Saturday, January 1, 2011

Violation of Hague--I am an Ex Patriot

I am wondering if there was possibly an even larger cover up with the U.S. and what they did with Canada, but I might be wrong.

I am reading about the Hague treaty and the wiki page says the U.S. had signed by 2009 but I do not know what the status was in 2007. I think I had read at a different time that they had not signed it and were not a part of it. Which, if this is true, would mean they became members of this treaty after what they did with my son.

Which would make things even worse for both certain persons in the U.S. and Canada.

Hague recognizes an international right, for the countries that agree with it, to return a child to the member country (the country where the child is from) and yet I do not believe the U.S. was a member at the time this was done with my son.

I was reading, and even if the Hague WAS in place, the U.S. and Canada (some persons) STILL violated the mandates and rules governing this proviso.

("Proviso" because if I hadn't been tortured along with my child I would be a lawyer by now)

I am not sure if, according to this article, the U.S. hastily signed a treaty (?!!!) right after my son and I left, and then staged the false arrest to take him from me? or maybe it was right before, but it did not go into effect for a year, until April 2008.

It is about adoption, but if this is about Hague in general, which it refers to, then it would show nothing was in place and no right secured for the removal of my son from me in 2007.

I am pretty sure it was not in effect at all.

Okay, yes, we left in January and this was not in effect.

And reading the law, even if it had been in effect the conditions were not met and instead, they were violated.

Because you do not collude with others to set up a mother for a false arrest just to find an excuse to take a child.

They violated the law.

In September 2008 the U.S. Senate voted to become part of the Hague Convention of 1954. They were not a part of this treaty before September 25, 2008. They were part of an older 1907 treaty that did not guarantee returning a kid to a member country.


The U.S. signed the portion governing CHILDREN on MY BIRTHDAY in 2010 of this year.

I am, here and now, an ex patriot.

I no longer believe in this country and I want out and I want my son out.

This is so disgusting I don't even know when I will start throwing up. I am in shock at this moment.

The U.S. had the NERVE to use MY BIRTHDATE to sign a treaty regarding children, that was not even in place, when they took my child on criminal grounds of collusion and obstruction of justice and then happily continued to torture me?! and my son?!

No wonder the D.C. FBI offices didn't hang up on me last time I called and told them I knew they were aware that they had made a very big mistake.

I want my son and I am exposing EVERYTHING.

These assholes even kept me MEDICATED to try to keep me from having the cognizance for even taking any of this to task.

They USED MY BIRTHDAY, after what they have done and allowed to ME and MY SON.

That is it.

That is the absolute final straw, and I thought figuring out Panetta was the big puzzle piece. I thought just the CIA was the big deal.


I have TONS of shit on my own fucking country, which has treated me and my son like SHIT!!!!!

Not even good shit. Oliver must be the lowest kind of dung there is. My son has been treated like cat or dog shit. Or pig shit. I have no idea what kind of shit is worst of all.


God let me see Obama's femur just so he could be excited enough to sanction more approval for mind control SHIT. Is that was this is?

You people are in such big trouble. SUCH big, big, BIG trouble.

You worried and whined your asses all the way over to INDIA because Panetta was scared about why I was suddenly bringing up Indian stuff. And what did he and Obama do? BUY INDIA out. I suppose the big negotiation with India helps them, they think, when they know the HEAD of the International UN is Indian. Eastern Indian.

I noticed Panetta and the U.S. never had even a remote interest in India until after I was bringing up Eastern Indian this and that and then Ganesha this and that. They decided to run their SLIMY asses over to India to chat up the people there!

They negotiated a major, major trading deal and agreement with them.

And no, I don't give a fuck about Harry or what he thinks. I care about my SON and what MY COUNTRY has done.

I also noticed that one of India's main allies is Israel.

I mean, hey, not all Eastern Indians think alike or agree on the same things. Good trade is good business for everyone. I agree completely. But I KNEW something was up when Panetta ran over there.

There was no trade negotiation when he was there either. He was supposedly there for checking out "security" for U.S. athletes. Like the CIA boss even DOES this.

I am completely ready to renounce my citizenship. I need a new fucking country and my SON is not going to be fucking FODDER and a Soldier-Guinea pig for the U.S.

I cannot believe this. I totally knew that something was very fishy when I read Panetta was going to Eastern India.

I had been online so many times, always going to the International UN site, and always settling on the photo of the nice looking head, a woman who is from India. I thought to myself, always, "She's the one who can help if the U.S. doesn't do their job." I always thought about her. I was doing this for months before there was an Olympics or athletics event.

Then I start bringing up Indian things and Ganesha bc of my Aunt Mary, and I am sure Panetta put 2 and 2 together.

The day the U.S. signed in that treaty on MY BIRTHDAY is the day that I died as a U.S. citizen. I am no longer a citizen of this country.

And I say FUCK YOU to the people who are audacious enough to do such a thing and USE me and my son at the same time?!

I knew, just sniffed that one out. I was being tortured and medicated but I knew something was "up" when I read Panetta was going over there.

I was still in disbelief though, about this whole thing and the CIA involvement. I had people giving me tips too, and I still couldn't accept it, even when others had and it was almost obvious.

What I knew, was "why is Panetta running over to India all of a sudden? there are no major problems for the U.S. athletes..." and it was supposedly over "security". In no other olympic event where there have been even larger security issues, has he or anyone gone running over to chit chat.

No, he knew and was being advised to go fucking "chit chat chakras" to try to alleviate what was up ahead when they knew I was going to the UN and they knew, by monitoring my internet use, exactly which woman I had in mind.

Then, following this...the U.S. sent some other person over to negotiate some kind of billion dollar trade agreement.

I DID wonder. I thought, this trade thing looks like a cap on Panettas visit, which was highly unusual and suspicious to begin with.

What did the U.S. do after they secured their lines with the International UN people? They FUCKING USED MY BIRTHDAY to sign a children's treaty that the UN would use. It is Hague specific and any violations would be decided on by the UN tribunal people.

What happened on my birthday, for me? I had nothing and I was being tortured that day, as usual. Knowing my son is being destroyed and tortured for the same purpose--to be a U.S. controlled mind control robot.

They finally decided to get my fingerprints.

Is this strange to anyone else?

Why did the U.S and feds NOT want my fingerprints earlier? They took them but smudged them on purpose or threw out the cards and stuff. No computer record. Not until Tennessee. I figured out one possibility. They realized they were never going to have their Manchurian Candidate. This sounds dramatic, but with all the other things they did to me and how they used me, how do I know they weren't hoping to use me further, in other ways? and for some reason, they didn't even want my fingerprints on a record for everyone else?

One minute someone is hoping I'll be some kind of a mistress and the next minute I'm back to CIA guinea pig.

They took my son in the middle of his babyhood and traumatized him so badly they intentionally knew they were creating a child who could be used for mind control. They used all of their old tricks and they have done much, much, worse.

FUCK YOU because you are NEVER using my son after I am personally through with YOU.

I am exposing all of your SHITTY criminal things that you have done to me and my son.

And people wonder why my son and I are such a big deal. Why would they spend so much money on a massive cover up?

Just think about how many people it benefits.

I had thought the U.S. would help, but now I'm realizing why everyone has said I'm screwed.

Panetta and his lawyers started to worry a little bit, just like the fucker who is Catholic and the head of the Attorney General lawyers in Seattle. Yeah...the one who, after I made a post about suing the State and AG for "kidnapping", wrote a hasty and persuasive editorial about how the public should agree that the State cannot be sued and neither can any of its employees.

Is anyone scared of me?

I've got Panetta running in one direction to wipe his snot on someone's apron in India and then the WA AG running to The Seattle Times and the citizens of Washington, imploring us to sign in a new law making the state immune from lawsuits.


Obama is starting to look like Biden's keychain.

And nothing against Catholics, but when they're in politics and screwing with me directly after I "offended" their church, and after they mock me and shove it in my face, when ALL of them, almost, are Catholic, is it any wonder none of the good people have been able to get through?

This is unbelievable.

Lets get the line up:

1. Head of CIA. Leon Panetta. Catholic.
Head of CIA before Panetta. Hayden. Catholic.
2. Head of Washington Attorney General offices. Catholic
3. Looked up and I think catholic for head of Army and Vice head. The Vice guy has strong ties to Washington state. He's from Seattle, Washington, went to school there, worked there.
4. Visitation monitor for my case. Catholic.
5. Public defenders appointed to me--all Catholic, one Jewish and in all-Catholic firm that blocked me from getting my evidence.
6. CASA Head CEO for Wenatchee. Catholic. She was the one to select a former prosecuting attorney for the City of Seattle to my son's case, in order to protect WA state interests as they would be liable.
7. Judge Hotchkiss. Judge for my case. Catholic.
8. First Doctor to defame me in Wenatchee, Wa. Catholic.
9. First nurses to defame me in Wenatchee, Wa. Catholic.
10. Men who tried to become my boyfriend and who ended up being distractors and bad apples during this time: Catholic (all of them and I miss none of them. If they weren't Catholic, that's who they were working with).
11. Seattle FBI Head: Catholic
12. Oregon FBI Head: Catholic
13. Head of CPS in Washington D.C.: Catholic

If these are good people or good catholics, why was my entire case totally corrupted?

The other people to throw in are a few bought and sold hypocritical Protestants (who said to me they were just following orders from superiors and a Jewish woman)

14. All of the psychologists who said they would do my evaluation and then backed out to stall on time: Out of 8 or more that intentionally held onto my case and backed out. Catholic and Jewish. All of them.
15. Head of Social Services in Wenatchee: Catholic. 1 Jewish woman as the supervisor to my case worker.
16. Women who falsely testified against me for restraining order: Catholic
17. Woman who slept with my Ex and stole my hope chest and filed restraining order: Jewish (messianic Jewish, whatever)
18. Head of Children's Home Society visitation monitors (the one who assigned Anne, a Catholic woman to my case after a Protestant woman began to write too favorably after some time): Catholic.
19. AGs against me from Wenatchee, WA: Catholic

I will add more, and I can go back and add the specific names for all of them.

Almost every single main person was Catholic.

My son and I have been tortured and this entire CASE was corrupt from the start. It was Catholics protecting Catholics and then the interests of some lousy Protestants who didn't want to be sued for medical malpractice and some Jewish who hated me for other reasons.

When they are ALL Catholic and I am the person attacked, who is Protestant, this begins to look like not just crime, but hate crime.

It starts looking like some of these people had a vendetta and wanted revenge ever since I "offended" some of them by suing a Catholic monastery, a Catholic-Jewish owned newspaper, and a Catholic archdiocese.

I left for a Protestant state with little Catholic or Jewish clout, and the violence against me drops 90%.

Why did I choose Tennessee?

I looked at the demographics and I'm sorry if it's not politically "correct", but if I had FUCKING SPOKEN UP for my own son and myself and brought all of this up a long time ago, maybe someone would have taken a second look then.

In Washington state it is 30% practicing Catholic with most of the heads of any government office being Catholic. All the leaders are Catholic in Washington. Same thing in Oregon almost.

The average in other states, is practicing Catholics of about 20%-30%. I looked for states where I was getting away from:
1. Catholics
2. Jewish
3. Military

I found Tennessee had only one "fort" or main hub whereas other states had about 3 or more. So it was lower on the military profile. I looked at Catholic membership and it was at around 8% and none of the main leaders. So it was lower than the average. I looked at Jewish and it was also lower than average. I also wondered about the Russian thing after being terrorized in the church so I found there were not a lot of Russians (though I think most are really okay). There were also not as many hispanics which I don't mind, but different demographics, would be okay to try I thought.

I moved to Tennessee and cut the violence against me, personally, by more than half. The violence against me went down over 3/4 of the way, down at least 75%.

I have a worse time being harassed, still, with people driving by, in areas where there are the few Catholic churches and I figured this is because more of the Catholics live nearby.

I am not against all Catholics and some are very good people, better than many others.

But take a look, with me, if you will, and let's ask WHO has been PERSECUTING WHOM?

I am the one being attacked, constantly, and discriminated against. And when almost ALL of these people are CATHOLIC,


Then ask yourself why you go to your Irish priest with your "premeditated confession and atonement"

20. The Federal Judge who ignored my request for injunction: Catholic.
21. My appointed "appeals" lawyer: Catholic and went to a Benedictine college (same order as the monastery I sued. Told me she refused to get the records I need to prove collusion. I wonder why....)

I could say the exact same thing about the Jewish. There haven't been as many, but they have held powerful positions and contributed to this situation.

22. Judge who illegally suspended my license to have my car towed in Oregon and disrupt my case with Catholic church: Catholic.
22. Immediate supervisor to CPS worker on my case: Catholic

(I am NOT kidding and I am not even close to done.)

23. Supervisor who fired me when I was pregnant in D.C.: Catholic

Every single time I was blocked from law enforcement or from making a report to FBI, it was either a Catholic or Jewish person in the way or wanting to head it off. Every single time. Or talking to a Protestant to discourage them from taking my report. (Which is why I wonder what religion S. Diane Harsha and her partner subscribe to.)

24. Misconduct by 2 FBI employees who were: Catholic
25. Misconduct complaint taken by supervisors who were: Catholic (and 1 mormon, I think)
26. False reports made against me for purposes of pressing charges or arresting me: almost all Catholic

I would be STUPID not to notice. I mean, I didn't and I overlooked it because I had put things behind me. And then I realized, "Wait a minute...THESE people are the ones who never put things behind them. And there is a problem here." a BIG problem.

I have to stop here for now, but I will add the actual names for proof. I am not just throwing it out there--it is the truth.


Well, you asked for it, didn't you?

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