Monday, December 27, 2010

God Must Love Hitchens

Well, I think God must really love Mr. Hitchens. But then Mr. Hitchens (and others) would say it's arrogant to say this.

I got something else about esophageal cancer, having no clue why I was led to it.

"Dietary molybdenum deficiency from low soil concentration of molybdenum has been associated with increased rates of esophageal cancer in a geographical band from northern China to Iran"

I got this from wikipedia on cucumbers. I looked it up today because the other day when I asked if I should pray or fast for him (last Sunday), I thought, what else could he get a tip about or what is he using? and I had "cucumbers" and then "cucumber seeds" come to mind.

I thought it was a little weird, and I've not read anything about cucumbers and then I just looked it up this morning, after thinking about my friend who has a different disorder (ank spondylitis) and it reminded me of what I had come to mind a few days ago.

So I found the properties of cucumbers from wiki. I focused on something called "molybdenum" and then looked up this mineral or property that is in cucumbers and I found a statement which is linked to this, that is found to have correlation to esophogeal cancer.

I guess it's nothing new.

But it's new to me!

I don't think I looked up cucumbers or molybdenum before but maybe I did last time I made a post about esophogeal cancers. If I did, it must have been my subconscious. But if not, it was a whole new thing that came to mind and it fits!

I mean, it was an impression that really led to something right (possibly).

Now I'm going back to looking up things for my friend, but I had to post this bc it came to my mind and I forgot to write it down.

I was getting something green and then I thought something in addition to this leafy or other green thing and then cucumbers came to mind and then the seeds. I don't know that the seeds are where this nutrient is found though. I have no idea. I first looked up cucumber seeds in general and couldn't find a lot so then went back to cucumbers and from there, felt tipped off to go to molybdenum.

(So anyway, can someone please give me a real job? Thanks)

I think from reading a little more, the molybdenum is found in the skin and then the seeds can help with the following:
"Cucumber seeds are used as a natural remedy to treat tapeworms, and as a diuretic. Bruised cucumber seeds mixed with water are used a natural remedy to reduce swelling in mucous membranes such as the nose and throat."

It looks like it is effective for probably a few different things.

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