Wednesday, December 22, 2010

more impressions with "i'll see you soon" & other

i've listened to this song again today.

i guess i just have a creative mind because today i saw couple ice skating routine. right before 'don't answer that' first standing upright and then stretching arm out with hand movement and then falling into a sitting spin at 'don't answer that'

then in the same thing with iceskating, seeing iceskating routines, with this song, i then had an idea or impression of queen elizabeth with a scope for a gun around 'in a telescope lens when all you want is friends' and i got the word 'affinity' with it, which i looked up.

first i got it like she is facing me head on from a great distance, with a scope and looking directly at me through it. then i got the other meaning, of being in the telescope lens.

so after the iceskating i imagined what would this song be like with queen elizabeth clips/ out of curiosity. not trying to be psychic at all, just from an imaginative perspective. (it must be funny to someone at this time, a little before 1:20 p.m.)

So I played it from the beginning and had this idea of E as a little girl stretching her gum way out. pulling it to see how far it would stretch. Then chinese string trap game where you have strings inbetween fingers. All carefree and little girl and then this before 'dont break your back' and then jump rope. then driving through with guards around. nothing really standing out until a very fast racing horse scene where she is riding privately somewhere and looked alone i thought and then second time, i saw with tears streaming down but riding so fast they practically flew sideways. but i know it's imagination because i imagined she was on the horse in a blue dress with a belt around the waist or something. hair shorter or bobbed and dark brown. like some kind of scarlet o'hara scene but faster and more focused than scarlet. then out with a scope and finding reporters off in the distance. then an interchangeable scene of setting something 'royal' down and then in the next minute, it's a turkey for a dinner for the family. Anyway. then before 'i'll see you soon' lots of letter writing and sheer curtains billowing with a breeze.

lots of ideas to generate with this song.

mainly, the best part, is seeing so many 'moves' from ice skating and gymnastics that i can't describe bc i don't have all of that vocab.

Anyway. Back to the application for the job.

Oh this is just great. I was then looking up what zip i've been using for General Delivery and I somehow screwed up the numbers and my post office is out 45 minutes in some area called Alexandria. I was trying to use the zip for a post office that was right next to my church downtown and I must be dyslexic bc i now have discovered my mail will be going way out of town to Alexandria, TN.

37023 is what i was using.

37203 is what it was supposed to be
(which is the one next to the episcopal church)and I have been screwing it up. I'm going to have to get my mail rerouted.

Of all things. i would like to know what the cosmic joke about Alex is.

I was mapping out where this place of employment is and it pulled up a zip and then i thought i'd better check and make sure my mail is going to the right place.


Alex is weird to me because i was sort of playing around with chat rooms and learning about a gift of prophesy or sort of intuitive abilities and i had prayed and asked God to tell me what might make a difference with my son. I got the name Alex. This was a year ago. it was before Christmas of last year. so i kept wondering who or what "Alex" was about. I had only known one 'Alex' and he was russian and i met him at a Seattle hostel. But I didn't know that it was about him specifically. i guess now that i think of it I used to know an Alex who had a brother, a long time ago. But I kept wondering what Alex was about. And then I had people sort of playing around with me on the idea, just to mess around or be suggestive and then sometimes joking too, like, 'is your name alexander?' or whatever. I looked up the name Alex on wiki. There was a hurricane Alex in june 2010 after I got this idea in 2009 (winter), which is kind of interesting but it wasn't a storm, I thought it was a person maybe. or code for something.

God ultimately makes the difference of course, but sometimes uses other people too.
the other impression i had was last night. i had this impression of a man sitting straight up in bed in the middle of the night. I was awake all night and i got this idea of a man just sitting up, from a sound sleep, and then pondering something, like from a dream wakening or eureka or something.
flood, first one i clicked on by jars of clay (decided to play it after coldplay):

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