Saturday, December 11, 2010

UK sites (blocking me)

I just registered for a site that I think is european in some way and I have not received the confirmation link.

I think it's UK because it uses vocab like "ginger" and "favourite" and that sort of thing.

I'm not getting my mail.

Then I had sent a question once to a church in England and the pastor never responded. I guess he did and then ignored answering my simple question. Which I thought was sort of rude, esp. for a pastor. I did write something about a photo where I thought the people looked like "hooligans" but then I deleted it right away.

Then, anytime I've used a UK site for anything it seems, there is just crazy stalling and the whole site goes on "repair" for weeks. This happened right after I had registered for a UK psychic network and then a chatroom.

I thought, "What the hell is going on."

MI5 doing the repairs?

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