Monday, December 27, 2010

Russian Weights & some harassment today

I discovered some kind of new weight today. I hadn't seen it before. It was called cowbells or something and it was a russian weight of some kind, she said.

I also had an impression of Vladimir (maybe) before he did his martial arts challenge but I didn't get any karate moves. It maybe was in his practice of prep or sparring though.

I saw more of a hand under a chin and kind of lifting someone up. Like grabbing someone by the throat or some kind of move associated with this and I had just that brief flicker, come to mind maybe a day or two before some things happened.
I have noticed a few people trying to harass me today, after they found out where I was but it seems very showy and juevenile at this point.

It is more of an evidence that they feel I am worthy to be noticed and these are people (some of them, many women actually who are very beautiful and professional looking) who think I am still some kind of threat.

It's not becoming. Most of the women I noticed, today, are white and have had dark hair or brown hair. Just in general.

A couple of men of color though, as well as a couple of white men, were watching and very interested in me when I had the burning thing happening once I plugged my computer in and turned it on. A few people came around the corner and were just staring at me. I disconnected immediately and it quit instantly. Then I tried later and no problem at all.

It was happening earlier this morning and then I left to go to church and the church was closed this week (I'd forgotten) and then I went back and as soon as I plugged it in I noticed this so I took out the lithium battery and did something else but there were a few people who came around to get my reaction at exactly that moment.

After they were gone, I tried again and no problem.

Following this, a lot of women with money passing by in vehicles, and turning to stare at me for whatever reason.

I guess they're jealous.

Or just wanting to keep an eye out to assess where I might be in comparison with them. I don't know why they would waste the time.

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