Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Photo Proof Of Arsenic Poisoning (symptom)

(see at bottom for explanation of why I chose this more fuzzy and indistinguishable photo. I have some that are clearer but I asked a woman if she could see the line and I didn't point it out and she traced the outline with her finger and said, "Right there" so I figured this is good enough for now. It goes from one side of the nail to the other. It's on another toe as well and is much more distinct and visible in person...it's bright white.

It fits the symptoms and signs for arsenic or rat poison (from National Institute of Health on arsenic: ..."Arsenic poisoning may cause white lines and horizontal ridges."). I have pigmentation changes on my arm that followed right after I had profuse bleeding over a year ago, in Sept. or October. This was why I chose to stay in the Seattle area rather than go to Wenatchee because I was afraid of bringing this kind of thing back over to my son or have someone follow me there. CPS claimed I had chosen to "abandon" my son by quitting visits and they knew what was going on. They are liars and have lied from Day One. All I need is the FBI to help me prove it.

This was also when I had this crazy, crazy, and obstructive mental health worker go to Virginia Mason, after I had filled 3-4 toilets full of watery blood from rectum, and she said she was writing ME up as "psychotic". She said her name was Chris and that she didn't believe I was in danger of any kind so since she didn't believe it, I was psychotic and she wanted to admit me to her mental hospital. This was when I said, "At the very least, my labs show objective documentation that my potassium alone was low enough for anyone to have been admitted to ER, and I was having dizziness, blurred vision, and heart palpitations because of it. Will you add this lab to your file on your psychological opinion?" And she said, "No. And if you have low potassium, eat a banana." To which I replied sharply, "Yeah, a whole bunch." And then I ordered her to leave the room. She tried to refuse and I said, there is a witness present and you know very well that if you think I am so psychotic, you have a legal right to admit me, against my will, to your mental ward. However, you know that I am NOT psychotic and you have no power over me and I therefore am asking you to dismiss yourself NOW." And her eyes got big and then she swept out of the room with a glare.

After this happened, Michelle Erickson with CPS happily obtained this psychologist's report against me and failed to obtain any other medical record which supported the fact that I was not crazy. They reduced all visits with my son thereafter. They cancelled over half of them, at the last minute and then ultimately blocked me from seeing my son at all.

And I can prove, beyond any shadow of doubt, that they are corrupt and they are liars.

I can prove they were obstructing justice and in collusion and kidnapped my son from the start and then lied to cover up their actions afterwards.

Why didn't this go into my defense? or the public legal record? because the public defenders I was given were corrupt. Period. They blocked me and refused to enter my evidence into the record.

I still have a burnt part of my tongue from when I took this poisoned cigarette that I was given. I gave an accurate description of the women involved and I had people trying to block this as well. This was separate, but around the same time, when I then started tasting this metallic taste in my mouth and almost passed out. This was when I decided not to go in the ambulance when I saw how they were acting when they arrived and without my saying anything first, the guy asked me if I had a metallic taste and then grinned about it. He was glad about it and they were creepy. I thought about Princess Di in the ambulance and said to myself, "You are NOT going into that ambulance. Breathe."

I took a photo of my toenail but I don't really want to post it because I haven't had a pedicure. Not only that, I let the nail grow bc I was unsure about whether to cut it if someone is going to try to help diagnose this finally.

I had the pigmentation changes right away, when I was in Seattle and Bainbridge and bleeding in the toilet. My nails also changed from what they looked like before. They have not gone back. But it was such a slight change, only a few people, including a heavy metals specialist, were able to recognize the markers.

I have still been given different medications and poisons so I'm not "paranoid" to try to be careful.

In the last week or two, a couple of lines appeared on my toenails. You can barely see it on a photo but in person it's much clearer. Then, on the other toes, there are not lines like this, that are white, but sort of a deep indented ridge in the same place. It's not white but the toenail indents into a line on the other toes. Which, from what I read, is a symptom of arsenic or some kind of poisoning.

I'm not happy about putting toes online but I am only trying to prove to the public what has been hidden and what kind of crazy cover up I've been dealing with (with me and my son).
Okay, i found them through looking up another way. They were reorganized.

I have a really good one but I think I'm only uploading the one that's blurry bc I don't want to showcase my toe.

It makes it nearly impossible to see the line but it's there enough to notice and get an idea I think.
I looked up Mees lines, Beau's lines, Meurk's lines. What I have is Mees. When I look at them, they fit the description of Mees which is associated with arsenic.

The one with the white line is not indented or grooved there but some of the other nails have grooves in the same approximate place.

It's not from shoes because I've been wearing the same boots since last summer and nothing like this unless there was something "in" the boots that additionally contributed.

But as for being too tight or wearing on my feet, this is not the case.

It's from being poisoned and I've had this and other things happen a number of times, and in the middle of serious collusion and frank conspiracy to cover up things I've tried to report.

This is why I have been asking for an investigation for so long, and I want my son back.

My son is safe with me and only me. And with an investigation in effect and protective measures for both of us.
Here is a wiki on arsenic poisoning.

It appears that I was wise to eat and chew raw garlic cloves a few weeks ago. I guess I should eat more (ick).

I didn't know it, but recent research was done using garlic as a detox for arsenic poisoning. I was eating it for my cold.

Wouldn't it have just been fantastic if I had died, or keeled over, sometime after the state secured an illegal grip on my son sometime after November? right after I got away to a different state? I wonder what in the world it could have been blamed on--but by that time, no one would care. I wouldn't be able to report things anymore, or be that firsthand witness to collusion that the CPS workers, and others, feared.


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