Friday, December 31, 2010

Disrespect From Nashville FBI

Here is a copy of an email I sent to my family this evening, in response to total disrespect from the FBI Duty Agent I went to and then the Knoxville offices that I emailed today. I emailed them after she didn't respond to me, at least one way or the other, with information about what was going on with money I was supposed to receive.

RE: Happy 2011‏
8:13 PM
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Hide details cam huegenotTo mom dad
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 12/31/10 8:13 PM
To: mom dad (


I just wanted to say Happy New Year.

I am hoping next year is better.

Someone quit medicating me all of a sudden and I can tell.

The other thing is that right now I'm not very happy because I was supposed to hear back from the FBI about my benefits and feel some assurance of getting cash on the 1st. Instead, they did nothing.

I had all these people set up to watch me again and make this night even into a game. Which makes me sick. I said I had to leave, to the shelter person and she put her fingers together like "two" and what the hell is that supposed to mean and then I went to a hotel because I have to email the FBI and find out what is going on.

I don't know if I have to go to their offices again in person or what, but I feel they have made this night a disaster and they had an immediate hand in doing this. They could have been responsible and done the right thing and let me know what was going on. I sent them a second email today asking them to please let me know bc it was an emergency and they did nothing.

I feel, after seeing how they are a PART of the gaming against me, and how they are not helping me but instead are encouraging people to bet over me and do a bunch of mind game shit, I really feel like I cannot live in this country.

It is not as if I asked for something and they said "maybe" or said they didn't know. They said they would take care of things and one way or the other, they did not even give me the courtesy of peace of mind, to let me know if I would be getting cash tomorrow or not.

I feel this is really inexusable, esp. since this woman asked me to give her the email and she knew I was writing her. Then I wrote even Knoxville today, early enough in the day for someone to get back to me, and they sat on it.

I guess they wanted me to go to sleep tonight, in the women's homeless shelter, not knowing what's going on, and wake up tomorrow to find I had $0 on my cash card?

All that someone had to do, to be respectful and courteous, was let me know one way or the other. Instead, they intentionally wanted to leave me in limbo and allow others to feed off of this and turn me and my entire life into a game of lottery with me as the pawn.

All they had to do was let me know, one way or the other. How hard is that?

I don't want anything to do with this "two" and "one" and "three" and "five" stupid stuff people have fed off of.

Then in chapel someone was doing horrible things probably to force me out tonight or make me miserable enough to want to leave. The speakers were fine and good, but nothing else.

I feel fine, myself, and I feel good about my own family and my son. But I feel very sick to my stomach about the FBI employees who have been controlling things.

It's looking like they need a new director or supervisor or something or just need to kick some people who are not doing their job on a lower level, OUT.

I also wonder what kind of negotiations the CIA is having right now, because they are involved and have been involved from the very start.

I could have stayed at the shelter tonight, and gotten some sleep, and up the next morning and tried to make a start. I could have stayed there, just fine tonight. It is not like I couldn't handle the idea of being in a homeless shelter on New Year's Eve. I didn't want to party, didn't feel like partying, and had no qualms or feeling of bad luck in staying there overnight at all.

What I couldn't take, and can't take, is that the FBI didn't even have the common courtesy on a situation that, for me, is emergent and they didn't even have the decency to let me know what was going on.

They have assholes who care more about their bets and their stakes in things, than treating me like a human being.

So I went right to the same hotel this Duty Agent wanted me to go to, just like she wanted, so she could really feel like she got part of the action.

Because really, that's what she wanted, when she neglected her duties from the start.

I am thinking about you and Oliver and someone else to go to besides the people here.




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