Tuesday, December 21, 2010

see you soon (by coldplay) impressions (gymnastics)

I have listened to this song over and over. First, I just wanted to dance to it in a private room with no one watching. And sing.

I imagine dancing to it.

But then, just now, I closed my eyes and waited for what came to mind and it was gymnastics. At about 4 p.m. CST.

It's not the kind of song I picture for gymnastics, but I imagined it very loud and first I had seen more modern dance movements with hands but then when I closed my eyes, at the part where, at about 1:17 when he sings, so they came for you/they came snapping at your heels, before the "so they came for you" I saw all these back flips in a row. Maybe at 1:05 or right before. then some kind of turning on point almost and at "don't answer that" (I guess after this is said, and the music shifts, a turning and then a bending forward with one leg down on floor (I guess floor routine?) and other leg being bent up and back but almost with the kind of finesse that's in ballet or on a balance beam. I don't know how to describe it. It looked like gymnastics to me and this is what came to mind for this song in that moment. I could see someone on high bars swinging with "you lost your trust/don't lose your trust". I don't know. I can see all elements of running, back flips, and movements for some reason. Even though it's a slow song, I see the running and flips fast. Then just slowing for a few moments for movement.
the more I listen to it, the more impressions and ideas I get, of choreography. One part is running very fast to the vault and flipping off of it and then more floor stuff (ballet and modern influenced) but not sure in what combo.

I can imagine choreographing to this for gymnastics and see things to the music.

Then, separately, I can see more of a collage of ideas, with windshield wipers on a car in pouring rain, on fastest speed, inside a car on a cloudy day with pouring rain and then windshield wipers on high speed. A little girl marching/dancing, nonchalant, shaking her head, dancing around with shakers. gymnastics. I also saw a flash of karate. A woman grunting as she did tough push ups. Pushing up on the hardest, final one of a set. like demi moore in GI Jane. someone shaking someone else by the shoulders, don't lose your trust. snap out of it. an argument. something. a collage of many things. in the very beginning, slow turning, a man with a discus. turning in that thinking man form and then faster to throw it. i think a discus. waves on a graph like rolling hills, undulating hills. of course, too, someone in a car with tinted windows, someone in a jungle field, hunched down, getting through brush.

even, not that i would use this for anything but people grabbing the ribbons on a maypole that is high and turning around like a carosel and dangling as they hold on and then the idea of the angel light that makes the tin angel spin around with the heat of a flame (christmas decoration)

also saw a dance class of girls (ballet) or something and then gymnastic girls together in a group hug jumping up and down

of course, officers or whoever in vests. But first, I can see a gymnastics/dance routine to this song. A very sure, fast and powerful one that defies weakness or weakness in lost trust.

Can also get the idea of yelling and calling out among soldiers as background in the beginning of this song and gunfire and sound of explosions.

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