Saturday, January 1, 2011

Piet Mondrian

There is a video clip of works by Piet Mondrian--A Journey Through M.

I've never heard of him but I really liked this, with the accompanying music.

I decided to start my New Year with art and music and typed in something for modern art and got this one, which I liked.

I like the music enough that I'm playing it while reading about Piet Mondrian on wikipedia. I also noticed, there was some line of shift dresses with Mondrians work on them (geometric and bright) and I had something like this in 2003 I think it was (maybe earlier?), which I wore in Portland, with my orange London Fog trench over it and flats. I remember going to bookstores and noticing a feeling of being watched, which is one of my earlier memories of this--and people smiling about the dress I think. It may have even been back in 1997? or 1998 but I think it was later. I was just thinking about that dress the other day. I still remember the day. It was nice and clear and the sun was shining.

I remember feeling someone's eyes on me and turning and it was this day, I remembered noticing a few different men but I didn't know who they were.

I think, I am pretty sure that I was ducking in and out of bookstores that afternoon and then there was some photo outside at one point.

I then clicked on Yves St. Laurent and found this on his wiki page...

Oh, someone has disabled my ability to cut and paste again.

I wanted to paste this part about how Laurent discovered that he had "mental problems" when he realized (found out later) that he'd been given large doses of psychoactive drugs and sedatives and subjected to electroshock "therapy" while he was in a military hospital.

I was looking for the dresses but this was interesting to find.

I need to look up Hague again too.

And I looked up Robert Gates, from the Pentagon, who says he's retiring in 2011. I hope he'll go out willing to talk about my case and not concealing it.


  1. Hello Sounds-Normal-But-Does-It Look-Like-A-Duck.

    I had one good laugh on New Years Eve. ONE.

    I was talking to someone at this shelter about jackets and I said, "you know how prince william went out to be with the homeless and he wore like, jeans and a grey sweatshirt?" and this woman said yes...and I said, "Well he did homeless WRONG! he should have worn sweat pants, and a checked shirt, and a camel hair coat with a fur collar and a COWBOY HAT..." (at this we've both cracking up already)..."You see, ThATs how you do homeless! I say, "You did homeless WRONG and you need to go back and do it AGAIN!"

    And we were laughing so hard.

    Next morning I'm cussing out the FBI.

    When does the groundhog come out of the ground?

    From Normal-But-Sounds-Out-There-Online.

    So Darren, are you sitting on a bench in your profile or a hobbyhorse?
