own family and careers over this. Not only is this crime on a local level, it's collusion to commit crime when it crosses state lines, and if there is any knowledge by persons in govt. or military, it's crimes against humanity and against the Geneva Code.

A LOT of things that have been done, deliberately, to me and my son, are against the Geneva Code.

My family did not come to the fucking United States to have several generations targeted by gangsters and military & govt. users. We didn't come here to be fucking guinea pigs and none of us consented to systemic torture and harassment, fraud, and corruption in every aspect of our lives. My family members also didn't agree to be fucking SET UP to commit crimes and then blackmailed into serving the country in other ways to "stay out of jail" assholes.

I like how no one in the government wanted my fingerprints on any kind of record in the US. Why is this? I was volunteering to have it done and yet no one wanted to do it and they kept disappearing. Was this to try to use me hopefully, in some way and then hope I am never caught? It doesn't make any sense.

You are using my son and allowing him to be tortured too.

Obama knows and he is being blackmailed to keep his mouth shut. By fucking other countries.

peace, peace.

That last part may sound crazy, but it's not.

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