Thursday, December 30, 2010

More Wenatchee DSHS Corruption

I republished the copies of email I made yesterday.

The response I got was to do nothing because they would try to fix the situation and that it should be corrected by today.

So I didn't make further calls and I relied on the fact that this is their mistake, and I gave them the correct information and they are required to fix this.

Wenatchee knows that I am dependent upon this money and food assistance, after what THEY did to put me in this position to begin with.

They know that I have a court fine to pay as well, which is due in January.

I have email saved from the State, where they said they would email me about anything if it changed, to my benefits. I asked them to do this because they knew I was visiting out of the area.

I have NO intention of staying in TN and by refusing to correct THEIR intentional error, they have attempted to force me to take TN assistance when I am already with WA state for disability for 6 months. This is a 6 month grant and now they have intentionally refused to email me the notices I needed when they made the mistake.

As of today, after telling me to wait until today, they are saying they are "backlogged" which is BULLSHIT.

All it takes to fix this is pressing a button, and I've seen it done a dozen times because they have DONE this--CLOSED my account, a number of times because of their own errors and then opened it back up within minutes, upon getting the correct information or a notice from me.

Not only do I have a need to protect and ensure what food I'm eating, by having money to buy food, I also have no other income to rely on until or unless I have work.

So far, Nashville is a pit.

All that I've experienced in Nashville, is further extension of collusion from shit coming from both East Coast and West Coast.

The amount of violence has been drastically reduced, but not the BS because I found out, most of the assholes coming into this town, are coming from the same places I LEFT behind, because of the music industry.

So whereas, most normal people in Nashville are in surrounding suburbs and are normal, I am next to the area that has a flow of people who come in and out of this area and cause problems. Which is why I notice it more on certain days when people are traveling.

Which is also why I was going to Knoxille FBI to make my complaint, and not Nashville.

I have never told anyone I planned to live here permanently and if I do not have WORK here, why would I stay here for anything other than making my report to the FBI.

I have already had a few local Nashville law enforcement persons show me their shitty side and try to screw up my reputation over here.

There is no way in hell I am "staying" in a place like that, if there is no outcome of work, period.

I just sent this case worker a notice that these benefits must be immediately reopened.

It is THEIR fault and they did this deliberately by failing to email me notices that were important when they said they would.

As for any "gym membership", I used money given as a gift for this, and NOT with the intention of staying in Nashville either.

It was to pay for the flat fee that would enable me to use one of the gyms anywhere in the U.S.

I cannot travel back to Wenatchee without my benefit monies. I cannot get my belongings or my mail or anything, and this is because of Wenatchee offices, once again.

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