Thursday, December 30, 2010

This Morning (good energy) & laptop overheating stuff

Feels like good energy this morning.

Even though last night I discovered someone stole my only pair of tennis shoes, right after I bought a gym membership.

I bought the membership, went to my locker to put on my shoes and run to the gym, sauna, and the plan was to run back. But no shoes.

I have 3 pr. here now. The everyday boots, a pr. of black boots for church that are not scuffed up, and then I had my tennis shoes.

I guess I'll be in the sauna more than anything, until I get a new pr of shoes. Mabye yoga.

I was disappointed because I had planned to start running more and was wanting to join a small group too, to practice. It also cuts my time to the gym and back when I run. Or even into a third. It takes maybe 15 minutes to run there, as opposed to a 1/2 hour or more walking.

I am actually pretty sure of who took my shoes this time but I thought I'd give it a day to see if they turn up before I say anything. I am having to wait to report a couple of things for a couple of days and then I guess I could do it all at once. They were New Balance running shoes and had silver, pink or fushia actually, and a turquoise blue on them and the laces were sort of twisty or ribbon like...not straight laces but with grooves.
Put on "Second Mind" this morning. This is the one I found today and I like the first one I got better but this one's alright too.
As soon as I got to the Starbucks today, the overheating thing started. As soon as I turned on my laptop. So I know someone here has something to do with it but we'll see how long it is lasting.
I thought about walking to a chapel early this morning and decided to get a start on some other things first. I was tired and went to bed early and slept in and actually slept fairly well.

The last few days I was just tossing and turning, even thought there seemed to be some kind of good tangible energy from somewhere.
Yesterday had it's share of humiliating moments. Some of it was very deliberate and intentional and I let those who I knew "knew" know that I knew. How's that (knew, knew, know knew).

A teller deliberately said what my balance was out loud, in front of another man at the window and I knew it wasn't an accident. In all of my years of banking no one has ever done this and I knew, psychicly, that she had planned on doing this and it was even preplanned. It wasn't an accident and it wasn't spontaneous malice either. It had been preplanned.

I also noticed a "Wenatchee" vibe to all of it. Someone I knew from the NW was in the area and that person carries witchcraft vibes with them and I know when they are around. Sounds weird but just like I knew the twitch on the one guy wasn't from health stuff but from voodoo or other energy.

I went to the manager and the manager apologized but she already knew too and I said at the very least I should be reiumbursed $3 for the courtesy checks. This was nothing, for what she did but the manager agreed and then I saw that teller behind the counter and she was smirking as the manager also came out with a black bag and told me, "We would like to atone. We believe in making atonement for things we've done wrong." She kept using the word "atonement" and I said, "What she did was premeditated so I hope this isn't also a preplanned atonement." She startled because she didn't expect me to let her know I knew. Then as she was holding out this black bag I said, "I don't need a bag." Then she said there was something inside and I pulled it out and it was a box and as i said "what is this?" I opened it to find a carriage like that which horses pull. I let it drop back into the bag she was holding and said, "You can keep the carriage."

Not only did I know what was done was preplanned, I also checked with the teller first, to confirm my hunch, and asked how long she had been a bank teller there. She told me "Three years." I said, "So you knew what you were doing."

I asked how long she had worked there before I decided to talk to the manager. If she had been newer, I would have taken that into consideration even though I already knew it was preplanned. But no, she'd been there 3 years, she knew banking protocol and on top of that, what she did was deliberate. I didn't have mercy for her.

First it was being humiliated over getting "free coffee" and then preplanned humiliation and "atonement" gifts at a bank others knew I would have to go to, for getting a void check to put on the membership application.

It was a pretty shitty thing to do.

Otherwise, once I finished with this, and got back to looking for work, the day improved. Until I found my shoes had been stolen.

I was going to write about an impression I'd had in chapel the night before that involed a sword but after the whole "carriage" bit, I decided not to write about it yesterday.

Instead I thought, "I hope after that carriage comes the "sword" of a RICO investigation to get my son back and hold others accountable."

It was the night before, I asked what time it was and at 8 p.m. I had an impression of a man, just one, doing something with a sword. Waving it around or something.
Overheating...There was overheating of my laptop at the Starbucks until I decided to get up and instead of having my own table, sit directly across from another woman who has a laptop. Within about 5 minutes, it quit. My laptop is almost touching her laptop. I sat at her table and then she texted someone and then it quit.

The buzzing or humming of my laptop quit immediately but the heat didn't quit until I was sitting across from her and my laptop screen was almost touching her screen.

I figured, let's see what happens if I do this. Also, on one side of me were some workers working on a door and then she was on the other side of me. After I went to her table they quit working on the door.
Then the buzzing started again when the guys at the door went back to the door but it quit. Then something else started while this woman was still sitting here, and I turned and found there were 2 new persons here with laptops and other technology. One is a woman with a MAC and the other is a guy with a military style haircut and he was facing me when some of this was going on and so was she and then I moved again.

I always have problems at this Starbucks it seems. Other places, usually not, but almost every single time I come to this one, there is a problem.

Right at this moment, no issues. There is one older or middle age woman with curly hair who is now leaving and she's the only one who has been here the whole time.

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