Monday, December 20, 2010

Comments to Post & My Son's Damages (Wisdom of Solomon)

I just had someone comment on my boots knifed post and claim it was normal wear and tear. Sure. I responded to this comment on that post and explained why it was NOT normal wear and tear and how this coincided with the metal interior of my locker being pulled out and searched on the same day.

The same day that I was working for The Deli Asshole.

Who I asked, on that same day, "So are you a police officer?" He sort of jerked back. He said what was I talking about and I said it came to my mind that he was either an officer, had one in the family, or knew a lot of police officers.

He said no. Then he said they just give discounts to police and military (and, I guess, mental health workers, who also came in).

That day I went to my locker and find shredded boots and searched locker.

I got my check. It's not enough.
I checked my mail and I have 3 prophetic pastor's names tossed my way. My mother said I'm getting confused. Yeah, because there's Smith Wigglesworth on one hand, and then some Australian guy and I guess the wheelchair miracle is through him, and of a "Delia Knox" who is on youtube and now this Graham Cooke. I guess my mom knows the UK guy, or who he is and has a good friend who says he is her favorite.
As for my son, I guess he had a fun day, sledding and then going to a movie and I'm told was totally wiped out by the end of the day.

I was yawning and wiped out myself, and exhausted and didn't know why last night. I then woke up to find a part of my lower back hurt a little and was larger on one side than the other, as if bruised.

I thought about my son sledding and then it came to me. He thought about me. Part of his exhaustion was not just from fun but depression over the triggering of having been separated from his mother.

These WA assholes have it coming.

I am making very certain I am aligned to the right people and get some support for pursuing the criminal investigations that WA and some others tried to block me from even reporting or being discovered.

I used to pull my son up and down a hill, all through the winter, when he was almost 2. I know he remembers because we did it together all the time. We were doing this when the CPS assholes who lied in their reports (and also lied about not getting email from me inviting them to come to our home or visit us in a public place) came to my house to ask questions. A few weeks before I left for Canada with my son.

All I can say, is that there are NO WORDs

For what has happened, to describe the magnitude of this case and the amount of fucking MONEY that went into a cover up.

I am getting a really weird feeling that the FBI knows about some of their mistakes now. I don't know what happened. I don't know if someone talked,, after all of my praying and praying and fasting...or if something came up and others took note, or other FBI persons who are good checked me out over here and found me to be normal and realized there was a big problem...or what.

I don't know what's going down, but I am getting my son BACK.

Let THIS be a prophetic word, even if I speak it from my own heart, let it be fulfilled by God and turned into a word of prophecy and let a criminal investigation and charges being filed for public corruption also be a prophetic word. And dear God, please let all of these come to pass by the working of new hands, and with hands that are honest and people who are on my side and know your will is for my son to be with his rightful mother. Amen.

I went to the Bible and asked God for something about if this will happen and what he thinks about those who have done these things to me and my son and I got a passage that I got for a woman who I met recently when I asked about her motives with me:

Jeremiah 22:13

Woe to him who builds his palace by unrighteousness,
his upper rooms by injustice,
making his countrymen work for nothing,
not paying them for their labor.

He says, "I will build myself a great palace
with spacious upper rooms."
So he makes large windows in it,
panels it with cedar and decorates it in red.

"Does it make you a king to have more and more cedar?
Did not your father have food and drink?
HE did what was right and just
so all went well with him.
He defended the cause of the poor and needy,
and so all went well.
Is that not what it means to know me?"
declares the Lord.
"But your eyes and your heart are set only on dishonest gain,
on shedding innocent blood and on oppression and extortion."

I had a couple of appointments but there is a change of plans.
Here's a song from Red Hymnal by Hillsong. The Willy part reminded me of some comment on youtube I read or heard "hei villie!" which made me laugh as much as seeing "hei arnie!" i love seeing dutch and german or northern european languages when they're exuberant. Das and hei and i guess it makes me think of the muppets Swedish Chef.

I earlier pulled up the clip from Oswald Chambers about Abandonment to God. I have had so many people try to tell ME what God wants for my life.

That I need to abandon my own will. That I need to "surrender" my son. That God has something different. On and on.

They do not speak for me.

They also do NOT speak for God.

And anyone, especially any government worker who is not FOR me is AGAINST me. That means each and every asshole who holds any kind of government paid position and has dared to claim that I am mentally ill or tried to take my son or discredit me.

YOU are NOT with God and you are NOT on God's side.

Each and every one of you are a part of the problem and I count you as my enemy and enemies to my son, Oliver Garrett.

Perfect Love, Hillsong United

I paused the clip at the part where there is scripture up close and it's from I Kings 3:6-10.

It highlights Solomon's request for wisdom and discernment. It was just in a dream. I don't remember this part, that it was through a dream God asked Solomon what he wanted. I thought it was in a vision or visitation. But according to this chapter, it was through a dream. God asked Solomon what he wanted, and because God was pleased with him, was going to give him his heart's desire. He asked for wisdom in ruling his country or in administering justice and this so pleased God, that in the dream, God granted him his request and said there would never be one like him before him or after him. And he said, he was also going to give him things he hadn't even asked for: money and health and all these things, in addition to wisdom. And then it says (which I don't remember!), Solomon woke up and realized it had only been a dream.

But then it came to pass.

I looked at the date on this video. It's December 14, 2007. At this time, my son and I were being harassed, tortured, and almost died. My son was showing up with laser burn marks on areas that are not seen by the sun, and I was being threatened that I would die. My computer was being hacked and someone didn't care to cover it up anymore. I had problems with telecommunications for the first time. This was in East Wenatchee, off of Route 2, and it is what was happening right before I left with my son for Canada.

Today, while sitting here, I had a bunch of assholes come in after or around the time the nuns came in, and put on an enactment of CPS workers I had to deal with. One came in looking like the spitting image of Michelle Erickson and made comments while they all played cards in a group and one looked exactly like Marie Scanlon. They were sitting there making comments like CPS would, and using mannerisms of the CPS workers and I thought about getting their plate numbers and decided not to. I don't have to prove that there are assholes around here who do shit like this. What I have figured out is that a lot of them, I find, are connected to other state workers who know someone or they're connected through a common church.

I just ignored it and put on my headphones.

And then I started thinking about how at least, for once, this area seems to have a functioning FBI force. I mean, at the very least, while persons running telecommunications seems to really want me to direct my complaints to the FBI team in Columbia, TN (which means this is NOT where I should go), a lot of people don't want me to have anything to do with Knoxville which means there might be people of integrity there. I also think there must be some good people at another local (closer) FBI office. But for once, someone might not be corrupt.

I am also not being hung up on, or blocked, at the outset, from making a report at all. And this time, for once, the D.C. offices backed down when I let them know I knew they had made a "mistake".

I am also being careful to stay in a good sphere in the sense of making sure I live not with just one person who is able to make the truth into whatever they want, but among a lot of others who are able to see for themselves the state of my mind and where others are able to join and see for themselves if they want to. I have turned down offers to go to smaller more seluded places, because I feel that as long as there are safety and security checks of all kinds and I am safe physically, it is best not to make drastic moves, no matter whether it may look like the better thing.

As long as I'm watching where I get my food and drink, my health is improving. On the whole, I'm much better. I got so sick though, and made stupid choices and have been sick a few times here, but nothing like before. And nothing like the technology and torture stuff that was happening before.
Finally made it to the cnn news. I am reading about weird weather. Which is weird, because here it's sunny and really nice and no snow even. Just a nice day with blue skies and sunshine. I am glad I moved here when I did and escaped more of the colder fronts that were coming in over there. Also glad, because I left with only a thin jacket and one change of clothes and one pr. of boots. I left with the clothes on my back and one computer bag.

One of the weirdest things is reading about CA having any snow. 10 feet it says. (I wonder if I should erase this...hmmm...what if someone thinks I'm bragging about nice weather...imagine what the masses of cold and travel-trapped might do to a cheerful pollyanna typing away about the beautiful birds, and sun, and her bikini of many colors. "Let them eat SNOW!" she said, flippantly and in good humor, not realizing that the hoards were turning icicles into daggers and about to reroute their flights to storm the borders of Tennessee.)

Just kidding. Had to throw in a streak of creativity as a copy of Wuthering Heights went under my nose while cleaning last night.

One glance at a wiki page on Descartes and I'm expounding on the woes of our political system and after a glance at Bronte, I miss my creative writing classes. That's what inspiration will do! I've had very little inspiration in the middle of being drugged and medicated.
Having others choose to medicate me has served as a smokescreen for actual poisoning done by others. It has also dulled me and made it impossible for me to do what I would normally do.

It has also served to ostracize me socially and give excuses for the bad behavior of others.

It has also worked as a way for others to derail me from what course I would have naturally taken, and then cover for the attempts by others to make me appear as though I am ill and only experience "technology problems" or other issues, if I am not being secretly medicated.

This has given some the opportunity to say that I was acting normal during a certain timeframe, because, they want to claim, I was medicated. When in reality, people just deliberately began to act normal when I was medicated, to try to enforce the idea that I was ill without medication and therefore, if medication "helped" or quit the problems, it would seem to be the doing of medication, because, therefore, I had been or am, mentally ill.

HOW else does a group make one appear to be mentally ill when they are not? The only way to do this is to create an illusion of improvement with medication. And then amp up torture at the right time to create the illusion of mental illness, hallucinations, feigned pains and ideas of military or "government conspiracy".

The first time I got suspicious about motives was in D.C.

It was in Washington D.C. while working at the Post Pub. I began to suspect I was receiving medication in my food. We were given one free meal with our work there. I quit eating there and bought my own and my periods started to come back as normal which immediately raised concerns to me about why my periods had been altered to begin with.

I was also told "eat this!" and given things to eat in Blaine, after my son was taken from me. Here, eat this, and urged to eat some different things and watched to see that I did. Aside this, and getting suspicious at this time as to why my mother wanted to talk to them and why everyone was so interested in keeping up with whether I had a Dr. or not.

But then with Post Pub, it's been a reeeeal joy.

To not only be medicated there, but then fired for being pregnant and then losing my babies because I was then being tortured again.

As soon as I was pregnant and they couldn't medicate me, I had assholes trying all kinds of horrible things and changing the way they treated me. They didn't change because I wasn't medicated and I was delusional. They changed because they wanted to continue the idea that if I was NOT medicated, I was mentally ill. I was no threat to them if they could get away with the idea that while I was secretly medicated, I was normal. They just wanted to be sure it was documented that I was ill. Why?

Because they needed to keep me under their thumbs. There were people to convince. They HAD to convince others that I was mentally ill, or some groups would be under investigation for what they did. They would be subject to civil suits. And they would have to return my son to me.

I had already said I wouldn't take any medications and that I would lie or fake symptoms one way or the other. So they thought the perfect way to construct what they needed to construct for themselves, was to claim I was ill but not let me know when I was being medicated. That way, with just a few people (or several) knowing what was going on, all other external factors could be reduced commensurate with what medication or drug I was being given.

The doctors who knew they were going to be sued have had a hey-day. My enemies from before, who hated me, have loved it all. Others who were not persuaded began to feel the "evidence" was so compelling as to admit that there was a problem. What was the other explanation for it? The assholes just point to a timeline and say, "When she was taking THIS, she wasn't having any symptoms, was she?" and when we take her off of this, look at what happens?

Very convenient. Even more convenient after the idea is already falsely established and then torture can still resume even in addition to "secret medication" and then all this kept from me so I have no evidence to argue in court with, in my defense.

People trying to poison and kill me or make threats to keep the truth from coming out and my talking about what they know I already know and have been too afraid to say.

Not only that, military and govt. assholes who wanted to experiment with me or my son then had carte blanche over us. I had no credibility in reporting what was happening.

Oh, and then throw in false arrests for crimes I never committed, to make me look even worse.

After Post Pub and the house associates there, and before THiS, being given medication in food by a few others, I was then medicated by my own fiance. It was him or those who made the food to give to me.

I had not one normal period until 3 months after he was gone and I had quit eating food from him.

I had been medicated with either birth control or some other kind of medication.

After I separated from him, I was designated as hopelessly mentally ill again.

Mykal Holt, who stole my "cedar" hope chest from me and defamed me, along with sleeping with my fiance, described me all the way around as psychotic, even going so far as to claim I weilded a knife against her.

Following this, I was tortured and abused further. My son endured the most horrific crimes and people in WA covered it up and deliberately discredited me.

I get away to another state and everyone can see, once again, that there is nothing wrong with me. But a few of the assholes, who don't want the entire plan slipping through their fingers and falling apart, have buddies in law enforcement here and in other positions who have tried to keep up the old same story, which is a lie.

I have possessed the truth and known what has happened to me and my son and I've known about others who tried to cover it up.

I know about certain people who are connected and interconnected and who have a need to protect themselves at a cost of completely sacrificing and destroying my life, which means they know I lose my son and that I know I am losing him while I am innocent.

I have had no power to fight the crime,, corruption, and omerta. And that is an omerta with those who have no clear "gang" ties, but who have colluded with others, including some Canadians, to ruin me through a variety of means.

Obama and others are told, I'm sure, that even if someone has psychic abilities, they can "still be mentally ill", isn't that true?

And yet the truly mentally ill fuckers are the ones who have colluded to do this harm against me and my son and made it possible, with the help of even unbelievers.

I feel that someone knows a big mistake has been made.

And I have a right to full, unconditional, and immediate return of my son and to compensation for this great mistake.

My demands are to have my son returned. To be given sustainable work to compensate what was taken from me. To correct problems with my default on college loans which never would have occured but for crime committed against me which delayed and blocked me from going back. To have my name and reputation restored and an apology for defaming me as being mentally ill. My record completely corrected and persons like Mykal Holt, Michelle Erickson, and any and all state workers and employees or federal workers who contributed, held accountable for what they have done and lied about.

If this is not done, I will go to another country and do it from abroad and it won't be pretty when I do.

With my last check from WA state, I paid for a ticket to Tennessee. With the next check, I am paying for a renewed passport.

That "appeals" lawyer I was given was not trustworthy.

And I am not in need of a lawyer for an appeal of my custody case. I need a lawyer to take it from injunction, which is what I filed and there was a reason for filing this, for the right to New Trial so my evidence may be entered into court rather than be bare.

All of my photos and belongings which were stolen from me, and damaged, with ZERO accountablity from police in Wenatchee and Washington. I want ALL of my photos and albums and personal items returned that can be returned.

I want those who stole these items charged with the crimes they committed.

That is aside and outside of any kind of idea of a lawsuit.

I want the directors of CPS and social services in Wenatchee fired and someone from an entirely different state to take their places.

I want the Attorney General's offices in WA to be cleaned out. The leader should be replaced as well.

I have yet to discover who is involved from FBI in WA but I can only imagine.
I can make a list of Jewish persons, Catholic, Protestant, and other persons who have been involved from the time my son was taken to now. Most of them were interconnected. Money will buy almost anything.

It bought everything except me.

At least, I don't go for a cheap selling price, and I also don't bargain on promises of fidelity. I value myself more than all of these other people combined, who sold out.
I want a decent hair and poisons analysis done on my nail, hair, and anything else that will prove what I've said.

I have skin discoloration on my arm from what happened in Seattle. I have a burnt mark on the tip of my tongue still, from the poisoned cigarettte. I have discoloration consistent with torture from heating and also poisoning in my nails and toenails. I newly have white lines going all the way across and then still have a more blurry white coloring. I had my legs swell up.

I was tortured and had it passed off as symptoms of mental illness or side effects of medications.

You must attone for what you have done and through a court of law.

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