Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Technology and Gang Activity & Weeding

kB (TN)
Southereastern sound, inc...No.32, 6 5132 (TN plates)
115 RNT

290 HRC illinois
025 HXN (with vanderbilt sweatshirt)
KESTREL or KESTEL plates dark blue with white lettering (not sure what state)sedan, older couple. They came in right after these others left.

I made notes about some things the other day, and this one woman who was with a van that said crime scene investigation was watching me the whole time but I realized it wasn't her, per se, there were others.
I was having no problems all day until I came to a Starbucks where people expect me to be.

Some of these people are connected and I don't know in what way other than religion or work.

I went to the YMCA and had no problems at all with anything, but today I was sitting next to this woman and then someone just did something to blast me with some kind of overheating or technology and I turned and there were seriously fuckers in this cafe, watching and expecting it to happen and smirking when I pulled the lithium battery out and disconnected. As soon as I did and when some of these people pulled out and left, I started then having muscle spasms on one side, from the effect of the heating.

All of these people know eachother and are at least loosely connected. I wasn't able to catch all of the plates.

There are a few women who I am associated with here who, I believe are part of the problem. There is one woman who is ALWAYS here when this happens. I also have reason to suspect someone who works here. And that is discovery I cannot divulge online.

Most of the people coming in were all professionals. I believe they are from common church. That is my guess.

Then, I sat next to a woman who said she was a psychologist. Or actually, I sat next to her and then when she left the other thing happened.

I am still having spasms (like extremely large fasciculations of muscle, on one side of my body). The burst of overheating lasted for about 10 minutes. The side of my body affected was the side next to the window and line of cars and van parked outside across from me. It was the KB suv and the southeastern sound van which were parked across from me at this time. However, just because my one side was having the spasms, I don't know everything. They left and then someone was doing something else that caused overheating but not as bad.

I didn't know what to make of her. She could be a nice person but on the other hand, I wondered. I looked up the group she's connected to or works for and it's supported by Harvard (among other groups, including the White House I guess) and then works with the State. I don't see anything that applies to me or helps.

What would help me is a good lawyer, which I have never been provided with, even when I had a legal right to one in Washington. I would have to look harder to see if any lawyers are employed with this group.

At this point, I do not need groups that deal with foster kids and adoption. I need a group that is going to INVESTIGATE CRIME. There was collusion, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and crime, with public officials, in this case with my son. We start at the root, which is the crime which effected this horrible situation, not the little sprouts at the surface of the dirt. When you pull out a fucking weed, you dig. You take hold of the weed and maybe give a tug, to get an idea of how deep it has gone. Holding the mass in your hand, and pulling just enough so the earth moves, but you don't then yank on it and tear off the showy part that's obvious. The fucker is entrenched in the dirt, sprawling out in untold directions and maybe tangling with other weeds. You dig a litte, at the base, and then when there is just the right tension, you pull from as close to the base as possible, and when it comes up, spraying bits and clods of dirt, you shake it out, and look at the root and then throw it to the side and go after the next one. You don't throw out the dirt with the weed just as you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

When there is a mess, and everyone knows it, the easy thing is to just make it "go away" and to tear off the top part so it looks like it's gone. Going to the top of this problem, or the surface, is not getting to the root. Getting to the ROOT will not only remedy the problem, it will prevent this problem from rearing its ugly head again.

I am very disappointed with the power structure that tries to seep in and sprout and is not taking care of the real problem. I am not the problem. There is a much larger problem underlying what has happened to me and my son and eradicating this problem is going to not only spare me and my son, but many others, from future harm. Demonstrating to everyone, how I am bullied and my son is allowed to be tortured, when there are even people in other countries who KNOW what is going on, is not giving a good example of justice or control. What people see, is that the system is out of control and people witness what happens to me as they become afraid themselves or join in, like a bunch of nazis. You do not rule by fear, unless it takes fear to control the absolutely morally depraved who harm innocent people.

Offering little ideas about services at this time is moot. It's needless and pointless. The service that is required is Secret Service, if any service at all. If not this, the service of law enforcement to investigate crimes against humanity and civil rights.

As to the psychologist, I guess I wonder when I have this happening right after she left. Possibly because someone didn't want me to go anywhere, possibly to threaten since I'm going to the FBI about all of this, and possibly because I am still a threat unless I'm always prompted to describe things that make me sound crazy, lest I get ahead in any form.

I don't appreciate the intrusion, disruption, and interference with my life. This is not liberty.

This is enemies of God trying to wreck havoc on free will and manipulate other human beings like cogs in a machine.

The God I believe in, grants free will and choice to everyone. Those who interfere or who take away inherent gifts that God gives, are, in my opinion, directly opposed to God and working for themselves and their own egos and material gain.

Why in the world these people have gotten away with this for so long, is beyond me. For what they've done and continue to do, they have no right to live or exist. They may think what they're doing is not fatal, or not that bad, but they are criminals, according to normal laws in this country, international human rights laws, and laws most every religion agrees with as important to moral integrity.

I sit at a cafe, drinking coffee, and I am attacked.

I once sat at my house, with my son, and we were attacked.

We were and we are innocent, and we have been attacked by people who are, in every sense of the word, terrorists, whether they are American or not. Whether they work for the government or not. They have demonstrated that they are terrorists and criminals and then they try to tell me to take parenting classes, or mental health services.

This is like someone going into the house of an innocent mother and child, playing together on the floor, and blowing out parts of their bodies with guns and biological chemicals, sending them to the hospital to be sexually abused and mocked, and then after dressing the wounds, telling the mother that she is an unfit mother now and should forgive her enemies and get some counseling for her "paranoia". Half the people coming into my house have worn American uniforms and are sanctioned by the American government.


You take care of the ROOT of this problem and THEN come to me with other neat ideas.

I sensed some good energy while at the prayer service today but most of it came after I passed a line of homeless men. I pass them all the time, standing in line to sell a newspaper about the homeless. I got this idea that I would like to high five all of them, in a row, like we used to do in cross country or as is done before BB games.

I stopped and said, "So how are you guys doing?" and they said fine. That whole section smells so bad and I said, "What is the deal with the smell around here?" and they pointed back at a dumpster. I said something smells, huh! and one guy said, looking hard, and I think implying more than one meaning, "Yeah, something STINKs." I said, "You guys reminded me of my cross country days when we used to run across and high-five and I kind of wanted to do that." They laughed and then after we talked about the smell I said, "I guess I still want to high five you guys if that's okay." So I started at the top of the stairs and we all high fived and after that, I felt very good energy.

I walked away thinking how odd the contrasts are, with this nice huge mural of an angel on the side of a wall and then this horrible smell. It was just weird.

Also, since I have never had the idea to high five them all, I wondered if someone in the world was doing the same thing. I have said hello while passing before, but never wanted to just stop and high five with all of them.

Anyway, things felt great (and no problems with wifi at the YMCA cafe earlier) until I was blasted at this Starbucks.

Something is so wrong with this picture.

At least I feel my old self slightly, barely, creeping back. My spirit.

I even joked later with a woman in line at Starbucks. I have been so poisoned, medicated, and tortured I couldn't even joke around. The other night, last night, some woman was cleaning around me and made a few cracks and I thought to myself, "I laughed! and I laughed so freely! Laughter came out of me!"

Because there is so little to laugh about.

Hahahaha! I have arsenic poisoning! I have lines across my toes now and my hair almost fell out altogether, and broke off in weird places, but hahahahaaaa, boy is this FUNNY!

I have ever right to crack up but I haven't. Instead, through it all, I would say I've kept a fairly straight face.

The only thing I didn't like about the service was the part about going after all the palestinians (it was scripture) but I take it with a grain of salt, with historical events noted.

Then I thought about visiting the mosque today. Just to say hello and be friendly. I brought a headscarf in case I decided to go. But I haven't made up my mind what to do.

Probably, being tortured again today, doesn't help.

Probably, discovering yes, indeed I have been poisoned and this partly explains why I was feeling dizzy and almost fainting and had other odd symptoms...possibly this derails me.

I thought, don't wait. Go now. But where. Where can I go where someone hasn't already put their best two-faced turncoats to take my report and try to discredit me.

Last night a woman went to the hospital and there was a doctor or nurse at chapel. I think people were surprised I didn't go with. I am not going to ER for poisoning when the worst of it probably passed and I need to have this looked at by forensic people.

There are a few women I've had to deal with who are a problem:

Skyler Bennett
Anna Cruz

There are some others, but these are a couple who have tried to get proximity to me and with Anna, technology things happened when she was around me. I finally asked that she be in a different location. Both were trying to get me to go to a different place to live where there was not the same kind of ability for others to see there is nothing wrong with me.


I texted my mother a week ago about Cruz. Cruz told me she's received a Presidential "pardon" from some President. I noticed when she was around me, in public, at the bus station, some of the old stuff was happening and when she left it quit. She was nodding at some men who were there. Then I was on the bus and she kept trying to distract me from getting off at my stop. She slept next to me when I had some bad things happening at night and then weird dreams. She left and it quit. Whenever she'd get up and leave, early in the morning, I finally slept with rest. The other one acted interested in my life but has been here almost every single time that something has happened to me with technology. 1 time she wasn't here. She was here when the latest thing happened.

Some of these women are double bladed and two faced. It is very hard to sort it out but I know for sure there was something wrong with my being close to Anna.

Everyone, if you can manage it, should find a way to get themselves locked out sometime. Find a way to locked out of something or betrayed or make it appear as though you are finally out of luck in some way. If it happens without your wanting it to happen, do not become suicidal or grieved by the betrayal. Thank God if you can and look at it as an unexpected blessing to be able to see some things for the way they really are and who is really loyal to you in the worst of time. And if you have too much that no one will think you're really down, if there is still some way to lose, or give this appearance, it can be very enlightening.

The same people who smile at you and are friendly because they live next to you and walk in the same circles or have to be seen by you, may turn a different color when the gates are locked or there is a wall inbetween you.

When you are locked out, who is glad over it? and finally displays this emotion which they held in reserve in case they might have to stand next to you?

When you are locked UP, who comes to visit or call or bail you out? with money, it's harder to know. Anyone will bail someone with money out with money and not think twice. When there is no money and someone has a choice on whether to sell personal things or put their house up for mortgage, what do they do?

I had a friend, with his wife's agreement, put his house up for mortgage for me once.

I was falsely arrested and after I had been poisoned with arsenic I was facing jail for Failure to Appear because I had gone to the hospital and couldn't get there in time. My appointed lawyer was glad I might be in jail and when he realized I had seen this pleasure on his face, he recused himself voluntarily. Another person I dated briefly was happy with the idea I'd be in jail and did nothing to offer to help even though he got close to me for the purpose of just using me.

I hardly ever talk to this friend, who put his house on a signed agreement to be mortgaged if I didn't appear for court. But when we do we know it's real and I don't even have to talk to him all the time, I know he has known me, as some of my other friends, since I was 15 years old and they know what has happened is BS.

I have only a few who have stood by me.

I think I have some new friends on the outskirts and we can't really associate or get to know eachother for various reasons, but I feel the support I can't see sometimes.

But if anything happens like what happens to some who lose a lot, almost everything, to be brought down to nothing and trampled, I think it's okay to say "fuck" and to be angry and want accountability. One can do this and still say to God, "God/jesus, YOU are GOOD and you are faithful to me. You do not control the free will of others even as they pervert this gift themselves, but you are always good. Always faithful." It is others and other forces that are bad.

Someone doesn't like what I'm blogging about because the overheating thing started up again about the time I listed a couple of names of women.

I think it's very stupid to even try to continue harming me. You're already on thin ice. You have no idea what others have on you or what I have and yet you continue to rack up your time.

(20 minutes later...thanks for quitting...it's a good idea)
some man crying. 3 p.m. CST
something about this song or me but I don't know who it is. i just stopped and paused because i knew.

I have been looking up places where I could dance in private because I started listening to this song and wanted to dance to it. I need a place to dance and sing with no one watching. As part of myself and who I am and what I need and part of my worship to God.


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