Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sound on my Computer Gone & Other Things

I don't know what someone has done, but I've had people hacking onto my laptop. And now my sound to music is gone. I tried unchecking the mute box, or looking at all the volume controls and it doesn't make a difference. It's been this way as of yesterday but yesterday a couple of songs came on here and there.

Which I find to be malicious work, as I had just sent my mother an email referring to the song American Pie (and the day the music died) and then someone did this to my computer.

I also have, close to 8 a.m., someone doing the overheating thing since I got here and plugged in this morning. It happened when I turned on the laptop and I moved and it quit and then about 15 or 20 minutes later it started up again. Right now, it is just before 8 a.m. I also have someone deleting and adding my webcam over and over, in the last 5 minutes. I'm not using it but it's making the noise that is made for this being deleted and then added (new hardware). So now I'm wondering if my music volume is on. I checked and it's not. Someone is allowing the sound for hardware being added or deleted but all of the sound for all music videos through youtube is blocked.
My skin looked very good after the sauna yesterday. Eyes too. Everything looked better.

I'm not taking certain vitamins right now though, bc others have access to them and I can't be 100% sure that I'm getting what I think I'm getting. So I'm postponing until I have some other things in line.
For the last 3 nights I've been tossing and turning. Last night I did get normal sleep but still woke up several times. Got up just before 5 a.m.
Yesterday and today I had plans at night, and in the morning, of going to Starbucks but I changed plans last minute to check something else out.

I am positive that this burning thing is done by people who are more local. I can tell bc of the interest in observing me that comes up when this is happening. Some of the criminals who have a part in it want to watch or see my reaction and if I notice and what I do.
As of about 8:30 a.m., or a little after, someone quit the overheating. I don't know how but it stopped. Someone must have either moved or someone else came in next to them and they decided to quit.

And what I am reporting about this, is not crazy. It is true and I'm reporting this as a fact in the same way that I was poisoned and my son and I have been tortured is a fact.

Basically, it quit and then it started up again.

Not sure why, but also saw some leaving from a church I went to who were among very few present while I was there and this happened there. She has been there a number of times.

by the way, it's not psychic, either, so anyone claiming that's what it is while something else is going on, is trying to manipulate people.

But she has been there before and then he showed up one time when it was really noticeable but once he was in the chapel then it quit and there wasn't any problem during the service. I wondered about that. Why was it happening right up until the time he entered the chapel?
As for the weather, it's been beautiful here.

The wind went down completely and the sun even came out. Today it's about 40 degrees and cloudy and there is supposed to be light rain sometime. I'm just happy that it didn't dump 5-8 inches of snow and that even the wind went away. Getting sunlight was an unexpected blessing besides.
Last night I noticed good energy during chapel but I don't really think it was from the speaker.

I noticed something from somewhere and the speaker said good things, but I kept wondering because she would throw in these comments here and there that would have been known to upset me. And she was talking to all mothers when she said to let things "go" and move on with letting kids go (teens distancing and then coming back) but for me, that's just the absolutely opposite of what I know for my own life personally. There is time for everything. But there is no way in hell that I would let my son "go" and "move on" frommy particular situation. And also, she was saying God allows different things to happen, in talking about presidents and other people in their positions and that it's all God and I disagree. I didn't disagree with the president part, but the idea that anything or everything that happens is "god's will" kind of a thing. If everyone went with that philosophy, there would be no United States of America and we would all still be under old British rule where there is only a king and being told to obey the king because he is god's appointed and annointed and god "allowed" this and we are to be subservient slaves. That was the argument then, that since the Bible says obey the king and give him taxes, there should be a king. It took other theologians work to say no, this is about god giving free will to everyone and the Bible says we are equal in the sight of God, no jew or gentile, all are equal. There would be no Civil War and revolution for the blacks either, because they would accept it to be "god's will" to be a slave and make the master happy. No, instead they highlighted other parts of the Bible which talks about equality for all.

I liked all of her message, and every part of it except for the 15 minutes comment and the part about letting things go. I understand what she was trying to say though. It just rubs me the wrong way because while I can let a lot of things go, I will never let go of my son. Ever.

I have a very good civil rights claim and RICO claim for what has happened with my son, and I want my son back. I am not moving on, or moving from that.

I have given up all meat for part of a continual fast. It doesn't have anything to do with wanting to be a vegetarian or animals (though I care about animals). I like meat. I like all of it: beef, lamb, pork, chicken, everything...but I have tried to give up even fish in addition to meat, for the sake of reminding myself I cannot have something because of what is going on and it helps bring my attention to think of or pray for the situation.

I can't fast the way I want to all the time or I'll be too thin. But I have said I am not going to move from God or from his side or his hem or anything, until HE answers me and until people do the right thing with this situation with my son. So to symbolize this, I am not moving from part of my fast.

I will have no problem going back to eating meat either. I have no reservations with it. But for right now, it is symbolic to me with regard to my and my son's circumstances.

If I add other small fasts on top of that, this is just additional or something different, but the part I decided to keep was to try not to eat meat. I have been refusing fish too but not because I don't like fish. I love seafood. But the point is not how high the animal is on the food chain but to give something up that will come to mind a lot and then serve to remind me of what I cannot have or will not allow myself, and then think about WHY.

I tried to do this with sleeping on the floor but after awhile I slept on the floor as a habit and didn't think about it at all, but not eating meat forces me to think of choices almost every single day because so many things I like have meat or fish in it. But this isn't something I'm doing forever either.

As for not drinking alcohol at all, it has nothing to do with a change in my value system or anything. I haven't had even one drink of liquor since I've been in TN but it's not because I believe drinking now and then is wrong and I have never had a problem with it either.

I drank on occasion in Wenatchee, because that town DROVE me to drink. Literally.. I was being tortured almost every day, isolated, and bored out of my mind.

But I have never had a problem with alcohol and *some* in Wenatchee lied about this, along with everything else they lied about.

As for my going to church a lot over here, it is not divergent in any way from my regular habits. I always prayed and read my Bible, even in Wenatchee, every day. It just wasn't in public because I had a private place to pray. When I no longer had a private place, I found a church and you can pray anywhere, anytime, no matter where you are and what you do (eyes open or not) but I found myself in the chapel more because it gave me more time uninterrupted. And then I found I liked agreeing with others in prayer and for the scripture readings. Where two or more are gathered...there am I in the midst of thee, (I started thinking I didn't want anyone to be alone during the morning prayers)and I enjoyed following the advent hymns and liturgy.

But it's not like I'm a different person now than I was before. I have actually almost always been the same person. What changes, is how much exposure to torture, harassment, isolation, mockery, poison, nonconsensual medication, or defamation I have. And of course these things influence or would affect anyone.

There is nothing fundamentally different about me from one day to the next and there never has been.

On a sidenote, when I felt the *best* while fasting was when I was only having mainly tea and water everyday. And a few other liquids. After awhile, very in-tune with things and I never felt so much energy. I was running all over the place and felt like running too. Then I started eating and felt sluggish again, which was really weird.
I stopped having any issues with the overheating effect.

However, then, for whatever reason, I had a small problem with a few who work here and I am sure this is related to someone who didn't like what I had written. Or some obnoxious member who tried to make a complaint for no reason other than to hope I was harassed.
The woman who spoke at the chapel yesterday said she was from Washington D.C. (I will have to go through and organize all these snippets later).

It was very odd to try to figure out because something seemed to be very good and then something else wasn't so good. There was good energy but there was also a game and a few things said that weren't very nice. I asked about her and got some kind of impression of a heel on the gas pedal or being pissed in traffic or something.

I guess I just have problems when I start bringing up RICO and making a report, or I write about things that are going on or get too close to something. Then someone wants to disrupt things and insult me or get others to act badly.
I'm really tired of this harassment though. I had this woman block me from using a restroom and say to me, loudly, "You can't have any free coffee unless you're a member here."

Hello Pretty Woman (except that I've never been a hooker).

It was so rude, and without any point at all. I wasn't even getting "free coffee". I was on my way to use the restroom and I guess the point of it all was to upset me through her course of speech, so that I would ask to speak to the manager and someone then got to ding-ding and ring in their points for being assholes and trying to predict what I or any other normal person in that situation might do.

I said, "I am using the restroom and I wasn't getting any coffee." (it wasn't even in my mind to have coffee there that day)

She said, "Well, I was told you have been here for 3 days and you haven't signed up and you had free coffee."

I said, "I used a free guest pass yesterday and I was invited to have some of the coffee and I did this on that one day--yesterday. Today, I purchased a soup from your cafe and was waiting for the bank to open. The day before, I purchased 2 lattes and talked to someone about membership and then arragned for a guest pass the next day."

She said, "You can't use our bathroom if you're not a member."

Just ridiculous.

I am not sure whether one would call this a "soft sell" approach or a "hard sell".

But she just loudly and publicly was humiliating me as if I was coming in all the time for "free coffee". It was so horribly rude.

Monday: I bought 2 lattes and asked about membership and then asked to try a guest pass.
Tuesday: I used the guest pass and was going to sign up but she had left for the day. I sampled their *free coffee*.
Wednesday: I purchased broccoli cheddar soup and asked one more question about year long membership options. I blogged while waiting for the bank to open.

For this, I got a very public and mean attack.

All so that someone could feel good about themselves with their humiliation of me. Then I asked who told her to say these things to me and she was pointing at the woman who was going to help me with the membership whose husband does some kind of security work somewhere.

I felt shocked and it was totally rude, and then there were people around to witness who got off on it. It made me not want to sign up at all.

The manager said he would take care of it but I still don't appreciate there being made anything of it to begin with. It was a set up and I didn't like it. Set up in the sense of someone instructed to be rude to me on purpose.

I'll pay for the membership and avoid some of them like the plague--Totally uncalled for.

I had asked her a couple of questions today because I wanted to know about year-long membership options and find out about the rates and then have time to go to the bank. She said there was no difference.

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