Monday, December 20, 2010

The "Cuban" & Arsenic (& something on Oak Ridge)

I just looked up arsenic poisoning symptoms again and I have almost all of the listed symptoms, or have had them. I now have more distinct white lines too and I do have the ridges mentioned as well.

I am reading sometimes white lines can be from something else, but probably not.

I want to have a professional analysis done by a good doctor who is experienced with forensics of some kind and various specialties. If someone ends up paying for that, it would be great.

I looked up this article on arsenic and then the next thing I was reading was what to eat and I found that today I have been eating what is recommended, without knowing it. Whole grains. I bought a whole box of granola bars that are made with only whole oats and felt I should eat this along with lots of liquids and find sulfur rich foods again (eggs or something). I didn't get eggs but I did drink all that eggnog at different times. Had lots of fiber with greens and salad and maybe tomorrow more greens. The oats have been good too.

I had a cup of coffee but when I went for a refill this other guy asked me a question and I turned my head to answer, looking away for a minute. I was handed the coffee. At this, I decided it was my mistake and to pay for a new refill. She gave me a free one but I decided not to have more coffee afterall and just buy more bottled drinks again.

So anyway, the cuban reference is to this time about 2 weeks ago, when I was at a Panera cafe and fasting and this man said they had accidentally ordered too much and did I want the "cuban" sandwich. Which made me think about the guy who survived a ton of assassination attempts, fidel. I had said no but thank you and gave it to someone else when they left it behind.

I read that the location of the white line in the nail bed can be used to approximate the time of exposure and this chemical guy said sometimes it takes several times and then it just pops up out of nowhere. The line or two that I have are right about in the middle of my nail bed in my toenails. Across the middle part of my toes, so if this is growing out, I don't know how fast toenails grow, but it's in the middle of my toenail. There isn't any damage or injury there, it just showed up there, like something finally kicked in.

I guess I should photograph this and post it for public proof. I tried to show the other things but it was hard to tell with this webcam and it is also hard to know how they were before and then after.

Here is a photo from web images that represents what my new lines on my toenails looks like. It's straight across and that white too, but not such a thick line, it's a little thinner, but also across the middle like this. (scroll down to photo of mees lines)

The only thing is that I have it now on just 1 or 2 toenails. But I guess, according to some of the photos, this doesn't always show up on all the nails and MOST of the time, with arsenic poisoning, Mees lines are not even present. At all. So I guess I'm "lucky" to have the evidence showing up even more markedly. It will also help to establish with the FBI that this is not just happening in one state, but various locations so it's FBI jurisdiction.

So so much.

My son should be immediately sent to me. To his mother so I am able to look out for him the same way I look out for myself at this point--with vigilance and I never let my son out of my protective sight. He was very happy, loved, and secure. We were tortured together and apart, but he knows that my care of/for him is incomparable.

I noticed something else--the other day a lot of people throwing up everywhere, which I thought was odd. It was like one day specifically. I wasn't throwing up but I wondered what was going on that so many were ill.

Which makes me think about The Manhattan Project.

I decided to visit over here to see Nashville, never thinking "Oh yeah. The Manhattan Project!" Then someone reminded me and I hit myself on the forehead and said, "From Hanford to the Manhattan Project. What kind of idiot am I?"

I'm not worried about that though. Overall, things have been better.
On the subject of prophesies though...this is really, really, weird--

Something about a man, seriously, who had visions of Oak Ridge 40 years before it happened. He was a religious mystic (became one) and because he told people he was seeing things (visions) they locked him up in a nuthouse but they documented what he said. He predicted and foresaw this whole construction and a war too.

From wiki:

According to local tradition, John Hendrix (1865–1915), an eccentric local resident regarded as a mystic, prophesied the establishment of Oak Ridge some 40 years before construction began. Upset by the death of his young daughter and the subsequent departure of his wife and remaining family, he became religious and told his neighbors he was seeing visions. When he described his visions, people thought he was insane; for this reason, he was institutionalized for a time. According to several published accounts,[7] one vision that he described repeatedly was an uncannily accurate description of the city and production facilities that were built 28 years after his death. The version recalled by neighbors and relatives has been reported as follows:

"In the woods, as I lay on the ground and looked up into the sky, there came to me a voice as loud and as sharp as thunder. The voice told me to sleep with my head on the ground for 40 nights and I would be shown visions of what the future holds for this land.... And I tell you, Bear Creek Valley someday will be filled with great buildings and factories, and they will help toward winning the greatest war that ever will be. And there will be a city on Black Oak Ridge and the center of authority will be on a spot middle-way between Sevier Tadlock’s farm and Joe Pyatt’s Place. A railroad spur will branch off the main L&N line, run down toward Robertsville and then branch off and turn toward Scarborough. Big engines will dig big ditches, and thousands of people will be running to and fro. They will be building things, and there will be great noise and confusion and the earth will shake. I've seen it. It's coming."[7]

Starting in October 1942, the United States Army Corps of Engineers began acquiring the Oak Ridge area for the Manhattan Project.

It's called "The Secret City" (that's not so secret anymore).

Hmmm. I might visit Knoxville but I don't think I want to stay. Too creepy maybe. Not Knoxville, but the idea of being close to that area.

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