Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Email Re. More Corruption From WA State Officials

RE: Your DSHS benefits‏
12:41 PM
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View profileTo,, geoff rasmussen, Baker, Timothy (DSHS)
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 12/29/10 12:41 PM
To:;; geoff rasmussen (; Baker, Timothy (DSHS) (


This is an emergency.

I clearly and specifically stated to YOU that I needed any mail sent to me by email. Period. I told you this very clearly by email and this email will be sent to your supervisor.

I am a resident of Washington state, NOT Nashville, TN.

I have not changed my address and I have been visiting some friends and family and checking this area out.

I would not be a resident of TN unless I had plans to move here permanently, had resided here for 6 months, or unless I moved all my assets to TN.

My bank, assets, property, address, and everything is still in Washington state. I have not lived in TN for 6 months either.

I told you if there was any important mail, LAST time, that it needed to come to my email address.

YOU KNEW this and I feel you have intentionally kept this information from me so I ended up in this position.

I want to open my benefits and the month is NOT over.

I would like to have a telephone call as I did a few weeks ago, with someone to confirm any eligibility issues.

Please make this arrangement and please immediately send me any and all attachments for mail that was sent to my other address.

I am NOT a resident of Tennessee and I have NO intention of becoming one if I am employed here. I have ZERO intentions of ever applying for any kind of state aid from TN and I will be on a plane out of this country, and getting political asylum over constatn and repeated BS from state employees who are already being reported for collusion and corruption.

If I need to do this from abroad, I will be more than happy to do so.

This will be posted on my blog for my personal protection and public recognition.

I'm sure you've already seen the photo of further evidence of arsenic poisoning which WA state law enforcement and officials failed to address and blocked me from reporting.
Thank You,

Cameo Garrett

Subject: RE: Your DSHS benefits
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 09:40:02 -0800

Hi Cameo,

I was out of the office last week. In looking at your case today, here’s what I found:

Several letters have gone out to you in October, November, and December. Before I go through all of them, approximately when did you start not being able to access your mail?

The grant reduction from $339 to $266 is actually to take effect January 1, 2011. That letter was sent on 11/29/2010.

Three more letters have been sent to you in November (none from me or any other social worker, only from financial workers). An 11/30/2010 letter stated again that your grant would go down to $266/mo starting January 1, 2011. The letter dated 12/10 was a request for information and stated that “You have been using your EBT card in Tennessee since 11/22/2010. You will need to contact us by 12/21/10 and provide information on whether you are still a Washington resident or your benefits will be closed. You will then need to apply for benefits in Tennessee.”. Then, on December 20, 2010, a termination letter was sent stating that ‘you aren’t eligible for assistance….cash, food, and medical are ending as we have received notice you have given up Washington residence, relocating to Tennessee.”.

Financial closed your food, cash, and medical benefits effective 10/31/2010. Their 12/20/10 letter states:

“You can: Apply for benefits, submit a review, or report changes at or fax information to DSHS at 1-877-700-9031. Call 877-501-2233 to process an application or review, report changes, or ask questions.”

From: cam huegenot []
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 6:38 AM
To: Weddle, Donita (DSHS)
Subject: From Cameo Garrett
Importance: High

Hi Donita,

This is Cameo. I'm still visiting friends through the New Year and wanted to be sure I'm not missing anything important that you have mailed.

I don't have access to my mail in Wenatchee right now so if there is anything for me to be aware of, please send it to this email address.

Also, any information on changes of any kind is also appreciated.

I'm so far just expecting the same food stamps and same cash on the 1st but I heard that as of Feb. the cash is reduced and I'd appreciate getting more info on this as well.

Thank You,

Cameo Garrett

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