Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Someone Deleted My Webcam

I was going to take photos of proof of arsenic poisoning, the lines in my toenails, for example, and someone deleted my webcam.

The other day someone was adding and deleting it over and again, and then tonight someone has shut down or instantly turned off my computer at least one time.

I am hoping the webcam reappears so I am able to get this evidence out.

Good. Now it's back. I guess I'll do it later. I only want to get the line and not my whole toe displayed. Feet from a distance are one thing but I don't care to put my literal toe-close up online. I think just the close up part so the line shows but I won't do it until later I think.

I got no sleep but a few things done. Had to prep my thoughts for approaching the FBI.

I am going to "classified information" on wiki. It has two categories "state secrets" and "top secret". Is this why I got the top bunk?

(Like they don't read my blog)

So anyway, what's classified?

TTSOML posts for (the true story of my life) were such an eerie reminder of the TS acroynm. Uh-huh. And to reveal knowledge of these things would be akin to espionage. Or others just like to allow dirty groups to do their own work so they can sit back.

Half of what has happened is not even Top Secret. It's known by half of the Wenatchee population. Which is the seriously scary thing. They KNOW and go along with it and contribute.

Top Secret means it would be severely damaging to the country if such information were released. Human experiments fall into this category. They always have and always will.

Many may know about things but those who document out of government interest stamp this stuff sealed. No one wants evidence in writing that people know it's happening and that it's allowed and encouraged. The definition of espionage:
Espionage or spying involves an individual obtaining information that is considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information.

If the government owns the information or collects the data, having someone release this would be considered espionage and the source would be endangered.

Kinda nice how a straw man can be created for this type of thing. If you have one cover as my being delusional or mentally ill, you can do whatever you want can't you? You can use anything in your power to try to discredit the person and ruin their life and be doing this as a vendetta but using the research aspect as the front. All you have to do is claim it's in the country's national interests and is important and then the sickos can get clearance and be sadistic, knowing they are
causing and creating pain of a mom and son.

To prevent prosecution (because they know it's crime):
Military capability intelligence (offensive, defensive, manoeuvre, naval, air, space)
Agents are trained by special military espionage education facilities, and posted to area of operation with covert identities to prevent prosecution
I had problems with the overheating from about 2 a.m. until now (7 a.m.). It was very bad and I was using my own laptop at a hotel. I decided to try their own business computer and since then, no problems. So this is very bizarre and I'm tired of it

The FBI can assist with this constant abuse as well. First, the matter with my son and how the rules and laws were disregarded. Then, the other things that are happening.

There is no excuse for this.

I mean, are diplomats, businessmen or politicians dealing with this? and are they just not saying anything bc it would ruin their careers?

Or is this only about torturing me, a woman.

Big men I say. These men must be very strong and brave and tough. Real tough guys.

Because we all know, all across the world, we know this: REAL men torture mothers and their children and keep themselves hidden. Because these men are reaal heroes and men of brawn and brains. They're the toughest of them all!

The women are very self confident and sure of themselves.

But the men! I wish I had one like this for a father to look up to, or someone like this to date. "Come on honey, torture her again. Do it again! pleeeeaaasee? Thank you. You are one real man. I look up to you so much for your tremendous values and heroism in the middle of absolutely daunting odds. It's like, nah, I've seen too many David and Goliath stories. I want a story about a REAL man who tortures and attacks mamas and their babies. Can I follow you? You are a real leader, that's for sure. You sure know how to stand up for what's right and it's amazing."

What a hero. Your names should be in lights in the history books. New Nazi's Torture Women One-on-One. Bravely torturing women who are powerless to defend themselves.

Oh boy do I want you on my side in a war. I'll be you're like those valiant Mexican warriors I hear about, the ones who get more purple hearts than anyone else. Yes, and I'm sure it's for your bold and courageous tactics against women and children.

Maybe mommy will give you Cashmere sweaters for the holidays. Did you tell your mommy what you want? You should give your mommy a call because I'm sure she misses you and would be so proud to hear about your talents. Maybe you could ask for special techno gloves with little shiny silver tips and flashing lights at the ends and then you can reeeaaaaallly feel cool.

Poor baby needs some pampering isn't that so?

Honey, do yourself a big favor and spend a little money on yourself okay? Find a nice salon and treat yourself. Maybe a nice little massage with a happy ending because you must be really fulfilled sexually. Only the big men have the special needs that you do honey.

You should get everything you wish for this holiday. You should get the cool little silver tipped flashing light gloves, and a really nifty golfing visor or something, and honey, you need some new video games too don't you sweetie? Poor baby is so bored and so exhausted with all this hard, hard work torturing mothers and little kids.

Honey, you need some mani-wax for your nails and pedis. And sweetie, how about a nice soft bum pad to soothe the sitting.

Why are you hiding yourself away? Do you know how many women are dying to have your silver tipped flashing light gloves on their bodies? Oh yes. They want you to talk to them about torture and your latest exploits. Tell them what you observed with your very own eyes and how BIG and POWERFUL and STRONG (ARRRRGGGGH!) you felt. Or how detached and delighted you once noticed as you recognized your sensitivity disappearing. You were turning into a real surgeon, a real soldier.


Nice to have two sides isn't it?

Everyone loved the Green River Killer. He was so charming and really had a way with women.

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