Tuesday, December 21, 2010

This Morning (Child)

I put on Delia Knox's video for background noise this morning first thing today. I think it's decent energy background noise.

The best thing about this morning was waking up after sleeping on a cold and hard floor and finding I looked better than I have in a long time. I hardly slept, but my skin and eyes looked clear and improved. I don't know if it was sleeping on the floor that did it or if it was what I ate and that this was what I needed. I went through a box of whole oats granola bars throughout the day, a package of organic cheese, a rockn' milk, powerade, red bull, water, and 1 cup of coffee and then a Quik strawberry milk.

No dreams either. Which was nice.

Then this morning I saw this little boy sitting in a chair and I stood there and looked at him and smiled. He looked hesitant, like he didn't know what to think. Then I noticed this so I wanted him to know I was "okay" and said to him, without saying anything, but thinking it to him directly, "God loves you David." Right after I thought this to him, wondering if he could pick up on it, he smiled and jumped off of his chair to show me his 4-wheeler. Then he was running it all over the place to show me and when I went to the fountain to get a drink he ran after and drank from the small fountain while I drank from the tall one.

I thought it was interesting because it was like he really picked up on what I "thought" or somehow God let him know I was okay, or he recognized this from my eyes or something. I wasn't sure but it was nice to see the power of thought and prayer with a child, right before my eyes.

This morning I sense sort of bad energy though. Sad and not good. I don't know why. For about the last 20 minutes or so, this sadness from somewhere.

I have to have breakfast. Maybe that's it. I don't want anyone to imitate me if they are not immediately feeling they're to do this themselves. I am not fasting really but doing what I think should be done day to day. I also want to fast more before I go to the FBI but timing is important--too much time has already passed. But I need to figure out what to do to break through any obstacles others may be setting up against me and the return of my son.
I was feeling this sad energy from maybe 7:45-or earlier, maybe 7:30-on which may have been around the time my son was waking up. I don't know. It improved by the time I was at the chapel for early prayer/devotional service. The service readings were from Isaiah and from Revelations. About bringing peace among adversaries and unity and then about the throne of God and new world, or Jerusalem. Also Psalms. I have a few times recently turned to the sections others are reading from, except for one page apart. For example, last night before readings, at another chapel,, I had turned to Psalms and the one I was reading was immediately after the one she started reading. And we were singing songs and she asked if there were any song requests and "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" came to my mind but I said nothing. Then, they decided to sing that song. It was in my mind and I thought, "I would like to sing that song" and then it was (I think) the last one they sang! She was flipping through and then said, well, how about "His Eye Is On The Sparrow?" We sang 5-6 songs that were hymns and Christmas songs and gospel. This morning, right before the chapel service I was praying and turned in the book of common prayer to Psalm 69 at the part about a dove with silver wings and then I compared the language with my Bible.

I think I've started to notice since the last time (before today) I was at early prayer service. I noticed because he said turn to pg. ___ and I randomly opened the book up and it landed on the Mary Song "My soul doth magnify the Lord..." which is where he wanted to turn to. I opened up to the exact song and page, not knowing the book very well at all. I thought it was coincidence but sort of strange and "convenient at least".

Then today I turned to Psalm 68 which is right before the one for the day, which I also like, a psalm of blessing, 67. And it started out with "I will make a way in the wilderness and in the desert."

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