Tuesday, December 28, 2010

overheating of computer and manipulation/and sauna

I chose to sit on one side of a table after going to a sauna. This is where I wanted to sit.

Then, I started having the overheating of my laptop or whatever so I had to switch seats and now it's stopped, but I'm pissed.

I'm pissed because some assholes have tried to run my life based on what use they make of totally illegal technology. They have manipulated or tried to manipulate where I go and what I do with this.

Sure, I can move. I know this. But I don't appreciate the ability of criminals getting away with this.

When I was writing about the FBI and to the FBI earlier, everything quit. The other day the same thing happened. It stopped almost immediately.

These people who are doing this, as I have said before, do not deserve to live..

They continue to torture others and repeatedly violate humanitarian principles. I used to feel some sympathy but after this has continued for more than a year, I have none. Their time is up. Period.

I don't care who they are, what they do, who they know, and for what purpose they have done this. I do not care. They do not deserve to live and that is that.
Right now, at this moment, everything is fine. But it wasn't.
At any rate, I can't even go to a sauna anymore without it being a big deal. I don't remember this in the past. In my past life, that is. I used to go to the sauna all the time and I sort of remember wondering why a few college women seemed so interested but other than that, nothing I did seemed to be a big deal, or I was clueless and never noticed.

I had zero problems in the sauna at least. I was in for over an hour, which is usual for me. I don't think I have ever followed the 30 minute rule, but it's a good rule for people with health problems.

I don't know if I like the dry sauna or the steam room better. I like both probably but chose the dry one because of the smell of the wood and that makes it seem cleaner. But in the past I've really liked the steam room and felt a lot more energy after using it. I would steam, go for a run, and then steam again. It's good for warming up the muscles before a run, in combo with stretching.

Then I looked up info on saunas and steam rooms and there are a lot of health benefits--some I hadn't thought of, including the detox of heavy metal poisoning.

I don't think I've ever gone in naked. Too shy. In my own house maybe, but not in public. And I have to get a swimsuit for swimming again.

I am either joining a Masters swimming team or a running team. And maybe something I've never tried before if I can find something cheap. Some of my best friends, that I have to this day were made on sports teams. Then a few through church, school, or being a nanny. My sports and church friends are the ones I still have.

I like swimming but it's not the most social sport. Not only is it sort of individual, but you're underwater the whole time. It's not like running where you run and talk at the same time during practice. But I like both. Then I don't know what I'd do besides that and yoga or pilate classes. But I might want to take up a hobby or something totally different from anything I've ever done before just to branch out but I don't know what yet.

I was thinking...what? rowing? a mechanics class?

but those things cost more money...but something as divergent as that. Once in college, I could put a few new things together but right now without much work or anything, it's a challenge to think of something that doesn't cost a lot.

Probably my only option is to find some geek squad and join a chess club. That seems very time consuming though. It's cheap, but some of those games last for hours.

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