Friday, December 31, 2010

Leon Panetta: overheating quits with battery out

After having this extreme overheating which was totally unnecessary, I turned off my laptop and pulled out the battery and instantly, everything quit.

My entire body cooled down about 20 degrees as well.

This is being facilitated by using my laptop. It may work without one, but when I have one, it must make something easier to detect or use because the buzzing and humming picks up dramatically and there is a different feel or energy on the keyboard, like a feeling of static and then this overheating too.

When I turned it off and took out the battery, all of this quit.

I would like to know why I got a laptop from a CIA consultant, that was older and didn't have a battery, which I never once had a problem with.

But ever since I broke up with my Ex, my son and I get to be tortured?

For some reason, someone figured out a way to keep this from happening with that other computer and then it was stolen from me and given back to the military by an ex-military person who stole it from me.

For some reason, I got THAT computer and never once had an issue, and don't tell ME that the CIA doesn't know EXACTLY what is going on and yet, I guess Leon Panetta is the guy who calls the shots.

So who is Leon Panetta connected to?

I mean, one minute that agency is able to ensure I am not tortured, but if I'm not marrying the Colombian, my son and I are fair game to be abused by people acting like terrorists?

Who is Leon Panetta connected to?


What groups. What agencies. What kinds of people.

Because he has control over this.

For some reason, Mr. Panetta feels that it is okay for my son, a child, to be tortured. Under what law or grounds?

He has also allowed me to be tortured.

He knows about it.

He knew about it or he wouldn't have known how to fucking control it in the first place.

The person to focus on, afterall, might be Panetta and all of his connections, above-ground, underground, and ethereal.

If he is at the top, he is the one that others will answer to, ultimately, and he is the hen protecting them under his wings, as they commit atrocities.

Leon Panetta needs a new job. One that doesn't involve the protection and oversight of human beings.

The line of abuse can be traced to one man: Panetta

Not only was this fucker in top ranks in the Army, he is coming from California. He is tied in with some Italian groups, I guess it's safe to assume, and high ranking Catholic groups. This would mean he knows those in The Vatican as well, and esp. as CIA chief.

This is about Panetta and all his underlings who have almost the exact same profile that he has.

Oh, and some of the fuckers quit their shit once I brought up this assholes name. I guess because it might make someone look less than holy and more like Saddam Hussein.

This man has got to go.

After allowing people to torture me and my son and try to poison me and call me crazy, and keep others from being held is time for him to go.

Whoever was in charge before wasn't much better but maybe someone eventually got through to HIM because the torture partially quit under his office, until Panetta took over.

"It's too late"

Yeah, because the fucker Panetta is in the house as of February 2009.

I think it is time for a fucking mutiny.

You tell me how Leon Panetta is ANY different from Saddam Hussein.

Shit. I finally fucking got it. Finally.

Happy New Year's Oliver. I'm sorry I was delayed. We have a man named Leon Panetta to thank for your abuse and torture, and the Army.

Now that I am finally thinking clearly, I can really get into the crimes against humanity that have perpetrated and allowed against me and my son. And unless this asshole is rooted OUT, it looks I will get nowhere unless I go to the UN.

Because he is not a holy man. He is a hypocrite. He is not even a christian. He is a politician and cold, cut-throat Army man who has behaved like Hitler and used his religious and mafia ties to hurt my son.


"The Truth Will Set You Free".

Was this like the understatement of 2010 or what?

I finally feel delivered from my own ignorance.

What time is it? This is the day to mark my epiphany.

It is now 12:31 a.m. CST.


Finally, a REAL Hallelujah.

You are out of a fucking job Panetta.

Oh my dear God. And everything quit. Just everything.


I want to know now, how do we hold a tribunal against the Chief Officer of the CIA? And who was the idiot who appointed him to begin with?

I had problems before, but I do know that someone in the CIA took note and started to correct it. Until Panetta and then all the underling assholes against me sided with him and they went after not just me but my son.

I guess I was fair game because I had dared sue his church. The Catholic Church. Wasn't it about 2004? The time my lawsuit with the Archdiocese was coming along, and about the time another prominent Catholic came to power? Biden?

So since we "offended" some then, my son and I were made fair game to be abused, tortured and harassed. And then we could throw in the Army and say it was for the sake of science and experiments. Under the umbrella and with the full knowledge of the CIA. And no one could step in because it was "top secret" and all the people at the top had the same church in common. Throw in a few others with their own agendas and basically, my son and I...oh we were just "set" for life.

Oh if only we had ended up in federal prison before I figured out what the hell was going on. Instead I had assholes falsely arresting me for all kinds of other things on a local level.

"It's too late"

Was Hadyn being discussed in December of 2008? I'm just curious. I'm just curious to know if there was going to be a shift of power into Panetta's hands in December. Because that might make some sense. He came into office in February. I have some date calculations to make.

I'd like to know why the Pope was getting his own tartan.

Don't tell me that the Pope doesn't know Panetta and vice versa. Just throw in the agendas of a few other groups, for other reasons, and I could be tortured for the rest of my entire life. My son too.

So before Panetta who was it? Who could have been behind the torture and abuse of me and my son?

Michael Hayden. According to wikipedia, he was also a very high ranking military person, but Air Force, and also strongly Catholic.

YOU FUCKERS are criminals and are guilty of atrocity and crimes against humanity.

Mr. Hayden-Extraordinaire came into office with the CIA May 8, 2006.


My son and I were not tortured in earnest until after this date. My son was already 1 year old. A few things had happened but not like what was to come and what could have only occured with CIA knowledge until Hayden came into office.

Porter Goss was before him. HE was the good guy. HE was not Catholic and wouldn't have had any agenda of hate against me or my son or have ever allowed these things to happen to us.

It began with Hayden.

I finally fucking figured it out.

The Irish-Catholic and the Italian-Catholic high ranking military men collude. And then collude with a few Catholic Canadians. Easy accessibility and appeal to some hispanics and latinos and whites. As long as you're Catholic, believe're safe. Which would be why some in the FBI felt safe covering up crimes against me. And some military. And others who other agendas.

There is no way any of these things could have happened without the knowledge of Hayden and Panetta. At some point, someone decided it was wrong. But then they just plowed right through anyway. Maybe it was turned over into other hands at some point, but the CIA guys knew all along and those doing this, knew I would never get past them or past anything, as long as they were in charge.

If I had figured this out years ago, I could have spared my own son the misery he's endured.

Thank you Jesus for vindicating your servant.

I am getting my son back you fuckers. And you are going to "atone" to someone much higher than me who has never believed in your premeditated confessions of sin.

I cannot believe it. I looked up all the past Directors of National Security and everything, and everything...I mean, EVERYTHING is falling into place.

I think I have one of the most dramatic and serious stories of religious hatred and ritual abuse and torture (and revenge) that I have ever thought possible in this century. And against my CHILD!

I wonder if any of the psychics out there had foresight into my "awakening" and realization of what the truth really is and the framework behind it.

This is truly amazing and how I could be so blind for so long and then understand, can only be God's grace. I mean, serious grace and mercy from the true God himself.

Now though, I am scared to leave the hotel and get shot by a CIA sniper. Well, we all know who we can go to first if anything should happen to me.

Everything that happened to me and my son came after Michael Hayden went into office. The whole power structure changed. And then worsened.

I guess there were even a few Catholics (good ones) who tried to tell me but I couldn't believe it. It just made everything so much easier though, for others who were not Catholic, if they had any other agenda, to get away with their own stuff, as long as they felt these other guys were in control...

This would explain the helicopters and other odd things that started happening. It explains everything. I mean, it is like a fucking light has come on.

(maybe partially bc I'm not being dumbed down with medications fuckers. I don't know if having white lines in my toenails is partly the reason--as if it's not arsenic, it's something else failing bc of medications I've been given so suddenly now they backed off)

I cannot even begin to number the ways crimes have been concealed.

And now I understand how people have been getting away with it and have felt safe.

I am very thankful to God tonight. So this has turned out to be the most bizarre and happy New Year.

Believe me, no one is even trying to use technology against me now. It sort of, like, died on-sight when I wrote the name Panetta.

Hey everybody, guess what! It's not fucking espionage anymore because I already figured it out so let's SHOUT out the truth. All of you who have been in hiding are going to scatter like bugs under a hot bright light. I even had an impression of bugs scattering today when being exposed but I didn't know what it was about.

This morning, in front of the mirror, I was putting on make-up and this woman said to me, when she asked to use my make up and she looked at it, she said "You don't play around!" and I said, "Play to win." Then I thought "If I was playing to win, I would have curled my hair."

But I said this and didn't add to it and everyone was quiet.

This is how ridiculous this hotel music's like, piped in by idiots. "Hot, hot/we got it/hot, hot" and before that song, after I wrote I was only worried someone would try to shoot me, I heard the country song "You're gonna miss this"

I am just glad to piece a few things together. There are all kinds of things coming together.

And every single one of the players who were corrupting the case with my son were Catholic and then a few Jewish and a few lousy pissed off Protestants. But the goodness...I see it now.

I have been tortured! In America! my son! a baby.

An innocent baby. In America.
All that I've done tonight is blog.

I want Theo the HELL away from me and OUT of this fucking area and anyone connected to him, which would include some others. I don't want any of these fucking military or psychics around me anymore. Or assholes getting away with using shit.

What I know is that my son and I were attacked for revenge.

And it wasn't done until people were in positions whom others knew would cover for them:

Michael Hayden,
Leon Panetta,
and there are more

I have to do a little research and then I'll know more. I know that things which happened to me and my son occured under their direction and oversight.

And I do not want to live in the U.S. anymore unless those men are held accountable in a court of law for their contribution to crimes against humanity.

I never in my life had such things happen to me and to my son, as what happened. The only other factor at the time, in that area, besides hatred over religious lawsuits or concern about medical malpractice suits, was possibly offending a couple of people who were Russian and lived in the area.

However, what first happened was an antagonism over my filing lawsuits against the Mt. Angel Abbey, The Willamette Week, and the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. Then, on the heels of this, came my reports of a rape (in 1998) and then of FBI misconduct and an attempt to get FOIA records.

People were just pissed.

All they needed, was a switch in who was in charge and they could take advantage of their hatred of me by making abuse appear to be legal and sanctioned.

A few very minor things occured before Michael Hayden took his position. After he was sworn in, is when things got very very bad for me and my son. I had thought some of the abuse was coming from out of the area, like even from Ireland itself--I thought maybe someone thought I was against the Irish bc I had told Christa Schneider I was looking into the different IRA and then opposing groups, simply because they would understand discrimination. Little did I know, Michael Hayden was coming from an Irish Catholic background and had serious military and political clout and became the CIA director. It could not have been worse for me and my son. If anyone else had an issue with me, they knew nothing would go anywhere. The FBI people in charge also felt safe because they had one of their own in office. They ignored me and treated me with discorn and blocked my complaints when the CIA sponsored shit began.

Someone began to feel sorry for me and my son after we were chased out of Canada and my son taken. Maybe someone felt sorry and then others just felt worried and wanted to contain me so came up with another "plan".

All abuse and torture of me and my son came to a halt.

I broke things off with my fiance and within 3 months (I guess that's the good-
Catholic and Jewish allowance for new life) I was being tortured again. Followed by military again. Observed by psychologists and psychiatrists from out of state again. People gave it time to see if we could be forced to get back together or got back together. I was refused housing in Wenatchee and made to sleep outside in the streets. In Wenatchee. With police and the entire town and God as witnesses.

Then something was going on with someone royal in some way because all of a sudden I noticed this other attention in driving me into the ground and mocking me over royal things. I was poisoned, given death threats, tortured, forced out of work and housing, and my voice was also ruined permanently and not one fucking U.S. agency has investigated because their leaders are corrupt and if there is anyone good, they can't get past the wall of others who all attend the same church.

I was called crazy when I wasn't crazy, so no one on the outside would even listen to me or believe what was happening to me and my son. We both had very serious crimes committed against us.

No one was supposed to believe me. Ever.

Then, after 7 months was up, around the time Hayden was probably thinking about stepping down and someone else was coming in, things were wrapping up in a different way. Once Panetta was in, I met every fucking Army bastard living. Not the decent good Army guys. The fuckers who tortured me and my son in the name of politics, religion, experimentation and fucking mind control.

If anyone wanted to do anything to me, or any gang member wanted to harm my son, they had FREE REIGN.

FREE REIGN under Leon Panetta.

Every case worker in the case with my son, controlling the major aspects, was Catholic. There were a couple of Jewish people. One or two token Protestants but it was mainly controlled by Catholics.

Who then served me with a notice that my rights to my son were being terminated, and the man serving me wore a t-shirt with "The Truth Will Set You Free" and a cross on it.

On St. Patty's Day, March 17th, which was a nice token gesture I'm sure. I'm sure it had nothing to do with Mr. Hayden and his Irish-Catholic influence that first allowed the torture of me and my son to begin with.

If any Jewish didn't want me in their way, they knew most of the Catholics would take care of things for them, and vice versa. And then they could prey upon the fears of even Protestant doctors and Wenatchee people, that I would sue them for medical malpractice and discrimination, and allowed things to build. Not unlike what the CIA does when they attempt to foment discord in other countries. But they did this using me and my son and international people were even involved in some of it.

I stayed for my son, trying to get somewhere, but I was blocked every single step of the way. I finally looked for a state that had the least military, Catholic population, and Jewish population and moved for a visit.

The amount of terrorism and violence against me decreased more than 90%. I was still harassed and being blacklisted, because others moved fast, to try to ruin things for me in another area. But they were obviously not able to rally a ton of people to torture me or use devices for this.

More recently, it's been a little more frequent, but they've had time.

In the meantime, I continue to notice U.S. government involvement, from planes to helicopters to trains to employees, in following me around, making predictions with others who are just haters, and allowing and encouraging me to be used as a pawn. The only difference between them and all the Catholics coming over to mock me from Illinois, is that the government people are taking notes.

Every single time I try to report something, someone gets ahead of it and is called in to head it off, or head me off, and ruin a report, or write it up wrong to make me sound nuts so no one believes me. And then the same shit about being mentally ill when I'm not and which has put me and my son in an extremely dangerous position, allowing others to torture us with impunity.

Allowing and deceiving other U.S. citizens into thinking this is all fun and games, or that my son is just fine or that I'm delusional. And even people in other countries probably began to wonder, esp. when it was every single day, all the time, in Wenatchee.

The Jewish came out to Wenatchee en force, I guess to make sure I didn't report anything "big" that might disrupt their own plans or agendas. The only time they worried was when they thought I was gaining credibility with some of the good Catholics and others. The goal was to uncover some kind of disgraceful dirt that would permanently exclude me from any kind of consideration by someone they wanted to "handle" themselves, on their own terms. It was fucking international politics.

I really don't know what they were so worried about, and I honestly don't know if it had something to do with my Ex fiance or with some old matter, or if it was what it seemed to be about: kate middleton. Why? I have no clue, but this was the best I could gather from what was swirling around me. It was very odd. I didn't know at first if it had something to do with Diana, and her case, or even Charles...I seriously did not know but then it seemed the panic was always about Kate and I know I definitely tortured more if I ever started writing anything that sounded normal or was positive in some way and then there was this british influence that came in which underscored what I was already wondering about.

High stakes call for high sums.


Whether the fear was legitimate or not, a TON of money was poured into keeping me down, obstructing justice, collusion and paying people off. Don't tell ME people were not being paid off.

I started even having people come out of the woodwork wanting to make false claims so I could be ARRESTED for things I did not do.

It wasn't good enough for me to be "mentally ill". They wanted me to be discredited even further, as a criminal.

Who would believe me then? and surely no one of any position would touch me with a 10 foot pole. Hopefully, the abuse and torture and criminal collusion--it was all a safe cover up with those things in place.

So many very wicked people were satisfied with this arrangment.

It was "impossible" for me to get my son back. Why?

Because law enforcement, many in the Seattle FBI and justice system, and the fucking CIA were involved an a lot of people KNEW and I didn't even think it could be true. I wondered, but I got confused.

Being pumped full of shit and medications and tortured until my legs were 3x their normal size and my heart was even beating normally anymore...maybe that had something to do with it.

But let's see if our Army and military and psychic mind control assholes can work with this and make torture, hate, and retaliation look "legitimate" and covered under the law.

Not only was the legal system used against me to falsely accuse me of crimes and of not being a fit parent, the system was used to sanction top secret torture.

Which makes Hayden and Panetta Saddam Husseins.

They spend all their time moralizing about how horrible Saddam is/was and how terrible the Taliban is, and LOOK AT THEM.


And then they put peons in the way of my reporting anything.

My son was so damaged he could only be fit for their sick mind control training and I witnessed evidence of this happening to my son, with him acting out hypnotism, seeing marks of abuse on him just like the "classic CIA mind control" books read from the 60s.

They used people to make some think it was maybe just gang stuff when really, they were doing horrible things to MY SON, while he had THE STATE OF WASHINGTON as his "guardian".

Why would it be "impossible" to get my son?

Because when was it possible to fight both the CIA, The Pentagon, and Mossad and The Vatican at the same time?


Oh, and lets throw in some drug lords for good measure, who I don't even know about.

The CIA and the FBI are basically The Vatican anyway. Show me the difference. The U.S. population is over 70% Protestant but the CIA and FBI population are about 70% Catholic, with the most senior positions going to Catholics who are not just ho-hum Catholics, but serious, born and bred Catholics, with degrees from Catholic Universities and ties to the Vatican.

If it was about "drugs" why have I never been into drugs? And if it's about someone I dated who was into drugs and I didn't know about it, why did the FBI block me from reporting things? wouldn't it seem like if someone from the FBI is obstructing justice, it would be because they are worried someone THEY know will be in trouble?

If it was ever about drugs, from any Ex or person I dated, why didn't anyone investigate?

Was it "impossible" to get my son back because of corruption? Yes. Was this corruption stemming from drugs or from mind control and retaliation? I don't know. Maybe it was even a combination.

Meanwhile, my son and I were innocent people.

I could blame other intel, including possibly Russian (fringe) or UK, but the fact remains that the problems began domestically and it only became an international issue later.

If it was about drugs, boy oh boy has everyone been safe and sound as long as Hayden and Panetta are at the helm, along with the lousy ass FBI chiefs. My son has slept really well at night ever since Hayden and the joint FBI fucker came into office. Timothy Murphy. I wonder why he doesn't have a wiki page.

(This idiot teen picking his nose earlier and smirking at me just went by me with his arms in swimming movements. I guess to imitate Jills words of "keep swimming." Guess what fuckers. YOUR time is fucking UP.)

Wait. Here it is. From the White House website. Something about John Pistole, who I am interested in as he was #2 man in FBI until 2010 when he decided to become adminstrator for the Transportation Department. I'm just curious because an old family friend seems to feel intimidated by someone and goes along with the "maybe she's mentally ill" line. I have no idea why unless her job is on the line if she DOESN'T go along.

All of this, following the fact that I had a computer which never came with "problems" and it was given back to the military when it came from a contracted CIA consultant.

They know how to "fix it" for a few months out of the year, but not the rest of the time?

If you ask me, the CIA was working with Washington state workers. Washington state officials were working with me only if I was with the man from Colombia who wanted to move to the U.S. and work in, what? hostage negotiations?

I have some fucking NEWS for you.

I am NOT fucking Anna ChapmanThe Russian Spy
and I am not your fucking lackey.

And neither is my SON and WE DEMAND JUSTICE.

This means that after what we've been through, you treat us with respect and common courtesy and investigate collusion and crime and return MY SON.
This woman in chapel today said something about how she imagined a puzzle with the edges and framework filled out and then all the pieces coming together. Then she said something about love and forgiveness.

I don't know about love and forgiveness (is someone about to share with me all the crap I've been poisoned and dosed with?) but I definitely started to see a framework for things that have been happening to me and my son.

My good name has been trashed and my son and I have been literally tortured.

And then I still have people colluding to keep me out of work. Why? because I am "dangerous" with a dime.

If I find out, after having my health trashed, that not only has my son been tortured but he has cancer too, or a tumor in his head, or ANYTHING, you are FUCKING TOAST.

Does anyone see why others might want to keep me medicated and stupid?

Medicated and horny was better, wasn't it guys?


"How come she's been celibate for 2 years?"

"Oh Stan, first we killed off her horomones with poisoned cigarettes and torture, and then we just put her on a new med. What do you think of this one?"

"She doesn't write poetry anymore."

"That's the point asshole. She was corrupting the youth."

What kind of crazy, twisted, fucked up, assinine people would even dare to collude against me? and spend that kind of money doing it? You knew you HAD to do more than one thing to keep me down.

What is unforgiveable is what you have done with MY SON.


There has never been more righteous anger from me. I have every RIGHT to be upset. My son should have a trust fund coming out of this, for his use alone, in the billions.

If I find out that I have no cash or food stamps, after what I've already been through, you PUNKS will have some HELL to pay.
On an ending note, I had one impression tonight, of someone rifling through papers and going through some kind of records, about ME. There are people who have some excellent dirt on those who have tortured me and my son. I don't know who they are, but they are there.

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