Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Elections and Obama & Disabling Equality

I need to follow the news more.

In general, I think it's never a good idea to make drastic changes in the middle of war times or depressions, unless there is some markedly better strategy that cannot be supported by the current President.

The advisors and groups around are mainly the same. Every President is criticized or blamed when there is a depression and the blame belongs to others.

I value privacy and independence of conservatives but the thing is, even if a conservative was sworn in, would the plan be to just benefit the rich once again and promise it filters to the poor. The poor and middle class are so desperate right now, they will take even a short cut solution to improve things which may not be beneficial in the future.

And I cannot speak to whether I agree with some recent policies or not bc I'm not following--I'm trying to get work myself.

However, both democrat and republican parties are to blame for using those who have the most money in their parties, to create the laws which best protect their own interests.

People need better enforcement and protection of their civil rights and the guarantees that this country makes to them. There is no equality and equal protection when the laws are THERE, but no lawyer is willing to take it up and you only have a couple of ACLU type groups that pick and choose cases based, often, on politics for themselves as well.

When the rights of the people, or the poorer, are run through by even government officials who abuse their positions (as was the case with me in WA), and all efforts are exhausted to secure constitutionally protected help, and none is found, this is a problem.

It is a problem to have only the rich with accessibility to the courts for protection of civil rights. Being blocked from adequate representation DISABLES an entire segment of the population, making it subject to others who will then decide their fate for them.

I was NOT "disabled" until my rights were ignored, and I was abused by persons with more power, money, or political clout.

My natural "ability", like my natural "rights" were secure. That is, they were secure until those with more leverage began to use the law against me, to illegally cripple and disable me.

I can make a long list of the ways in which I have become disabled, and none of them have to do with organic mental illness or personality disorder. It is a "disability" that resulted directly from a kind of social disorder that must be corrected.

What is the use of a law if it cannot be put into effect or made use of? There may as well not be any law at all. It's null and void. Or, it is a law which only applies to the rich and is one that only the rich can afford to make use of. So then we have different law books for different classes or income levels. We have a law book for the rich. And then we have the slimmed down version for the poor.

I wanted the WHOLE gospel, and the whole Bible, the whole book for context and for my salvation but someone handed me a little collection of just 4 gospels from the NT.
I'm told that the whole Bible, for the poor, is chained up with the Judge and if I want the key or to read it for myself, to help myself, if I first give a mediator or lawyer at least $20,000 maybe that's a good start on the path torwards buying my equality and justice.

So really, with what's happened to me and my son:

Was I born free? or was I born a slave? If those who have every freedom are free by virtue of their money or income, don't they know that I am conscripted to indentured servitude, to them and to the system until or unless I "catch up" or "marry in"?

This leaves an entire segment of the population subject, SUBJECT in every sense of the word, to the abuses of those who are rich.

Sure, work hard and maybe you can still have the American dream. But if you ever said something about a group or spoke up about something that someone didn't like, believing ignorantly that your right to "free speech" and "self defense" is protected, and then discovering this unleashed the wrath of the patricians, or the status quo, is there really any way to CLAIM "equality" and equal protection under the law?

If the government is not providing "reasonable defense" and the State bars are not enforcing ethical rules and dealing severely with those who provide shoddy or corrupt work, then it should be the right of people to at least be PRO SE through any or every stage of a lawsuit, whether it is for civil or criminal and through appeal as well. And this person should also be able to recover for legal fees if they win. The fact that they had to go to all the effort to protect their rights on their OWN merits compensation for legal expenses.

I went to every single volunteer legal agency there was and was refused assistance. It was blacklisting and discriminatory. As a result of this combination of refusal of legal counsel, and abuse of the law by others (against me), and then throw in some good old-fashioned torture and defamation...I became


when this was the ultimate goal--to infringe and tread on my Ability.

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