Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Me Now (photos), not Me ow

Trying to be incognito (it's not working).

Hey! who thinks that's funny?! Stop laughing. 7:24 a.m. :)

The wind chill is below 1 degree at times here. I was thinking just yesterday that I wish I could wear a burka or find a good ski mask.

Lassie, ye won't be going to the mosque until ye learn to wear the scarf right. 'N be rid of yer churlish smile dearie.

(I put up a couple more along the same lines and then took them down for now. Might put them up again later. They're about the same thing and just a few of them. I took them of myself at 5 a.m. in a corner table of a cafe before anyone else was in or could see me. One was from a different day and I kept it because I thought, "HUH! whaddya know...the shadow is making the sign of a cross next to my head. HUH!")

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