Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oye Como Va & Energy

First song I selected today was Santana's Oye Como Va.

I was going to play Sanctus and decided, think Santana.

I went to a couple of different services today, all equally nice.

First the 7 a.m. service which is solemn and without music and I thought I would stay for the next service just to sing and for the music.

It's been slightly weird. But things are better. Weird as in I knew someone didn't want me to curl my hair overnight for church today. Last night. Why, I don't know and then I was picking up on something about someone being there that they didn't want me to look nice for. I have no idea who because no one stood out to me, but I trust my instincts. My curly hair is such a serious threat to the social order of things. What I'M curious about is who it was...who? who?

I am dying to know.

I didn't look very good. I didn't even much make up. I was prevented from getting my curlers for my hair. So this morning at the mirror I prayed it's about God and not me and that if someone was there who God intended to have an interest in me, my appearance wouldn't get in the way of anything.

I even had some people deliberately trying to steer me away from getting to the services. So it had to be something.

I went to the 7 and then breakfast and then for the 8:30 a.m with the children's choir and I didn't know this is when the kid's choir was held. I was so surprised because in this service they had the "Sanctus" and then this other thing I noticed last night "Triagus?" or something and then another. And then hymns. I really enjoyed it and it was great timing to hear or learn something new after having just looked up the meaning of Sanctus.

Then I was immediately invited to go from the 8:30 service to contemplative prayer upstairs.

During the services, I had a couple of distinct energy impressions.

Oh! One major thing was last night. I suddenly began to feel the best, strongest, good energy last night. It was between 8-10 p.m. All of a sudden, very good energy. Like someone or a lot of people praying or something.

Then, at service, at about 8:50 a.m., I suddenly felt it again. Right in the middle start of the 8:30 service. I looked at my cell phone to check the time and when I did, it beeped loudly in the middle of service. BEEP! BEEP! The couple in front of me turned to eachother, dismayed and I saw some solemn heads shaking.

I hadn't thought it would make any noise. But I documented the time thereabouts.
I think I haven't been careful enough with my food again. I'm trusting things I shouldn't be trusting. Today I feel completely nauseous after eating. Which is not like me and I have a tough stomach. I think I got a bad cupcake or something.

I almost felt like I was going to pass out when I was walking back into town and then I got very nauseous and sick feeling. I've been to the bathroom a few times.

If I ever find out someone is doing something to my food, there will be no end to my wrath.

I know it's not from the cafe because I watched them pour the hot water fromthe faucet.

Right after I ate today I saw myself in the mirror and said to someone next to me "Oh my gosh. I look like I've been drugged." She said what, and I said, "My eyes. I just looked at myself and I don't look the same."

Then I had egg nog which probably didn't help matters.
I'm feeling a tiny bit better but still nauseous. Bathroom trips and then felt a little better.

anyway, with the energy earlier. Last night it was good. Then this morning, waves of good and then conflict-=something sad and I wondered if some other person or party was either conflicted or two groups were registering with me--one happy and the other tormented. It was coming and going in waves today. Ebb and flow. And then I noticed during contemplative prayer. Good and then sort of gone or sad or something in the way...and then coming through. Ebb and flow.

I prayed that if anyone was suffering they wouldn't suffer so badly.

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