Friday, December 17, 2010

impression: "she's hot"

I have no clue where this came from, but one guy saying to others or at least one other, "She's hot."

At first I thought it was about heat as in temperature but then I got it as he meant attractive.

But I am not sure where the impression came from. It was in the last half hour.

I am guessing it was younger men, as I've not heard men over 50 years of age say, "She's hot" about a woman or young woman to another.

What was strange was that I just got it and when I wasn't thinking about it, I thought it had to do with something about temperature and then when I reflected on it for a minute and why it came to mind, the other meaning came through.

Maybe someone was watching the kim boyce video. I have no idea. Just random.

When I got it I had finished listening to Merchant's Carnival and I think I was getting into my hotmail account. So it had nothing to do with my train of thought. Just an impression that came through.

I had another impression earlier of someone being swung around as a young boy but don't care to elaborate.

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