Friday, December 17, 2010

My Knifed Boots (photos)

All photos were taken this morning, December 17th, 2010 in a Starbucks restroom (just wanted to get it done and out of the way).

Both boots together

Left boot
I need to take a better photo of the left boot. But the captions are beneath the photos. It gives an idea but when you can see better defition, it's obvious how all the incisions are the same, and were done intentionally. I told this officer, "The only way I could get that kind of a pattern from just walking around is maybe if I walked onto one of those spikey things for ruining car tires if they go the wrong way (and not even then, obviously.)

The incisions are roughed up and more jagged now because I've been walking around for 2 weeks after they were cut, but I think (hope) I am proving I'm not irrational. They were cut.

This is of my left boot. I need a better photo because you can barely see the outline of the incision but it's there.

My right boot with me (to show it's on my foot)

Photo close up of my right boot with a piece of gravel getting stuck inside one of the incisions.

Here are some photos of the incisions made to the heels of my boots. It's harder to tell, now that it's 2 weeks after the incident occured, and some rocks or gravel have made the cuts rougher, but you can still tell there are almost perfectly symmetrical and that the incision was done with a sharp instrument, made on both heels, in the same manner.

It happened when I was on my first day at work and left my boots locked up in a locker. I returned to find my boots had been sliced and diced and a panel of my locker had been pulled out from the side.

To me, it looked like something an officer would do. Who else would do that?

But to my knowledge, you would have to have a warrant and I never saw one. So is it possible for someone to get secret warrants these days and do impromtu searches without even letting the owner know?
I pay for the locker and they were telling me no one else can get into the lcoker except for some woman who is the "locker-keeper" and has a duplicate key. If you see what I mean, who would do this unless they were police? pulling out the metal side of my locker too? What kind of fucking IDIOT would do this?

And then, I'm sorry, officers trying to say, "Ohhh, wha? That looks like normal wear and tear." Where is the big eyes bugging out icon I can use for this kind of comment? If you ask me, someone in law enforcement owes me a brand new pair of boots for destroying my property. And then trying to make ME sound delusional. Or maybe "paranoid".

Send me a check fellows.
The thing is, I don't know how many people realize how much discrediting I have had happen, and some of the time I can't prove it. When I can, I try.

I can disprove the entire WA case with my son, with evidence, like this, and yet my lawyers refused to enter that evidence into the record.

I can turn everything around if I have help from a competent lawyer, including proving I have NEVER committed any crime or misdemeanor of any kind and that anything alleged has been false or on unconstitutional grounds.

When I have described other things happening, with technology, I'm not delusional about that either.


  1. This looks exactly like what happens when the heels of boots of start to break down. Nobody knifed your boots. You just need to get them resoled.

  2. No it's not.

    If there was a grain in the sole which would cause them to split into precise "v"s, of varying sizes, to expose a hollow boot underneath (which is now filled with gravel), sure.

    I checked to see if they possibly split along some kind of grain. They didn't. They were CUT with a sharp instrument and when you see them in person it's even clearer. I cannot take good photos with this webcam.

    Someone CUT my boots and at the SAME time, they pulled out an entire SIDE of my locker. Part of the metal was bent back, like someone was looking for something.

    Both of these things happened in the same locker, on the same day. The locker panel was fine before but someone pulled it out, I guess to check inbetween the two metal panels and see if something was stored there.

    There is no normal wear and tear. The last time I had boots, that my Ex had bought for me, I had all kinds of people wanting me to get rid of them so they could take them. There was a very high interest in getting their hands on my boots.

    My cell phones have all been stolen, although I lost at least 2-3, the others (10?) were stolen by people who work for the govt. and others.

    I really loved the scam where the DOJ (Dept. of Justice) guy groped and kissed me in the taxi just to get his hands on my cell phone and take off with it. THAT was my favorite "not-so-slick-wise-guy" move.
