Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Don't Know What I'm Doing (FYI)

Just so everyone knows, because I noticed all these different looks today...I don't know what I'm doing.

If anyone thinks I am making planned choices on where to go or what to do today, it's not true. I say this because I had all these people walk by shocked, like I did something really wrong and then some other looking very happy as if I did them a favor.

All I did was walk from the hotel (where I had to stay up all night) to politely refuse to eat the hotel breakfast when it was offered free (I took coffee but not breakfast, feeling if I can pay I should pay). Then I went to chapel and a pastor named Robert spoke and it was very good.

Maybe it's bc I went from there to the Dollar Store and maybe I should have thought about my Dad or something and gone to some great place? I have no clue. I just went there bc I needed something cheap to eat and I was dehydrated and needed a drink.

Maybe I'll skip it if it's a big deal next time. Then I went to the library bc I cannot handle hearing MYSELF complain about the technology and overheating. So I decided to go to other computers and not use my own right now while this is going on.

Then at some point I need to find a bank and I also have to check out this restaurant that I was tipped off about and see if it's still potential. I look terrible though but I am not allowed to go back to the place I was staying until after 4 p.m., so this is why I wore the same thing a second day. Got stuck.

I was going to go to Wells Fargo right after church but I forgot how to get there and needed a drink so that's what I did.

I also noticed it seems to be a big deal whether I'm eating or fasting right now. Let it be known: I'm eating. Eating light but eating today.

For heads up...if I can remember, I'm going back to church for 12 communion too. Just so it's no surprise to anyone. What do you guys want? my itinerary first thing every morning?! ;)

If what I'm doing or where I go makes a difference, it would be great to let me know bc so far, I'm not clued-in. I'm not mind-reading or "psychic-stepping". I'm just doing what I have to do right now.

I hope no one makes a big deal out of any of it because right now, I'm just in survival mode and trying to get things done and take care of business and be spiritual and practical at the same time.

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