Friday, December 31, 2010

Overheating At Holiday Inn (express) off of Broadway

I am using wifi at the Holiday Inn where there are a lot of young adults and having the overheating problem here. Very bad and it has been bad enough to cause my laptop to sort of speed up or make a louder humming noise in addition to the overheating effect.

I came in and people were expecting me here.

I had a few let me know.

Basically, there are criminals here.

I am on the first level, and typed something quickly in the women's restroom, and someone started banging overhead, directly overhead. I don't know what is here exactly or who is here, but a lot of people saw me go in and then this started up almost as soon as I got onto my laptop to find out if I had email from the FBI or not.

I walked past one young man in the entry and said "Excuse me" and then 5 minutes later I was rounding a corner and not in this guy's way and he said, "Pardon YOU" and then these women came into the bathroom saying things like "I beat you whore. Whore. I hope you still remember how to scissor." I thought, what in the hell, because they were directing this to ME and I thought what is 'scissor' and then thought, what? my legs crossed scissor-style in the photo of me where I'm upside down in the green shirt?

How would anyone know it looked like scissoring either, unless they had actually seen that photo? the one that was stolen?

Like, many other things of mine that have been stolen.

There are a bunch of young punks in here for New Years and I guess waiting for me after they knew the Duty Agent had mentioned how I should try getting a job at the Holiday Inn. And how apropo that Billie Holiday is playing now on the overhead radio. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the Duty Agent, Diane Harsha, telling me I should try "the Holidays" on the same day I had been singing a Billie Holiday song in the bathroom before I met her that day.

Oh, I'm sure there is NO coincidence.

I'll bet, well, I'm just positive! that no one from law enforcement or who knows Ms. Harsha is here. Because it would be really strange if it wasn't a leak in information I was giving and someone had just "bugged my bag".

Oh how convenient...NOW I'm not having the overheating anymore.

Thanks GUYS.

What? You fuckers are actually worried that Big Brother (the REAL one) might come after your asses now that some others know where I am?

I hope all of you end up in jail. "For 'real'".

Now someone just started up the heating thing again. So I think we should let this continue until someone shows up to take independent notes and find out what they can.

Now they are playing "Star of wonder, star of night, star with wonder bright"--we 3 kings.

Maybe not getting any response from Ms. Harsha, is something I should have expected but it's not.

I expected her to follow through with what she told me she was going to do.

She said one thing to me, that she would fix something and make sure I still had my benefits and then started to walk out of the room. I said, "Do you need their number?" and she said, "No, it's just the state right?" I thought, "just the state? how does she know WHO in Washington state?" and I had told her this was something that had to be fixed right away, or it would be cutting me off.

So I said "Well how do you know which worker? do you want their email address?" and then she said, "Sure." Then I said I would have to send it to her from a different spot because I had to look it up and she said to email her with it and gave me her email address and then said she could take care of it right away.

So I did. I sent it to her within a half hour later and copied the state worker on a separate email and copied them both.

I left it in her hands.

Even though I wondered why the only SUV in the FBI parking lot was one that looked like the visitation monitors and even though Diane made a couple of statements that were unique to the visitation monitor (Anne Crane, the last one my son and I had).

So then I waited all day Thursday, and it was urgent for me to know about because without this cash and food, I cannot protect myself (what I buy to eat, etc) and I had a report of arsenic and other poisoning.

I asked her or the social worker to get back to me and no one did. So I left it alone overnight. Today, Friday, I got sort of worried and asked again, for her to let me know what was going on, if she could, just one way or the other. I copied Knoxville and then no one got back to me. I did not blog about anything. I waited.

So I end up all the way up to New Years Eve and no one had emailed me. I just asked for common courtesy--to let me know one way or the other, what was going on.

I fail to see how this was impossible.

She gave me her own word that she was going to let me know after looking into it and then I heard from no one. So I feel the least that could have been done, instead of leaving me in a state of panic, would have been to let me know, one way or the other, what to expect.

Instead, I was left with nothing and then expected to sleep on New Years Eve.

I guess someone might ask why not wait until the morning to find out and my response is that I shouldn't have had to wait to find out. I should have been told, in order to know what to expect so I could line things up for an emergency situation, if it wasn't done, or figure something out.

I feel that someone didn't back to me, intentionally, in an effort to provoke a response from me that might further alienate me from other FBI workers or serve to keep me from reporting other things that are even more serious.

By leaving me in the lurch on something like this, what else did they expect? Would they think this was a way to build my trust or would they believe that instead, it would make me feel they couldn't be trusted and then drop even trying to report something to someone?

I had felt confidence that something was being taken care of, when I met with her, because she gave me her word. Even though I saw a few other warning signs which caused me to wonder, I figured she gave her word and someone would get back to me and let me know before the 1st. No one did.

I put my life in the hands of Diane Harsha when I gave her a report of repeated poisonings. She didn't have the decency, after what I've been through, to even reassure me with a courteous response.

I guess that's because she isn't working with the mafia. This must mean she's a "good guy".

And I say this while some fucker continues to use some kind of technology at this fucking Holiday Inn, where she wanted me to go.

I noticed, for some reasons, a lot of hispanics out tonight, on my way to this Holiday Inn, who were not nice ones, and they were jeering. It was noticeable because there are not a ton of hispanics in this area. I mean, they stand out more. When I got here,to the hotel, it was mainly white assholes.

I would put money on the idea that at least one of them is FBI.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever. NO doubt.

My hypothesis: If S.Diane Harsha did not need the phone number or email addresses to make sure I got my benefits, who was she going to talk to on the state level? I mean, did she already know who they were so she didn't need the info? was she planning not to contact them so didn't need the info? if she couldn't even give me a courteous response, why not? who is she connected to? is she Catholic like the last monitor, Anne, was? is this why she imitated her mannerisms and the car was out in the parking lot? is she jewish? is she married to someone who has some kind of interest or would have a potential interest? I don't know if Harsha is her married or maiden name. I have no clue.

And I wouldn't have blogged about anything, if I didn't have serious concerns and wasn't left in the dark, to go out in the night this evening to find out what is going on, and find a ton of local police cars camped out, along with other assholes with tinted windows, who were watching and waiting to see what I would do.


Fuck you for treating ME and MY SON like a fucking game. FUCK YOU for disrespecting me in any way, manner, or form, after what I and my son have already been through because of your negligence and contribution.

And FUCK your children, if you think it's fun to fuck with mine.

That's not burning a bridge. That's saying something in response to a bridge that was never there to begin with.

As for the assholes who continue to use my laptop and technology to harm me and who have encouraged and allowed harm to my son--I pray to God that you are deposed and incarcerated.

So be it.

As long as this continues and as long as these assholes get away with this overheating and other shit, all involved should die. I pray to God that someone finds a way to kill all of you off. I don't want you to get the same in return--to be tortured--you just need to be killed off period. And I pray to God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that someone will be strong enough to call for this and to accomplish this. I don't care how it happens. I want these people--all who have been involved in torture--all of these people are wicked and harm innocents who never physically harmed them or those they know--these people are the Saddam Husseins and need to be killed off.

This country is in trouble, not because of what is happening from abroad, but because of who is already inside and causing problems. These people should die. Anyone protecting these persons harbors criminals and there are men and women who think it's funny, who have not yet seen any kind of accountability. They continue because they can, and because no one has done one thing yet, to any of the perpetrators. They have nothing to fear because they believe they are protected. And they have been right, for a very long time, because they HAVE been protected, by corrupt government officials and corrupt law enforcement.

All those who are involved in any way, have given up their right to live and have given up any hope for safety for their own family, friends, and children.

I have not done one single thing to harm anyone. Nothing. And yet my son and I have been repeatedly harmed.

It is self defense and an erradication of corruption and, seriously, what amounts to a "corrupt regime" no less than others tried to say Saddams was. It's NOT okay for Saddam to torture his own people but it's okay for U.S. citizens (and residents) to torture other U.S. citizens?

No, it's not. What has been happening is the exact same thing that Saddam did and the U.S. declared WAR, in another country, to supposedly defend the innocent Iraquis.

So I ASK, where is the U.S. in defending their own citizens against this same abuse and torture?

If the U.S. put the same amount of time, energy, and resources, into holding domestic criminals and humanitarian criminals accountable, as they did stepping into other countries foreign affairs, other countries would probably have more respect for the U.S. to begin with. Not only that, this country would be stronger and cleaner, from the inside out.

Instead, horrible things are allowed to continue and then Diane Harshas in place to make it look like something is being done when steps are skipped just to provoke and displace me and my claims further.

If you want to play games, you need to quit the FBI and join a soccer team.

Happy New Year.

Here is the Tennessee FBI motto: "That Guilt Shall Not Escape Nor Innocence Suffer"

Don't tell me this is the FBI motto for every state, because I would never believe it.

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